SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_ad -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_ad`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_ad` ( `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ad_position_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `media_type` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `link` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `image_url` text NOT NULL, `content` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `end_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `enabled` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `position_id` (`ad_position_id`), KEY `enabled` (`enabled`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_ad -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_ad` VALUES (1, 1, 1, '合作 谁是你的菜', '', '', '合作 谁是你的菜', 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_ad` VALUES (2, 1, 1, '活动 美食节', '', '', '活动 美食节', 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_ad` VALUES (3, 1, 1, '活动 母亲节', '', '', '活动 母亲节', 0, 1); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_ad_position -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_ad_position`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_ad_position` ( `id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `width` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `height` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_ad_position -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_ad_position` VALUES (1, '移动端首页轮播广告', 750, 200, ''); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_address -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_address`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_address` ( `id` mediumint(8) 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varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''''', `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''''', `password_salt` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''''', `last_login_ip` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''''', `last_login_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `add_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `update_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `avatar` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''''', `admin_role_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_admin -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_admin` VALUES (1, 'admin', 'bb87bf23d14b27de74530dec20e234f3', 'ABCDEF', '::ffff:', 1505484711, 0, 0, '\'\'', 0); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_attribute -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_attribute`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_attribute` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `attribute_category_id` 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'', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (9, 1008008, '尺寸', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (10, 1008008, '面料', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (11, 1008008, '填充物', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (12, 1008008, '填充成分', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (13, 1008008, '面料成分', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (14, 1008008, '含绒量', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (15, 1008008, '重量', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (16, 1008002, '规格', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (17, 1008002, '外套材质', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (18, 1008002, '内胆材质', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (19, 1008002, '*温馨提示', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (20, 1036000, '安全技术', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (21, 1036000, '产品等级', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (22, 1008002, 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INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (64, 1011004, '花草种类', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (65, 1011004, '数量', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (66, 1015000, '涂漆', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (67, 1015000, '产品尺寸', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (68, 1015000, '安装方式', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (69, 1017000, '规格尺寸', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (70, 1011004, '机芯', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (71, 1011004, '能源', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (72, 1011004, '机芯类型', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (73, 1015000, '框架材质', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (74, 1015000, '是否组装', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (75, 1011004, 'USB线长', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (76, 1017000, '承重范围', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (77, 1011004, '花材', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (78, 1011004, '附加功能', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (79, 1015000, '主体材质', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (80, 1015000, '躺椅尺寸', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (81, 1015000, '脚蹬尺寸', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (82, 1015000, '*特别提醒', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (83, 1015000, '椅身材质', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (84, 1015000, '扶手材质', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (85, 1015000, '椅轮', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (86, 1015000, '气杆', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (87, 1011004, '摆件类型', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (88, 1008008, '弹簧结构特征', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (89, 1008008, '使用场所', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (90, 1008008, '主要原材料', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (91, 1008008, '辅料', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (92, 1008008, '高度', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (93, 1008008, '配送范围', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (94, 1008002, '填充物克重', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (95, 1008002, '备注', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (96, 1036000, '鞣制方式', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (97, 1017000, '产品材质', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (98, 1017000, '产品净重', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (99, 1017000, '产品毛重', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (100, 1008002, '物理遮光率', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (101, 1008002, '物理遮光性', 1, '', 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute` VALUES (102, 1008008, '重要提醒', 1, '', 0); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_attribute_category -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_attribute_category`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_attribute_category` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `enabled` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_attribute_category -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute_category` VALUES (1008002, '布艺软装', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute_category` VALUES (1008008, '被枕', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute_category` VALUES (1008009, '床品件套', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute_category` VALUES (1008016, '灯具', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute_category` VALUES (1011004, '家饰', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute_category` VALUES (1015000, '家具', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute_category` VALUES (1017000, '宠物', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_attribute_category` VALUES (1036000, '夏凉', 1); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_brand -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_brand`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_brand` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `list_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `simple_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `sort_order` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '50', `is_show` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `floor_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `app_list_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `is_new` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `new_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `new_sort_order` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '10', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `is_show` (`is_show`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1046012 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_brand -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001000, 'MUJI制造商', '', '严选精选了MUJI制造商和生产原料,\n用几乎零利润的价格,剔除品牌溢价,\n让用户享受原品牌的品质生活。', '', 2, 1, 12.90, '', 1, '', 2); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001002, '内野制造商', '', '严选从世界各地挑选毛巾,最终选择了为日本内野代工的工厂,追求毛巾的柔软度与功能性。品质比肩商场几百元的毛巾。', '', 10, 1, 29.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001003, 'Adidas制造商', '', '严选找到为Adidas等品牌制造商,\n选取优质原材料,与厂方一起设计,\n为你提供好的理想的运动装备。', '', 30, 1, 49.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001007, '优衣库制造商', '', '严选找到日本知名服装UNIQLO的制造商,\n选取优质长绒棉和精梳工艺,\n与厂方一起设计,为你提供理想的棉袜。', '', 12, 1, 29.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001008, '膳魔师制造商', '', '严选深入保温行业内部,\n找到德国膳魔师制造商的代工厂。\n同样的品质,却有更优的价格。', '', 40, 1, 45.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001010, '星巴克制造商', '', '严选寻访全国保温杯制造企业,\n最终找到高端咖啡品牌星巴克的制造商,\n专注保温杯生产20年,品质与颜值兼备。', '', 34, 1, 39.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001012, 'Wedgwood制造商', '', '严选寻访英国皇室御用陶瓷Wedgwood制造商,\n制模到成品,历经25道工序、7次检验、3次烧制,\n你看不见的地方,我们也在坚持。', '', 21, 1, 39.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001013, 'Royal Doulton制造商', '', '严选深入英国最大骨瓷品牌Royal Doulton制造商, \n顶级英国瓷器的代名词,广受世界皇室喜爱。\n每件瓷器,都有自己的故事。', '', 47, 1, 24.90, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001015, '日本KEYUCA制造商', '', 'KEYUCA是日本餐具及料理用具品牌,\n遵循极简原木风,高端餐具体验。\n严选的餐具正是来自这一品牌制造商。', '', 49, 1, 14.90, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001016, '爱慕制造商', '', '150家样品比对筛选,20家工厂深入走访,\n严选最终选定高端内衣爱慕制造商,\n20年品质保证,为你打造天然舒适的衣物。', '', 9, 1, 35.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001020, 'Ralph Lauren制造商', '', '我们与Ralph Lauren Home的制造商成功接洽,掌握先进的生产设备,传承品牌工艺和工序。追求生活品质的你,值得拥有。', '', 20, 1, 29.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001037, '新秀丽制造商', '', '严选为制作品质与颜值兼具的箱包,\n选定新秀丽、CK、Ricardo等品牌合作的制造商,\n拥有国内先进流水线20余条,实力保障品质。', '', 5, 1, 59.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001038, 'Coach制造商', '', '严选为制作高品质高颜值皮具配件,\n由Coach、MK等品牌制造商生产,\n由严选360度全程监制,给你带来优质皮具。', '', 3, 1, 49.00, '', 1, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001039, 'MK制造商', '', '严选为制造高品质的皮具,\n选择Michael Kors品牌合作的制造工厂,\n18年专业皮具生产经验,手工至美,品质保证。', '', 17, 1, 79.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1001045, '罗莱制造商', '', '严选团队为打造吸湿透气柔软的蚕丝被,\n从蚕茧原材到温感性能,多次甄选测试\n选择罗莱制造商工厂,手工处理,优质舒适。', '', 45, 1, 699.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1003000, 'Carters制造商', '', '来自Carters大牌代工厂生产,\n严选纯天然材料,无荧光不添加,\nITS安心标志权威检测,安全护航。', '', 41, 1, 19.90, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1005001, 'Goody制造商', '', '严选深入美国百年发饰品牌Goody制造商,\n确保每把梳子做工精湛,养护头皮。\n戴安娜王妃的最爱,你也能拥有。', '', 48, 1, 39.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1006000, '范思哲制造商', '', '严选找寻意大利奢侈品牌范思哲Versace的制造商,\n致力于为用户带来精致、优雅、时尚的皮包,\n传承独特美感,体验品质生活。', '', 18, 1, 99.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1008000, 'WPC制造商', '', '严选寻找日本雨伞品牌W.P.C制造商,\n采用严谨工艺以及环保材料,\n沉淀15年行业经验,打造精致雨具。', '', 22, 1, 59.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1010001, '竹宝堂制造商', '', '严选走访河北、安徽等制刷基地,\n选定竹宝堂、丝芙兰等品牌的制造商,\n严格把关生产与质检,与您一同追求美的生活。', '', 39, 1, 29.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1010002, '资生堂制造商', '', '发现美,成为美,是女性一生的追求。\n严选找寻资生堂代工厂,打造天然美妆产品,\n致力于带来更多美的体验和享受。', '', 19, 1, 29.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1015000, 'NITORI制造商', '', '宠物是人类最温情的陪伴,\n严选找寻日本最大家居品牌NITORI制造商,\n每一个脚印,都是为了更好地关怀你的TA', '', 43, 1, 69.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1016002, 'HUGO BOSS制造商', '', '严选深入德国知名奢侈品HUGO BOSS的制造商,\n开发睡衣、睡袍、休闲裤等轻奢品质家居服,\n希望你在家的每一天都优雅精致。', '', 11, 1, 45.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1018000, 'Sperry制造商', '', '严选团队对比多家硫化鞋制造商产品质量,\n走访多个制鞋工厂,最终选定Sperry品牌制造商,\n为你提供一双舒适有型的高品质帆布鞋。', '', 32, 1, 199.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1021000, 'Marc Jacobs制造商', '', '严选寻访独立设计品牌Marc Jacobs的制造商,\n严格选材,细究纺织与生产的细节,多次打磨,\n初心不忘,为你带来优雅高档的服饰配件。', '', 24, 1, 69.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1022000, 'UGG制造商', '', '为寻找优质的皮毛一体雪地靴,\n严选走访多家雪地靴制造商,对比工艺,\n甄选UGG认可的代工厂,只为足下的优雅舒适。', '', 29, 1, 59.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1022001, 'Palladium制造商', '', '严选探访多个制鞋大厂,选定Palladium制造商,\n对比工艺选材,找到传承多年的制鞋配方,\n只为制作一款高品质休闲鞋。', '', 31, 1, 249.