getUserId(); const DEFAULT = 2; const ONDEMAND = 4; const AUTO = 8; const FAST = 16; const PASSIVE = 32; var RANK_TBL_ROW_COUNT = 4; var lastTimeRank0 = ""; var lastTimeRank1 = ""; var lastTimeRank2 = ""; var lastTimeRank3 = ""; var lastTimeRank4 = ""; /*** * DataObject DO * @param cname * @param serverJsonObj * @constructor */ var DataObject = function(cname, serverJsonObj){ this.ctlName = cname; this.jsonObj = serverJsonObj; this.getVal = function (key) { return jsonObj[key]; }; this.serVal = function (key, val) { jsonObj[key] = val; }; }; /*** * DataObjectList * @param name * @constructor */ var DataObjectList = function(name){ this.ctlName = name; this.list = null; this.isSorted = false; this.preSort = []; /*** * sorting * @param comparator (a,b) =====> a - b */ this.sortBy = function(comparator){ this.preSort = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) this.preSort.push(list[i]); quickSort(this.preSort, 0, this.preSort.length - 1, function(l, r){}); }; this.clearData = function () { this.isSorted = false; this.preSort = null; this.list = null; } this.len = function() { if(this.list == null) return 0; return this.list.length; }; this.mergeJsonData = function (data, extdata) { this.list = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) this.addObject(data[i]); }; this.addObject = function (jsonObj) { this.list.push(new DataObject(this.ctlName, jsonObj)); }; this.assignJsonData = function (data) { this.clearData(); this.mergeJsonData(data); }; this.getRaw = function (index) { if(this.list == null) return null; return this.list[index]; }; this.getSorted = function (index) { if(this.list == null) return null; if(!this.isSorted) return this.getRaw(index); return this.preSort[index]; }; this.quickSort = function (a,left,right,comp){ if(left>right){ //一定要有这个判断,因为有递归left和i-1,若没有这个判断条件,该函数会进入无限死错位递归 return; } var i=left, j=right, pivot=a[left]; //基准总是取序列开头的元素 while(i!=j){ while((comp(a[j],pivot) > 0)&&i 100){ obj.failedCount = 0; obj.stopTimers(); console.log("[排行榜返回为空git clone次数过多],暂停刷新"); } if(obj.failedCount == 2) { send_alert("排行榜多次返回没有数据,请尝试重新加载! [" + obj.appUrl +"]"); } }else{ obj.list.assignJsonData(output.list); } }; this.getList = function () { return this.list; }; this.passiveUpdate = function(data){ this.failedCount = 0; this.list.assignJsonData(data); }; this.init(); }; var SinglePage = function () { this.modules = []; }; var Module = function(chartContainerSelector, dataCtlName){ this.selector = chartContainerSelector; this.dataCtl = dataCtlName; this.activeData = null; this.lastActive = 0; this.tickInterval = 1000; /*** * bindData to UI * @param data DataObjectList */ this.setData = function (data) { if(data.ctlName == this.dataCtl){ console.log(`-------- Module ${this.selector} got data ----------- `); this.activeData = data; this.drawData(this.activeData); }else{ console.log(`-------- Module ${this.selector} cannot use data of ${data.ctlName} ----------- `); } }; this.init = function () { // do init this.setupInterval(); }; this.tick = function () { // do tick }; this.setupInterval = function () { // do tick if(this.tickInterval != 0) clearInterval(this.tickInterval); this.tickInterval = setInterval(this.tick, this.tickInterval); }; this.drawData = function () { // do drawData }; }; var RedRankTable = new Module("#table-rank", "fcBiWorkerDaily"); RedRankTable.slideLen = 16; RedRankTable.slides = 0; = 4; RedRankTable.partLen = 4; RedRankTable.curSlide = 0; RedRankTable.drawData = function (data) { // showSlide this.showSlide(this.curSlide, data); }; RedRankTable.showSlide = function (slide, data) { for(var part = 0; part <; part++){ this.showPart(slide, part, data); } }; RedRankTable.showPart = function(slide, part, data){ var lpos = slide * this.slideLen + (part * this.partLen); var rpos = slide * this.slideLen + ((part+1) * this.partLen); var partList = []; for (var i = lpos; i < rpos; i++) { var one = data.getSorted(i); if(one == null || one == undefined) { partList[partList.length] = {passNum : 0, failNum: 0, failRate: 0, workerId: 0, fcDay: new Date().toLocaleDateString()}; } else { partList[partList.length] = one.jsonObj; } partList[partList.length - 1].color = true; } redrankvue.part[part] = partList; }; RedRankTable.tickInterval = 1000; RedRankTable.tick = function(){ var totalDataLen = this.activeData != null ? this.activeData.len() : 0; if(this.slides != Math.ceil(totalDataLen / this.slideLen)){ this.slides = Math.ceil(totalDataLen / this.slideLen); this.curSlide = 0; } else { this.curSlide = (this.curSlide + 1) % this.slides; } }; RedRankTable.init(); var FlowRealTime = new (function () { this.pgName = "flowDashBoard"; = new SinglePage(this.pgName); this.scheduleId = utils_get_param("scheduleId"); this.flowId = utils_get_param("flowId"); if(scheduleId == null || flowId == null) { send_alert(`清重新进入本页面! 