Before, Monday, we need end-to-end workable.
BE: basic running, API functional and demo ready.
Before, Monday, we need end-to-end workable.
BE: basic running, API functional and demo ready.
Client: All functions should be working for client-interaction, except exchange-result. Login okay, Identity Review ready, internal data as hint. Mobile Phone messaging ready. Uploading of gift-info ready, Seeing sharable pic ready. Openid should be used All UI should be properly set
For Internal (BE): User information visible and editing possible, gift revoke, authorise should be viable.
Non-goal : Analytics Result-devlivering Comments Messaging
Goal: Results should be generated (either manually or auto) Result-page visible Messaging is ready, and proof-of-working Lottery finished and assigned. Rating trackable
Non-Goal: User feedback total ready, Furher stuff