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1023000, 'PetitBateau小帆船制造商', '', '为打造适合宝宝的婴童服装,\n严选团队寻找PetitBateau小帆船的品牌制造商,\n无荧光剂,国家A类标准,让宝宝穿的放心。', '', 25, 1, 36.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1024000, 'WMF制造商', '', '严选找寻德国百年高端厨具WMF的制造商,\n选择拥有14年经验的不锈钢生产工厂,\n为你甄选事半功倍的优质厨具。', '', 8, 1, 9.90, '', 1, '', 3); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1024001, 'OBH制造商', '', '严选寻找OBH品牌的制造商,打造精致厨具,\n韩国独资工厂制造,严格质检,品质雕琢\n力求为消费者带来全新的烹饪体验。', '', 42, 1, 39.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1024003, 'Stoneline制造商', '', '严选找寻德国经典品牌Stoneline的制造商,\n追踪工艺,考量细节,亲自试用,\n为你甄选出最合心意的锅具和陶瓷刀,下厨如神。', '', 28, 1, 9.90, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1024006, 'KitchenAid制造商', '', '严选寻访KitchenAid品牌的制造商,\n采用德国LFGB认证食品级专用不锈钢,\n欧式简约设计,可靠安心,尽享下厨乐趣。', '', 46, 1, 98.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1025000, 'Timberland制造商', '', '为制作优质时尚的工装鞋靴,\n严选团队深入探访国内外制靴大厂,选择Timberland制造商,\n工厂拥有15年制鞋历史,专业品质有保证。', '', 37, 1, 359.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1025001, 'Kenneth Cole制造商', '', '为出品优质格调的商务鞋靴,\n严选团队选择Kenneth Cole品牌合作的制造商,\n一切努力,只为打造高品质鞋靴。', '', 7, 1, 349.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1026000, 'CK制造商', '', '严选寻访Calvin Klein品牌的制造商,\n深入世界领带第一生产地,设计与品质并重,\n致力于给消费者带来优质典雅的服饰用品。', '', 1, 1, 39.00, '', 1, '', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1026001, 'Under Armour制造商', '', '严选为甄选优质好袜,走访东北、新疆等产袜基地,\n最终选定Under Armour品牌的合作制造商,\n从原料、工艺、品质多维度筛选监制,保证好品质。', '', 35, 1, 39.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1028000, 'Gucci制造商', '', '严选为设计一款优雅时尚的品质礼帽,\n找寻拥有10来年经验的大型毛毡帽厂商合作,\n坚持打造好设计、好工艺、好材质的潮流礼帽。', '', 23, 1, 59.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1028003, 'Burberry制造商', '', '为打造时尚舒适的童装系列,\n严选选择Burberry制造商,优化版型配色\n英伦风情融入经典格纹,百搭优雅气质款。', '', 4, 1, 99.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1033003, 'Armani制造商', '', '严选团队携手国际标准化专业生产厂家,\n厂家长期为Armani、Alexander wang等知名品牌代工,\n专业进口设备,精密质量把控,精于品质居家体验。', '', 26, 1, 199.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1033004, '爱马仕集团制造商', '', '严选采用欧洲一线品牌爱马仕的御用香料供应商,\n经过反复配比改良、试香调香、选品定样,\n为你带来独特馥郁的散香体验。', '', 33, 1, 19.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1034001, 'Alexander McQueen制造商', '', '为制造精致实用的高品质包包,\n严选团队选择Alexander McQueen制造商,\n严格筛选,带来轻奢优雅体验。', '', 16, 1, 69.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1037000, '厚木ATSUGI制造商', '', '严选考究袜子品质,层层把关原料生产,\n携手12年行业生产资质的厚木品牌制造商,\n带来轻盈优雅,舒适显瘦的袜子系列。', '', 27, 1, 29.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1038000, 'Birkenstock集团制造商', '', '为打造一双舒适的软木拖鞋,\n严选团队寻找BIRKENSTOCK集团旗下产品制造商,\n360度全程监制,舒适随脚,百搭文艺。', '', 14, 1, 59.90, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1038001, 'Nine West制造商', '', '为打造一双优雅舒适的高跟鞋,\n严选选择美国Nine West玖熙品牌的制造商,\n让美丽绽放在足尖。', '', 13, 1, 219.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1039000, 'TEFAL制造商', '', '严选对标国际品质,致力于高品质生活好物,\n执着寻求优质厨房电器供应商,\n携手WMF、Tefal制造商,打造高品质厨具。', '', 44, 1, 259.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1039001, '京瓷制造商', '', '严选想为你的厨房生活,带来新鲜感和活力,\n深入全国各地,选择日本京瓷等品牌代工厂,\n打造钻石系列厨具,颜值与品质兼具。', '', 38, 1, 89.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1040000, 'Tescom制造商', '', '严选为打造时尚健康的个护电器,\n选择Tescom品牌制造商,全球最大个护电器工厂之一,\n拥有20年经验,出口180多个国家,品质有保障。', '', 15, 1, 59.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1041000, 'BCBG制造商', '', '严选从产品源头开始,每道工序质量把关,\n选择美国知名品牌BCBG的制造商合作,\n严谨匠心,致力于优质柔滑的睡衣穿搭产品。', '', 36, 1, 99.00, '', 0, '', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_brand` VALUES (1046000, 'Police制造商', '', '严选团队选定Police品牌制造商合作,\n有11年眼镜生产资质,兼顾品质与品味,\n为你带来专业时尚的墨镜。', '', 6, 1, 109.00, '', 0, '', 10); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_cart -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_cart`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_cart` ( `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `session_id` char(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `goods_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_sn` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `product_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_name` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `market_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `retail_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `number` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_specifition_name_value` text NOT NULL COMMENT '规格属性组成的字符串,用来显示用', `goods_specifition_ids` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'product表对应的goods_specifition_ids', `checked` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `list_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `session_id` (`session_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=99 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_category -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_category`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_category` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(90) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `keywords` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `front_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `parent_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `sort_order` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '50', `show_index` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `is_show` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `banner_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `icon_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `img_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `wap_banner_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `level` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `front_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1036008 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_category -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005000, '居家', '', '回家,放松身心', 0, 2, 1, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '回家,放松身心'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005001, '餐厨', '', '厨房', 0, 3, 2, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '爱,囿于厨房'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005002, '饮食', '', '好吃,高颜值美食', 0, 9, 8, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '好吃,高颜值美食'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005007, '锅具', '', '中华铸铁、精选不锈钢、进口珐琅', 1005001, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '一口好锅,炖煮生活一日三餐'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005008, '餐具', '', '皇家道尔顿、日本KEYUCA制造商出品', 1005001, 4, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '餐桌上的舞蹈'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005009, '清洁', '', '特殊材质,做家务更简单', 1005001, 9, 9, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '环保便利,聪明之选'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005010, '炒货', '', '精选原产地,美味加营养', 1005002, 5, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '精选原产地,美味加营养'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005011, '小食', '', '原香鲜材,以小食之味,带来味蕾惊喜', 1005002, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '原香鲜材,以小食之味,带来味蕾惊喜'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005012, '食材', '', '天时、地利、人和,寻找这个时节这个地点的味道', 1005002, 10, 10, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '天时地利人和,寻找这个时节这个地点的味道'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1005013, '冲饮', '', '以用料天然之美,尽享闲雅之意', 1005002, 6, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '以用料天然之美,尽享闲雅之意'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1007000, '杯壶', '', '10Q品质控制系统', 1005001, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '精工生产制作,匠人手艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008000, '配件', '', '配角,亦是主角', 0, 4, 3, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '配角,亦是主角'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008001, '毛巾', '', '精选长绒棉,出口日本品质标准', 1013001, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '日本皇室专供,内野制造商出品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008002, '布艺软装', '', '换个软装,换个家', 1005000, 6, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '各种风格软装装点你的家'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008003, '鞋', '', '百搭造型,舒适脚感,久穿不累', 1008000, 4, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '一双好鞋,才能带你到远方'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008004, '袜子', '', '优选面料,精细做工,越是细节之物,越显品质之处', 1010000, 4, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '新百伦、阿迪达斯等制造商出品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008005, '户外', '', '踏青出游,便携不误好心情', 1012000, 7, 8, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, 'MUJI、Nike等制造商出品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008006, '口罩', '', '权威数据认证效果,防霾有底气', 1012000, 6, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '为你遮挡雾霾'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008007, '围巾件套', '', '严选好材料,亲肤柔软,防风抗寒,温暖不失风度', 1008000, 7, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '围上它,你的造型才完整'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008008, '被枕', '', '选用优质材料,确保好芯', 1005000, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '守护你的睡眠时光'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008009, '床品件套', '', '严格用料,亲肤舒适', 1005000, 4, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, 'MUJI等品牌制造商出品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008010, '拖鞋', '', '人体工学设计,放松双脚', 1008000, 6, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '穿上拖鞋,回到自我'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008011, '清洁保鲜', '', '让厨房整洁又新鲜,防尘防潮', 1005001, 6, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '真空保鲜,美味不限时'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008012, '功能厨具', '', '日日使用的物件,制作精良才能更耐用', 1005001, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '下厨省力小帮手'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008013, '茶具咖啡具', '', '好茶配好器', 1005001, 5, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '先进工艺制造,功夫体验'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008014, '糖巧', '', '优选健康原料,甜食也吃得放心', 1005002, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '糖心蜜意,甜而不腻'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008015, '糕点', '', '无人工添加香精、防腐剂', 1005002, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '四季糕点,用心烘焙'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008016, '灯具', '', '极简主义,贴近生活的设计', 1005000, 8, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '一盏灯,温暖一个家'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008017, '收纳', '', '智慧收纳,抗菌防霉,便利拆卸,小空间的大智慧', 1012000, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '选自古驰竹柄原料供应商'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1008018, '单肩包', '', '匠心制版,立体有型', 1008000, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '单肩装上惬意心情'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1009000, '日用清洁', '', '天然材料,温和去除污垢', 1013001, 6, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '洁净才能带来清爽心情'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1010000, '服装', '', '贴身的,要亲肤', 0, 5, 4, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '贴身的,要亲肤'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1010001, '内衣', '', '自然染料,亲肤舒适', 1010000, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '给你贴身的关怀'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1010002, '内裤', '', '透气洁净,环保染制', 1010000, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '来自李维斯、爱慕等制造商'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1010003, '地垫', '', '手工编织,时尚环保', 1005000, 5, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '家里的第“五”面墙'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1010004, '双肩包', '', '精巧设计,严选全程监制', 1008000, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '背上的时髦'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1011000, '婴童', '', '爱,从心开始', 0, 7, 6, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '爱,从心开始'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1011001, '妈咪', '', '孕育生命的你更值得被爱', 1011000, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '犬印、Harvest Hills制造商'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1011002, '海外', '', '海外供应商直供,零关税、零风险、即时达', 1012000, 5, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '来自海外制造商的好物'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1011003, '床垫', '', '助你拥有舒眠好梦', 1005000, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '承托你的好时光'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1011004, '家饰', '', '点缀美好生活,品质在于细节', 1005000, 9, 7, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '装饰你的家'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1012000, '杂货', '', '解忧,每个烦恼', 0, 8, 7, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '解忧,每个烦恼'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1012001, '功能箱包', '', '箱子里装着你的生活', 1008000, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '范思哲、Coach等品牌制造商出品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1012002, '雨具', '', '玻璃纤维伞骨,稳定抗风', 1012000, 4, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, 'WPC制作商出品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1012003, '文具', '', '极简设计,环保材质', 1012000, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '找回书写的力量'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1013000, '靴', '', 