返回主页 `); return; } this.flowPlace = " % flowPlace %"; this.flowName = " % flowPlace %"; this.scheduleLoadDataService = new DataObjectService("fcWorkScheduleLoad", ONDEMAND /*AUTO & FAST*/, "?scheduleId=" + scheduleId); this.oaStaffService = new DataObjectService("fcWorkScheduleLoad", ONDEMAND, ""); this.sectorService = new DataObjectService("fcWorkScheduleLoad", ONDEMAND, ""); this.flowService = new DataObjectService("fcFlow", ONDEMAND, ""); this.workerDailyService = new DataObjectService("fcBiWorkerDaily", ONDEMAND | AUTO | FAST, "?type=1"); this.MeduimData = new (function () { this.initializeUsers = function(list){ list.forEach(function (val, it, arr) { var isExist = false; userIDs.forEach(function (vals) { if (vals == val.userId) { isExist = true; } }); if (!isExist) userIDs.push(val.userId); }); }; })(); this.initPage = function() { setInterval(this.tick, 1000); }; this.tick = function(){ RedRankTable.setData(FlowRealTime.workerDailyService.getList()); }; this.Action = new (function (parent) { this.parent = parent; this.doStopSchedule = function () { get_data("fcWorkSchedule/stopSchedule?userId=" + userId + "&scheduleId=" + scheduleId, this.parent.UI.showStopSuccess, this.parent); }; this.confirmStopSchedule = function () { var out = confirm("真的要下班吗?"); if (out == true) { this.doStopSchedule(); } else { } }; })(this); this.UI = new (function (parent) { this.p = parent; this.showClearPanel = function () { $("#clearModal").modal('show'); }; this.showStopSuccess = function (obj, sta, scope) { send_alert("下班操作成功! 点击这里返回控制主页 "); }; this.bind = function () { $(".confirm-clear-data").click(function(){ FlowRealTime.ClearDataControl.clearDataOfDeviceId($('#handInput').val()); }); $(".open-clear-panel").click(function () { FlowRealTime.UI.showClearPanel(); }) $(".close-schedule").click(function () { FlowRealTime.Action.confirmStopSchedule(); }) } })(this); var ClearDataControl = new (function (parent) { this.p = parent; this.finished = true; this.executed = false; this.directCount = -1; this.clearDataOfDeviceId = function (handId) { this.executed = false; this.directCount = -1; this.finished = true; var hand = handId; var hd = 0; if (hand.length > 0) { hd = parseInt(hand); } get_data("endpoint/clearBoard?flowId=" + flowId + "&handheldId=" + hd, this.clearSuccess); }; this.clearSuccess = function (obj, sta) { console.warn("------- 手持设备清空 ----------"); console.warn(obj); send_alert("发送清空请求成功, 正在等待采集端进行处理..."); this.finished = false; setTimeout(this.resultVerifyTimeout, 8000, this); setTimeout(this.getVerify, 300, this); } this.getVerify = function (obj) { if (obj.finished) return; get_data("endpoint/heartbeat?flowId=" + flowId, obj.onVerifyResult); setTimeout(obj.getVerify, 100, obj); }; this.onVerifyResult = function (obj, sta) { var parsed = {}; if (typeof(obj) === "string") { parsed = JSON.parse(obj); } else { parsed = obj; } if (typeof(parsed) === "object") { if (parsed.ret === "10000") { //ok if (parsed.model == null || parsed.model === undefined) { executed = true; finished = true; } else if (typeof(obj.model) === "object") { // 没有拿到,继续 if (obj.model.list != null && obj.model.list.length > 0) { var direct = obj.model.list[0]; if (direct.eventType + "" !== "500") { // OK executed = true; finished = true; } else if (direct.arg2 + "" !== "" + $("#handInput").val()) { // OK executed = true; finished = true; } else { directCount = direct.counter; } } } } } } this.resultVerifyTimeout = function (obj) { finished = true; if (executed) { // 执行成功 } else { if (directCount >= 0) { get_data("endpoint/ack?counter=" + directCount, function () { console.log("撤销操作成功"); console.log(this); }); directCount = -1; send_alert("请求已经超时!请注意,采集端可能没有执行成功。即将撤销您的请求。"); } else { send_alert("请求已经超时!请注意,采集端可能没有执行成功。"); } } } })(this); })(); var redrankvue = new Vue({ el: '#redrank', data: { part:[ { message: 'Foo', color:true },], title: '本厂今日生产能手榜' }, methods: { clicktitle: function () { alert("Hello! This is Title"); } } }); $(document).ready(function(){ FlowRealTime.initPage(); FlowRealTime.UI.bind(); });