'UGG制造商出品', 1008000, 5, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '经典的温暖'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1013001, '洗护', '', '亲肤之物,严选天然', 0, 6, 5, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '亲肤之物,严选天然'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1013002, '美妆', '', '竹宝堂、资生堂等制造商出品', 1013001, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '为你的面容添色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1013003, '护发', '', '护发超有效小秘诀', 1013001, 5, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '呵护秀发,柔顺不同发质'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1013004, '香薰', '', '提炼纯净,清雅不腻', 1013001, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '爱马仕集团制造商出品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1013005, '刀剪砧板', '', '厨房实用利器', 1005001, 7, 7, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '传统工艺 源自中国刀城'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1013006, '家居服', '', '居家休闲必备', 1010000, 6, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '舒适亲肤'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1015000, '家具', '', '一级原木,严苛工艺', 1005000, 7, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '大师级工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1015001, 'T恤', '', '立体裁剪,专为国人打造', 1010000, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '自在而潇洒的穿着感'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1017000, '宠物', '', '出口品质,严选贴合萌宠生活习惯用品。', 1005000, 10, 8, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '抑菌除味,打造宠物舒适空间'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1018000, '夏日甜心', '', '湖南卫视《夏日甜心》授权,独家发售大猫熊同款周边', 1019000, 10, 10, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '湖南卫视《夏日甜心》周边'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1019000, '志趣', '', '爱好,点缀生活', 0, 10, 9, 1, '', '', '//', '', 'L1', 0, '周边精品,共享热爱'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020000, '出行用品', '', '便携设计,轻便旅途', 1012000, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '出行小物,贴心相伴'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020001, '面部护理', '', '天然成分,无化学添加', 1013001, 4, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '温和无刺激的呵护'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020002, '用具', '', '环保材料,耐用不发霉', 1013001, 7, 7, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '小工具成就美好浴室'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020003, '服饰', '', '100%纯棉,无荧光剂,严格质检', 1011000, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '萌宝穿搭,柔软舒适触感'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020004, '婴童洗护', '', '给孩子更美好的童年体验', 1011000, 5, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '天然,呵护宝宝肌肤'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020005, '寝居', '', '始于初心,为爱初色', 1011000, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '无荧光剂,婴幼儿A类标准'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020006, '玩具', '', '严选材质,安全无害保证', 1011000, 4, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '萌宝童趣必备'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020007, '喂养', '', '安全健康,我们执着于每个细节', 1011000, 6, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '宝宝吃得香,妈妈才放心'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020008, '配饰', '', '优选设计,让细节显示好品味', 1008000, 8, 7, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '与众不同的点睛之笔'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020009, '外衣', '', '外衣,是你面对这个世界的铠甲', 1010000, 10, 10, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '穿出时尚感'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1020010, '衬衫', '', '挺拔而不束缚', 1010000, 7, 7, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '细节讲究,合身剪裁'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1021000, '节日礼盒', '', '遇见节日的美好', 1012000, 8, 9, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '限量礼盒限时发售'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1022000, '数码', '', '享受安全智能的科技生活', 1008000, 9, 9, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '智能硬件,匠心出品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1023000, '厨房小电', '', '省心省力,厨房高效能手', 1005001, 8, 8, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '厨房里的省心小电器'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1025000, '礼品卡', '', '传递高品质生活美学', 1019000, 11, 11, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '送礼、福利首选'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1027000, '茗茶', '', '一品茶香,品茗即是观心,饮茶涤净尘虑', 1005002, 7, 7, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '一品茶香,品茗即是观心,饮茶涤净尘虑'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1027001, '果干', '', '品尝与收获到的是自然的味道', 1005002, 4, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '品尝与收获到的是自然的味道'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1028001, '唱片', '', '瑞鸣音乐大师匠心打造', 1019000, 8, 8, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '经典音乐,用心典藏,瑞鸣音乐大师匠心打造'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1032000, '魔兽世界', '', '魔兽世界周边', 1019000, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '艾泽拉斯的冒险,才刚刚开始'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1032001, '炉石传说', '', '炉石传说周边', 1019000, 2, 2, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '快进来坐下吧,看看酒馆的新玩意'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1032002, '守望先锋', '', '守望先锋周边', 1019000, 3, 3, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '物美价廉的补给箱'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1032003, '暗黑破坏神III', '', '暗黑破坏神III周边', 1019000, 4, 4, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '奈非天们,停下脚步整理下行囊'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1032004, '星际争霸II', '', '星际争霸II周边', 1019000, 5, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '记录科普卢星区的战斗时光'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1032005, '风暴英雄', '', '风暴英雄周边', 1019000, 6, 6, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '时空枢纽,是个充满惊喜的地方'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1033000, '梦幻西游', '', '梦幻西游精品周边', 1019000, 7, 7, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '梦幻西游精品周边'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1034000, '丝袜', '', '厚木制造商,专利冰丝', 1010000, 5, 5, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '厚木制造商,专利冰丝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1034001, '童车童椅', '', '安全舒适,给宝宝一个快乐童年', 1011000, 7, 7, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '安全舒适,给宝宝一个快乐童年'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1035000, '卫衣', '', '舒适百搭,时尚选择', 1010000, 9, 9, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '舒适百搭,时尚选择'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1035001, '毛衣', '', '温暖柔软,品质之选', 1010000, 8, 8, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '温暖柔软,品质之选'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1035002, '裤装', '', '高质感面料', 1010000, 11, 11, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '高质感面料,休闲商务两相宜'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1035003, '肉制品', '', '真嗜肉者,都爱这一味,或麻辣鲜香、或五味俱全,都是佳肴美馔真滋味', 1005002, 8, 8, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '真嗜肉者,都爱这一味,佳肴美馔真滋味'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1036000, '夏凉', '', '夏凉床品,舒适一夏', 1005000, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '夏凉床品,舒适一夏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1036001, '眼镜', '', '实用加时尚,造型百搭单品', 1012000, 9, 10, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '实用加时尚,造型百搭单品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1036002, '汽车用品', '', '给你的爱车添装备', 1012000, 10, 10, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '给你的爱车添装备'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1036003, '调味', '', '烹饪必备,美食调味', 1005002, 9, 9, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '烹饪必备,美食调味'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_category` VALUES (1036004, '大话西游', '', '大话西游正版周边', 1019000, 9, 8, 1, '', '', '', '', 'L2', 0, '大话西游正版周边'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_channel -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_channel`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_channel` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `icon_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `sort_order` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '10', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_channel -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_channel` VALUES (1, '居家', '/pages/category/category?id=1005000', '', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_channel` VALUES (2, '餐厨', '/pages/category/category?id=1005001', '', 2); INSERT INTO `nideshop_channel` VALUES (3, '配件', '/pages/category/category?id=1008000', '', 3); INSERT INTO `nideshop_channel` VALUES (4, '服装', '/pages/category/category?id=1005002', '', 4); INSERT INTO `nideshop_channel` VALUES (5, '志趣', '/pages/category/category?id=1019000', '', 5); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_collect -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_collect`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_collect` ( `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `value_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `add_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `is_attention` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否是关注', `type_id` int(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `goods_id` (`value_id`), KEY `is_attention` (`is_attention`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=55 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_collect -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_collect` VALUES (17, 1, 1181000, 1495381237, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_collect` VALUES (18, 1, 1015007, 1495466325, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_collect` VALUES (19, 1, 1152161, 1495970357, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_collect` VALUES (21, 1, 1156006, 1497685421, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_collect` VALUES (47, 11, 1009012, 1500987979, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_collect` VALUES (44, 11, 1134030, 1500987695, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_collect` VALUES (33, 11, 1015007, 1500823262, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_collect` VALUES (31, 11, 1011004, 1500822827, 0, 0); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_comment -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_comment`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_comment` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `type_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `value_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `content` varchar(6550) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '储存为base64编码', `add_time` bigint(12) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `status` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `new_content` varchar(6550) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `id_value` (`value_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1006 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_comment -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment` VALUES (1, 0, 1181000, '5biD5paZ5b6I5Y6a5a6e77yM6Kem5oSf5LiN6ZSZ77yM5rSX6L+H5LmL5ZCO5LiN57yp5rC05LiN5o6J6Imy', 1493964099, 0, 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`nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (188, 158, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (189, 159, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (190, 160, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (191, 160, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (192, 161, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (193, 162, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (194, 163, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (195, 163, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (196, 164, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (197, 165, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (198, 166, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (199, 167, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (200, 168, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (201, 168, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (202, 168, '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (323, 270, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (324, 271, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (325, 272, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (326, 272, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (327, 273, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (328, 274, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (329, 275, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (330, 276, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (331, 277, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (332, 278, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (333, 278, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (334, 278, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (335, 278, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (336, 279, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (337, 279, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (338, 280, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (339, 281, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (340, 282, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (341, 283, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (342, 283, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (343, 284, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (344, 285, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (345, 286, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (346, 287, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (347, 287, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (348, 288, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (349, 289, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (350, 290, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (351, 291, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (352, 301, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (353, 301, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (354, 302, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (355, 303, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (356, 304, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (357, 305, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (358, 306, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (359, 309, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (360, 309, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (361, 331, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (362, 331, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (363, 331, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (364, 332, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (365, 332, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (366, 333, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (367, 333, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (368, 333, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (369, 334, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (370, 335, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (371, 336, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (372, 337, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (373, 337, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (374, 338, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (375, 339, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (376, 339, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (377, 340, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (378, 340, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (379, 340, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (380, 341, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (381, 341, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (382, 342, '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (398, 352, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (399, 352, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (400, 353, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (401, 353, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (402, 354, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (403, 355, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (404, 356, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (405, 356, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (406, 357, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (407, 358, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (408, 359, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (409, 360, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (410, 361, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (411, 362, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (412, 363, '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (428, 380, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (429, 381, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (430, 382, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (431, 383, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (432, 384, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (433, 384, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (434, 385, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (435, 386, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (436, 387, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (437, 387, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (438, 388, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (439, 389, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (440, 390, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (441, 390, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (442, 391, '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (488, 426, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (489, 427, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (490, 427, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (491, 427, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (492, 428, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (493, 428, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (494, 429, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (495, 430, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (496, 431, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (497, 432, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (498, 433, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (499, 434, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (500, 435, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (501, 436, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (502, 436, '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (563, 472, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (564, 472, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (565, 473, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (566, 474, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (567, 475, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (568, 476, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (569, 477, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (570, 478, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (571, 479, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (572, 480, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (573, 481, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (574, 482, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (575, 483, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (576, 484, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (577, 485, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (578, 485, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (579, 486, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (580, 487, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (581, 488, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (582, 489, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (583, 490, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (584, 490, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (585, 491, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (586, 491, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (587, 491, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (588, 492, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (589, 493, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (590, 494, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (591, 494, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (592, 494, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (593, 495, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (594, 496, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (595, 496, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (596, 497, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (597, 498, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (598, 499, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (599, 500, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (600, 501, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (601, 502, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (602, 502, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (603, 502, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (604, 503, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (605, 511, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (606, 512, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (607, 512, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (608, 512, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (609, 512, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (610, 513, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (611, 518, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (612, 519, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (613, 520, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (614, 520, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (615, 521, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (616, 522, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (617, 523, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (618, 524, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (619, 525, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (620, 526, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (621, 526, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (622, 526, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (623, 527, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (624, 528, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (625, 528, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (626, 529, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (627, 530, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (628, 531, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (629, 532, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (630, 532, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (631, 533, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (632, 534, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (633, 535, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (634, 535, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (635, 535, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (636, 536, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (637, 536, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (638, 537, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (639, 538, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (640, 538, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (641, 539, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (642, 540, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (643, 543, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (644, 544, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (645, 544, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (646, 545, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (647, 545, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (648, 546, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (649, 546, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (650, 547, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (651, 548, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (652, 548, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (653, 549, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (654, 550, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (655, 550, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (656, 551, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (657, 551, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (658, 552, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (659, 553, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (660, 554, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (661, 554, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (662, 554, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (663, 555, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (664, 556, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (665, 557, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (666, 558, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (667, 559, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (668, 560, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (669, 561, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (670, 562, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (671, 563, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (672, 563, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (673, 564, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (674, 565, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (675, 571, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (676, 572, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (677, 572, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (678, 578, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (679, 578, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (680, 579, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (681, 580, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (682, 580, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (683, 580, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (684, 581, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (685, 581, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (686, 581, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (687, 581, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (688, 582, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (689, 583, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (690, 583, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (691, 584, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (692, 585, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (693, 585, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (694, 585, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (695, 586, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (696, 586, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (697, 587, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (698, 588, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (699, 589, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (700, 590, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (701, 591, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (702, 591, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (703, 591, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (704, 591, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (705, 592, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (706, 593, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (707, 594, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (708, 595, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (709, 595, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (710, 596, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (711, 596, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (712, 597, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (713, 598, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (714, 599, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (715, 600, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (716, 601, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (717, 601, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (718, 602, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (719, 603, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (720, 604, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (721, 604, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (722, 604, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (723, 604, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (724, 605, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (725, 606, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (726, 607, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (727, 608, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (728, 608, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (729, 608, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (730, 609, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (731, 609, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (732, 610, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (733, 610, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (734, 611, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (735, 612, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (736, 627, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (737, 631, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (738, 631, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (739, 634, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (740, 634, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (741, 634, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (742, 634, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (743, 635, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (744, 636, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (745, 636, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (746, 637, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (747, 638, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (748, 639, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (749, 640, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (750, 641, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (751, 642, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (752, 643, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (753, 644, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (754, 644, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (755, 645, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (756, 646, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (757, 646, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (758, 647, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (759, 647, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (760, 648, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (761, 649, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (762, 650, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (763, 650, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (764, 650, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (765, 650, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (766, 651, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (767, 651, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (768, 651, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (769, 652, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (770, 652, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (771, 653, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (772, 654, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (773, 654, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (774, 655, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (775, 656, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (776, 657, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (777, 658, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (778, 658, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (779, 659, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (780, 659, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (781, 660, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (782, 660, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (783, 661, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (784, 662, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (785, 663, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (786, 664, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (787, 664, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (788, 665, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (789, 665, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (790, 666, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (791, 667, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (792, 668, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (793, 669, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (794, 670, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (795, 671, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (796, 671, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (797, 672, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (798, 673, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (799, 673, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (800, 674, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (801, 674, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (802, 674, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (803, 675, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (804, 676, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (805, 677, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (806, 678, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (807, 679, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (808, 680, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (809, 681, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (810, 682, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (811, 683, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (812, 684, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (813, 684, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (814, 685, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (815, 685, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (816, 685, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (817, 686, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (818, 686, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (819, 687, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (820, 688, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (821, 689, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (822, 690, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (823, 691, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (824, 691, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (825, 691, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (826, 691, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (827, 692, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (828, 692, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (829, 692, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (830, 692, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (831, 693, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (832, 693, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (833, 694, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (834, 695, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (835, 696, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (836, 697, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (837, 698, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (838, 699, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (839, 700, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (840, 701, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (841, 702, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (842, 702, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (843, 702, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (844, 702, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (845, 703, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (846, 704, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (847, 705, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (848, 705, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (849, 705, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (850, 705, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (851, 706, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (852, 707, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (853, 708, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (854, 709, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (855, 710, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (856, 711, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (857, 712, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (858, 712, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (859, 712, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (860, 712, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (861, 713, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (862, 714, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (863, 714, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (864, 715, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (865, 715, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (866, 715, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (867, 716, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (868, 717, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (869, 718, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (870, 718, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (871, 718, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (872, 718, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (873, 719, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (874, 719, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (875, 719, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (876, 720, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (877, 720, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (878, 721, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (879, 725, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (880, 726, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (881, 726, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (882, 727, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (883, 728, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (884, 728, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (885, 729, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (886, 729, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (887, 729, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (888, 729, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (889, 730, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (890, 731, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (891, 732, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (892, 733, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (893, 733, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (894, 734, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (895, 735, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (896, 736, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (897, 736, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (898, 736, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (899, 736, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (900, 737, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (901, 738, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (902, 739, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (903, 740, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (904, 741, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (905, 742, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (906, 743, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (907, 744, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (908, 745, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (909, 745, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (910, 745, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (911, 746, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (912, 747, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (913, 747, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (914, 748, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (915, 748, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (916, 749, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (917, 750, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (918, 751, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (919, 751, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (920, 752, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (921, 752, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (922, 757, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (923, 757, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (924, 757, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (925, 758, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (926, 758, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (927, 759, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (928, 759, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (929, 759, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (930, 760, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (931, 761, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (932, 762, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (933, 762, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (934, 763, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (935, 764, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (936, 764, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (937, 764, '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1103, 919, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1104, 920, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1105, 921, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1106, 922, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1107, 922, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1108, 923, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1109, 924, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1110, 925, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1111, 926, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1112, 927, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1113, 928, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1114, 929, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1115, 929, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1116, 930, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1117, 948, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1118, 948, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1119, 950, '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_comment_picture` VALUES (1120, 950, '', 5); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_coupon -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_coupon`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_coupon` ( `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `type_money` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `send_type` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `min_amount` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `max_amount` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `send_start_date` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `send_end_date` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `use_start_date` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `use_end_date` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `min_goods_amount` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_coupon -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_coupon` VALUES (1, '用户红包', 2.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1242057600, 1244736000, 1242057600, 1250006400, 500.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_coupon` VALUES (2, '商品红包', 10.00, 1, 0.00, 0.00, 1241971200, 1250352000, 1242057600, 1250006400, 500.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_coupon` VALUES (3, '订单红包', 20.00, 2, 1500.00, 0.00, 1242057600, 1309363200, 1242057600, 1257955200, 800.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_coupon` VALUES (4, '线下红包', 5.00, 3, 0.00, 0.00, 1242057600, 1244736000, 1242057600, 1255449600, 360.00); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_feedback -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_feedback`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_feedback` ( `msg_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `user_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `user_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `user_email` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `msg_title` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `msg_type` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `msg_status` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `msg_content` text NOT NULL, `msg_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `message_img` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `order_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `msg_area` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`msg_id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_feedback -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_feedback` VALUES (1, 0, 1, 'nideshop', '', '三星SGH-F258什么时候到', 4, 0, '三星SGH-F258什么时候有货', 1242107197, '', 0, 0); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_footprint -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_footprint`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_footprint` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `add_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=93 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_goods -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_goods`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_goods` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `category_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_sn` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `name` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `brand_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_number` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `keywords` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `goods_brief` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `goods_desc` text, `is_on_sale` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `add_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `sort_order` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100', `is_delete` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `attribute_category` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `counter_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '专柜价格', `extra_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '附加价格', `is_new` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_unit` varchar(45) NOT NULL COMMENT '商品单位', `primary_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '商品主图', `list_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '商品列表图', `retail_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '零售价格', `sell_volume` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '销售量', `primary_product_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '主sku product_id', `unit_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '单位价格,单价', `promotion_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `promotion_tag` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `app_exclusive_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'APP专享价', `is_app_exclusive` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '是否是APP专属', `is_limited` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `is_hot` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `goods_sn` (`goods_sn`), KEY `cat_id` (`category_id`), KEY `brand_id` (`brand_id`), KEY `goods_number` (`goods_number`), KEY `sort_order` (`sort_order`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_goods -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1006002, 1008009, '1006002', '轻奢纯棉刺绣水洗四件套', 0, 100, '', '设计师原款,精致绣花', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 899.00, 168, 1006003, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1006007, 1008008, '1006007', '秋冬保暖加厚澳洲羊毛被', 0, 100, '', '臻品级澳洲进口羊毛', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 459.00, 1730, 1006022, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1006010, 1008008, '1006010', '秋冬保暖加厚细羊毛被', 0, 100, '', '细腻绵羊毛,保暖性增加一倍', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 659.00, 3919, 1006041, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1006013, 1036000, '1006013', '双宫茧桑蚕丝被 空调被', 1001045, 100, '', '一级桑蚕丝,吸湿透气柔软', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 699.00, 841, 1006045, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1006014, 1008008, '1006014', '双宫茧桑蚕丝被 子母被', 1001045, 100, '', '双层子母被,四季皆可使用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1399.00, 1949, 1006046, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1006051, 1008001, '1006051', '皇室御用超柔毛巾', 0, 100, '', '至柔至软,热销50万条', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '条', '', '', 59.00, 33401, 1006120, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1009009, 1008008, '1009009', '白鹅绒秋冬加厚羽绒被', 1001000, 100, '', '热销5万条,一条被子过冬', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1999.00, 154, 1008012, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1009012, 1008008, '1009012', '可水洗舒柔丝羽绒枕', 0, 100, '', '超细纤维,蓬松轻盈回弹', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 4862, 1008022, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1009013, 1008008, '1009013', '可水洗抗菌防螨丝羽绒枕', 0, 100, '', '进口防螨布,热销50万件', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 2837, 1008023, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1009024, 1008002, '1009024', '日式和风懒人沙发', 0, 100, '', '优质莱卡纯棉,和风家居新体验', '<p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 599.00, 2918, 1008052, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1009027, 1008001, '1009027', '皇室御用超柔毛巾80s', 0, 100, '', '轻柔舒适不掉毛', '', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '条', '', '', 79.00, 10699, 1008061, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1010000, 1008009, '1010000', '澳洲纯羊毛盖毯 加厚款', 0, 100, '', '温暖加厚设计', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 610, 1009000, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1010001, 1008009, '1010001', '澳洲纯羊毛盖毯 舒适款', 0, 100, '', '100%澳洲美利奴羊毛', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 21, 1009001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1011004, 1036000, '1011004', '色织精梳AB纱格纹空调被', 1001000, 100, '', '加大加厚,双色精彩', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 1007, 1010014, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1015007, 1008002, '1015007', '典雅美式全棉刺绣抱枕', 0, 100, '', '典雅毛线绣,精致工艺', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 133, 1013024, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1019000, 1008008, '1019000', '升级款护颈波浪记忆枕', 0, 100, '', '享受自在侧睡', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 2805, 1017000, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1019001, 1008008, '1019001', '升级款护颈加翼记忆枕', 0, 100, '', '仰睡优质装备', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 109.00, 2961, 1017001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1019002, 1008008, '1019002', '升级款护颈双人记忆枕', 0, 100, '', '共享亲密2人时光', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 37, 1017002, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1019006, 1008008, '1019006', '植物填充护颈夜交藤枕', 0, 100, '', '健康保护枕', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 10, 1017014, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1020000, 1008002, '1020000', '升级款记忆绵护椎腰靠', 1001000, 100, '', '人体工学设计,缓解腰背疼痛', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 8586, 1018000, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1021000, 1008001, '1021000', '埃及进口长绒棉毛巾', 0, 100, '', '厚实舒适', '', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '条', '', '', 39.00, 34530, 1122018, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1021001, 1008001, '1021001', '全棉进口埃及长绒棉浴巾', 0, 100, '', '加大加厚埃及棉', '', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 35029, 1122028, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1021004, 1008009, '1021004', '澳洲羊羔毛AB面盖毯', 1001020, 100, '', '冬暖夏凉,吸湿排汗。', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 1323, 1019010, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1021010, 1008009, '1021010', '色织水洗棉纯色四件套', 0, 100, '', '做旧褶皱感,亲肤舒适', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 756, 1019028, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1022000, 1008009, '1022000', '意式毛线绣球四件套', 1001020, 100, '', '浪漫毛线绣球,简约而不简单', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 18, 0, 0, 399.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 690, 1020000, 0.00, '限时购', '限时购', 0.00, 0, 203, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1022001, 1008009, '1022001', '法式浪漫绣球四件套', 1001020, 100, '', '浪漫绣球,法式般的呵护', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 349.00, 873, 1020001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1023003, 1005007, '1023003', '100年传世珐琅锅 全家系列', 0, 100, '', '特质铸铁,大容量全家共享', '', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '只', '', '', 398.00, 413, 1022007, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1023012, 1036000, '1023012', '色织华夫格夏凉被', 1001000, 100, '', '凹凸华夫格织法,舒适轻柔', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 7180, 1022030, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1023032, 1008009, '1023032', '纯棉色织缎纹四件套', 1001020, 100, '', '色织缎纹工艺,亲肤舒适', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"line-height: 1.42857;\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 449.00, 574, 1022076, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1023034, 1036000, '1023034', '泡泡纱可水洗夏凉被', 1001000, 100, '', '全棉泡泡纱,柔软亲肤', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 1068, 1031020, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1025005, 1005007, '1025005', '100年传世珐琅锅', 0, 100, '', '特质铸铁,锁热节能', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '只', '', '', 268.00, 10659, 1024021, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1027004, 1036000, '1027004', '色织六层纱布夏凉被', 1001000, 100, '', '柔软纱布,婴童可用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 249.00, 1255, 1026004, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1029005, 1008009, '1029005', '淡墨天丝麻渐变四件套', 0, 100, '', '亲肤透气,告别干燥秋季', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 959.00, 305, 1028007, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1030001, 1008002, '1030001', '160*230羊毛手工地毯', 0, 100, '', '印度进口,手工编织,简约百搭', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 969.00, 657, 1029001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1030002, 1008002, '1030002', '160*230羊毛圈绒枪刺地毯', 0, 100, '', '印度进口,手工枪刺,简约百搭', '<p><video id=\"tmpVedio0\" class=\"edui-upload-video video-js vjs-default-skin video-js\" controls=\"\" preload=\"auto\" width=\"100%\" height=\"\" data-setup=\"{}\"><source src=\"\" type=\"video/mp4\"/></video></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 24, 0, 0, 1269.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 899.00, 205, 1029006, 0.00, '限时购', '限时购', 0.00, 0, 203, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1030003, 1008002, '1030003', '160*230羊毛手工几何地毯', 0, 100, '', '几何图案,打造立体的时尚感', '<p><video id=\"tmpVedio0\" class=\"edui-upload-video video-js vjs-default-skin video-js\" controls=\"\" preload=\"auto\" width=\"100%\" height=\"\" data-setup=\"{}\"><source src=\"\" type=\"video/mp4\"/></video></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"line-height: 1.42857;\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1469.00, 464, 1029008, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1030004, 1008009, '1030004', '日式穿线绣四件套', 1001020, 100, '', '源自日本的刺子绣工艺', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 203, 1029010, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1030005, 1008009, '1030005', '撞色全亚麻四件套', 1001020, 100, '', '纯亚麻面料,透气亲肤', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 899.00, 1732, 1029015, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1030006, 1008009, '1030006', '日式纯棉色织AB格四件套', 0, 100, '', '凹凸立体格纹,细节体现质感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 21, 0, 0, 459.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 329.00, 7, 1029021, 0.00, '限时购', '限时购', 0.00, 0, 203, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1033000, 1020003, '1033000', '新生彩棉初衣礼盒(婴童)', 0, 100, '', '来自天然彩棉的礼物', '', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 13731, 1032000, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1035006, 1008002, '1035006', '全棉单面割绒浴室地垫', 0, 100, '', '手工制作,纯棉材质,柔软舒适', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 32, 0, 0, 69.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 56.00, 14584, 1034011, 0.00, '限时购', '限时购', 0.00, 0, 203, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1036002, 1008008, '1036002', '高山苦荞麦枕', 0, 100, '', '原生苦荞,健康护颈', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 2723, 1035005, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1036013, 1008009, '1036013', '全棉针织素色床笠', 0, 100, '', '百隆色纺纱,亲肤舒适,裸睡神器', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 109.00, 1420, 1035028, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1036016, 1008009, '1036016', '日式色织水洗棉床笠', 0, 100, '', '色织水洗工艺,亲肤柔软', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 109.00, 983, 1035048, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1037011, 1008008, '1037011', '安睡慢回弹记忆绵床垫', 0, 100, '', '5cm记忆绵的亲密包裹', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 599.00, 1179, 1059046, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1037012, 1008008, '1037012', '圆形护颈苦荞麦枕', 0, 100, '', '高山苦荞填充,放松颈椎', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 69.00, 3942, 1036028, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1038004, 1005007, '1038004', '100年传世珐琅锅 马卡龙系列', 0, 100, '', '均匀导热,释放美味', '', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '只', '', '', 359.00, 3852, 1037022, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1039051, 1008002, '1039051', '多功能午睡枕', 1001000, 100, '', '放松自在的午后时光', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 8202, 1038068, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1039056, 1012003, '1039056', '金属亚光钢笔', 0, 100, '', '铱金暗尖,超顺书写', '', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 27565, 1038077, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1043005, 1008002, '1043005', '日式记忆绵坐垫', 1001000, 100, '', '活性炭记忆绵,缓解压力', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 7482, 1041015, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1044012, 1008009, '1044012', '澳洲羊羔毛华夫格盖毯', 0, 100, '', '美利奴全新羊羔毛的细腻触感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 349.00, 316, 1042084, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1045000, 1008015, '1045000', '绿茶蛋黄酥 200克/4枚入', 0, 100, '', '香甜茶食,果腹优选', '', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 28.00, 3271, 1077026, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1046001, 1012003, '1046001', '按动式三角中油笔', 0, 100, '', '进口笔尖,无毒油墨', '', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '支', '', '', 8.90, 2982, 1044001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1046002, 1012003, '1046002', '直杆三角中性笔', 0, 100, '', '合金笔尖,高强度笔身', '', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '支', '', '', 9.90, 38061, 1044002, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1046044, 1008009, '1046044', '美利奴羊毛盖毯设计师款', 1001020, 100, '', '欧洲知名品牌设计师联合打造', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 349.00, 1372, 1044116, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1048005, 1008002, '1048005', '日式色织水洗条纹抱枕', 1001000, 100, '', '色织面料,水洗工艺,柔软亲肤', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 5846, 1047014, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1051000, 1005007, '1051000', 'Carat钻石炒锅30cm', 0, 100, '', '安全涂层,轻便无烟', '', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '只', '', '', 180.00, 1553, 1052001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1051001, 1005007, '1051001', 'Carat钻石煎锅28cm', 0, 100, '', '耐磨涂层,导热迅速', '', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '只', '', '', 159.00, 901, 1052004, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1051002, 1005007, '1051002', 'Carat钻石汤锅24cm', 0, 100, '', '安全涂层,锁热保温', '', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '只', '', '', 228.00, 1501, 1052006, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1051003, 1005007, '1051003', 'Carat钻石奶锅18cm', 0, 100, '', '轻便节能,易于清洗', '', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '只', '', '', 148.00, 4474, 1052008, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1055012, 1008002, '1055012', '300根全棉羽丝绒抱枕芯', 0, 100, '', '仪征3D填充,充实的满足感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 6669, 1056022, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1055016, 1008002, '1055016', '日式纯棉针织条纹抱枕', 1001000, 100, '', '亲肤舒适,宛如妈妈的怀抱', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 948, 1056032, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1055022, 1012003, '1055022', '磨砂杆直杆中性笔', 0, 100, '', '高韧笔杆,书写不疲惫', '', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 4.90, 19759, 1056048, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1056002, 1010002, '1056002', '男式玩色内裤', 0, 100, '', '德国工艺,多色随搭', '', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '条', '', '', 59.00, 14859, 1057029, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1057036, 1008002, '1057036', '日式纯色水洗亚麻抱枕', 1001000, 100, '', '水洗亚麻,透气亲肤', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 1727, 1058097, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1064000, 1017000, '1064000', '清新条纹开放式宠物窝', 1015000, 100, '', '清凉触感,耐抓耐磨', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 392, 1066000, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1064002, 1017000, '1064002', '秋冬加厚条纹宠物窝', 1015000, 100, '', '时尚牛仔,加厚温暖', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 69.00, 3385, 1066002, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1064003, 1017000, '1064003', '六边形南瓜式宠物窝', 1015000, 100, '', '给萌宠柔软包裹的归家感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 1037, 1066004, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1064004, 1017000, '1064004', '方形封闭式宠物窝', 1015000, 100, '', '封闭式设计猫咪独享', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 618, 1066005, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1064006, 1008008, '1064006', '3D纯棉护颈加翼记忆枕', 0, 100, '', '深色面料,安睡护颈', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 129.00, 230, 1066007, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1064007, 1008008, '1064007', '3D纯棉护颈双人记忆枕', 0, 100, '', '纯棉呵护,属于你我的记忆', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 249.00, 29, 1066008, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1064021, 1008016, '1064021', '清欢日式可调节台灯', 0, 100, '', '木铁结合,全体可调节', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 0, 1066050, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1064022, 1008016, '1064022', '清欢日式可调节落地灯', 0, 100, '', '便易调节,风格百搭', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 24, 1066051, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1065004, 1011004, '1065004', '悦己日式木质落地镜', 0, 100, '', '流畅线条,日式简约', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 118, 1068062, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1065005, 1011004, '1065005', '古风圆角木质落地镜', 0, 100, '', '简约设计,日式和风', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 249.00, 366, 1068063, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1068010, 1008008, '1068010', '全棉澳毛床褥床垫 床笠款', 0, 100, '', '精选优质澳毛,柔软保暖', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 329.00, 907, 1071014, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1068011, 1008008, '1068011', '全棉丝光骆驼绒秋冬被', 0, 100, '', '精细驼绒填充,加厚温暖', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 941, 1071016, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1068012, 1036000, '1068012', '全棉色织绗缝夏凉件套', 1001020, 100, '', '夏季凉被,冬季暖套,四季可用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 599.00, 4274, 1071018, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1070000, 1008015, '1070000', '星云酥 180克/3颗', 0, 100, '', '酥饼界的小仙女', '', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 26.00, 867, 1124049, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1071004, 1017000, '1071004', '日式圆形宠物盆猫砂盆', 0, 100, '', '日式配色,圆滑细腻', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 248, 1075042, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1071005, 1017000, '1071005', '便携多功能宠物拾便器', 0, 100, '', '方便携带,环保卫生', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 468, 1075044, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1071006, 1017000, '1071006', '清新宠物水食钵食盆', 0, 100, '', '含银离子的洁净除菌食盆', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 9.90, 7021, 1075047, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1072000, 1008002, '1072000', '手工针织绞花抱枕套', 1001020, 100, '', '纯手工针织,带给你复古的暖', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 305, 1076004, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1072001, 1008002, '1072001', '色织水洗棉绣花抱枕套', 1001020, 100, '', '清素色织,搭配水洗棉旧色的温柔', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 49.00, 121, 1076007, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1073008, 1005007, '1073008', '铸铁珐琅牛排煎锅', 0, 100, '', '沥油隔水,煎出外焦里嫩', '', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 149.00, 2191, 1077044, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1074001, 1010002, '1074001', '男式莫代尔无痕内裤', 0, 100, '', 'Bemis技术,极简无痕', '', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 26520, 1078001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1075022, 1012003, '1075022', '暗格简约钢笔', 0, 100, '', '铱金暗尖,300超长书写', '', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 10187, 1079054, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1075023, 1008008, '1075023', '舒适安睡复合羽绒枕', 0, 100, '', '一等白鸭绒,蓬松承托', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 1219, 1079055, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1075024, 1008008, '1075024', '升级款纯棉静音白鹅羽绒被', 1001000, 100, '', '静音面料,加厚熟睡', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 2399.00, 607, 1079056, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1081000, 1008002, '1081000', '北欧风珊瑚绒多功能暖手枕', 0, 100, '', '手枕坐垫两用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 49.00, 997, 1085010, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1081002, 1008002, '1081002', '北欧风珊瑚绒多功能抱枕', 0, 100, '', '靠枕暖手毛毯多用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 132, 1085012, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1083009, 1011004, '1083009', '海洋之心永生花', 0, 100, '', '厄瓜多尔玫瑰,精致美感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 1331, 1087100, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1083010, 1011004, '1083010', '绿野仙踪永生花', 0, 100, '', '花朵与多元素的碰撞', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 469.00, 619, 1087101, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1084001, 1008009, '1084001', '纯棉简欧条纹针织盖毯', 1001020, 100, '', '纯棉针织,柔软亲肤', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 249.00, 1638, 1089014, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1084003, 1008009, '1084003', '纯棉美式绞花针织盖毯', 1001020, 100, '', '美式提花,温暖舒适', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 36, 1089017, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1085019, 1012001, '1085019', '20寸 纯PC“铝框”(非全铝)登机箱', 0, 100, '', '铝质包角,牢固抗摔', '', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 349.00, 21816, 1090081, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1086015, 1008016, '1086015', '北欧极简直杆台灯', 0, 100, '', '北欧色彩,极简线条', '<p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 249.00, 2711, 1091069, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1086023, 1017000, '1086023', '彩色波点缓冲宠物牵引绳', 0, 100, '', '精致合金,萌趣波点', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 19.90, 627, 1091109, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1086024, 1017000, '1086024', '夜间反光防走失宠物牵引绳', 0, 100, '', '编织反光,夜间防走失', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 9.90, 785, 1091111, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1086025, 1017000, '1086025', '美式精编麻花圆绳宠物牵引绳', 0, 100, '', '编织纹理,牢固精致', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 49.00, 141, 1091114, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1086026, 1017000, '1086026', '复古实心交织宠物牵引绳', 0, 100, '', '实心黑色编织仿皮质宠物牵引绳', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 26, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 29.00, 104, 1091115, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1086052, 1012001, '1086052', '20寸 铝镁合金登机箱', 0, 100, '', '时尚金属箱,奢品质感', '', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1499.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 859.00, 599, 1091180, 0.00, '三石福利价', '三石福利价', 0.00, 0, 203, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1090004, 1008009, '1090004', '日式法兰绒格子四件套', 1001000, 100, '', '气质英伦格纹,法兰绒的丰满细腻', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 2156, 1095010, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1092001, 1012003, '1092001', '星空原色水晶笔', 0, 100, '', '140颗原色水晶,璀璨如星', '', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '支', '', '', 29.00, 15295, 1097001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1092005, 1012003, '1092005', '木韵檀香黄铜笔', 0, 100, '', '缅甸黑檀与黄铜的结合,彰显贵气', '', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 3106, 1097008, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1092024, 1008008, '1092024', '双宫茧纱布亲肤手工蚕丝被', 0, 100, '', '手工匠心织造', '<p><video id=\"tmpVedio0\" class=\"edui-upload-video video-js vjs-default-skin video-js\" controls=\"\" preload=\"auto\" width=\"100%\" height=\"\" data-setup=\"{}\"><source src=\"\" type=\"video/mp4\"/></video></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1599.00, 254, 1097151, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1092025, 1010002, '1092025', 'Let it go男式纯棉免洗内裤', 0, 100, '', '伽玛射线安心杀菌', '', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 19.90, 5656, 1097153, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1092026, 1010002, '1092026', 'Let it go女式纯棉免洗内裤', 0, 100, '', '100%纯棉,出行必备', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 19.90, 4144, 1097157, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1092038, 1017000, '1092038', '日式天然桐木材质猫抓板', 0, 100, '', '天然桐木,耐磨耐抓', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 136, 1097179, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1092039, 1017000, '1092039', '圆钵碗状高密材质猫抓板', 0, 100, '', '可抓可睡,一物两用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p>', 1, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 583, 1097180, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1093000, 1011004, '1093000', '月光曲·小木棉', 0, 100, '', '仿真PU,定格典雅', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 8067, 1098000, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1093001, 1011004, '1093001', '月光曲·马蹄莲', 0, 100, '', '仿真PU,定格典雅', '<p>*温馨提示:若马蹄莲有些褶皱,可将白色花朵部分放入60-70℃的水中热10秒立刻拿出,可恢复原状。</p><p> (注意:只针对马蹄莲白色花朵部分)</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 29.00, 7936, 1098001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1093002, 1011004, '1093002', '月光曲·清水木棉', 0, 100, '', '仿真之美裹于精致玻璃', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 49.00, 7868, 1098002, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097004, 1015000, '1097004', '原素系列实木餐桌', 0, 100, '', '素雅大气,结实不易蛀', '<p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1699.00, 241, 1101009, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097005, 1015000, '1097005', '原素系列实木餐椅(两把)', 0, 100, '', '经典造型,贴合人体曲线', '<p><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><strong><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></strong></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1199.00, 497, 1101011, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097006, 1015000, '1097006', '原素系列折角实木圆桌', 0, 100, '', '经典桌角,美观稳固', '<p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 999.00, 2, 1101012, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097007, 1015000, '1097007', '原素系列立式实木圆桌', 0, 100, '', '优雅木纹,结实不易蛀', '<p><span style=\"font-size: 18px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\"></span></p><p><strong><span style=\";font-family:'微软雅黑',sans-serif\"></span></strong></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 759.00, 10, 1101013, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097009, 1015000, '1097009', '原素系列实木书桌', 0, 100, '', '无胶龙凤口工艺,经久耐用', '<p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1599.00, 402, 1101016, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097011, 1015000, '1097011', '原素系列1.8米实木床', 0, 100, '', '优选实木,环保喷漆', '<p><strong><span style=\"font-family:'微软雅黑',sans-serif\"></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\"font-size:19px;font-family:'微软雅黑',sans-serif\"></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=\";font-family:'微软雅黑',sans-serif\"></span></strong></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><span style=\";font-family:'微软雅黑',sans-serif\"></span><br/></p>', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 3899.00, 171, 1101020, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097012, 1015000, '1097012', '原素系列实木床头柜', 0, 100, '', '优选实木环保喷漆', '<p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 999.00, 499, 1101021, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097013, 1015000, '1097013', '原素系列实木五斗柜', 0, 100, '', '造型经典,收纳的得力助手', '<p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 2699.00, 454, 1101022, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097014, 1015000, '1097014', '原素系列实木多抽柜', 0, 100, '', '造型简约,拥有极高实用性', '<p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 4199.00, 150, 1101023, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097016, 1015000, '1097016', '原素系列1.8米实木电视柜', 0, 100, '', '经典木纹,结实不易蛀', '<p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 2799.00, 452, 1101026, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1097017, 1015000, '1097017', '原素系列柜式实木茶几', 0, 100, '', '山形木纹,经典优雅', '<p><strong><span style=\";font-family:'微软雅黑',sans-serif\"></span></strong></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">温馨提示:</span></span><br/></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\">1,由于<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>,要求所有木制品办理《植物检疫证书》,因此暂停向<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽黄山市</span></span>和<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">安徽宣城绩溪县</span></span>运输家具,以上两地客户请注意不要购买,<span style=\"font-weight: 700;\"><span style=\"color: red;\">物流无法派送</span></span>,对此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意!</span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\"><span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif;\"></span></p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">2,家具送货上门时请拆开包装,待组装完成后,仔细检查家具是否有磕碰,少件等问题,如有不满请拒收或进行异常签收,我们会保障您的权益。</p><p style=\"white-space: normal;\">3,因个人原因首次送货上门暂不安装,要求二次上门安装的,会额外收取费用,请您与安装服务公司进行协商。</p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 2199.00, 216, 1101027, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1100000, 1008009, '1100000', '300根水洗棉缎纹纯色枕套*2', 0, 100, '', '水洗棉的呵护,透气亲肤', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 548, 1103000, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1100001, 1008009, '1100001', '300根水洗棉缎纹纯色床单', 0, 100, '', '水洗棉的柔软舒适,百分百的亲肤呵护', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 7591, 1103002, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1100002, 1008009, '1100002', '300根水洗棉缎纹纯色床笠', 0, 100, '', '柔软水洗棉,百分百的呵护', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 189.00, 7881, 1103008, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1108029, 1017000, '1108029', '宠物多功能喂水喂食器', 0, 100, '', '喂水喂食一体机', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 1001, 1109106, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1108030, 1017000, '1108030', '宠物便携出行圆球饮水器', 0, 100, '', '外出饮水必备', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 748, 1109109, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1108031, 1017000, '1108031', '宠物不锈钢圆形倾斜餐碗', 0, 100, '', '15°倾斜设计,保护萌宠颈椎', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 6243, 1109111, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1108032, 1017000, '1108032', '宠物外出便携硅胶折叠碗', 0, 100, '', '环保材质,安全出行', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 29.00, 5231, 1109117, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1109004, 1011004, '1109004', '简日挂钟', 0, 100, '', '极简风格,精确读数', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 2562, 1110004, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1109005, 1011004, '1109005', '方圆木钟', 0, 100, '', '坚硬榉木,实木雕刻', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 1717, 1110006, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1109008, 1015000, '1109008', '云端沙发组合', 1001000, 100, '', 'MUJI供应商携手打造', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p style=\"text-align: center;\"><br/></p>', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 3999.00, 274, 1110009, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1109034, 1011004, '1109034', 'LCD电子钟 升级版', 0, 100, '', 'MUJI风格,清晰简明', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 129.00, 277, 1110157, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110002, 1011004, '1110002', '大头风扇', 0, 100, '', '静音劲风,小巧灵动', '<p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 119.00, 11433, 1111007, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110003, 1008009, '1110003', '全棉针织条纹四件套 新款', 1001000, 100, '', '裸睡享受,柔软透气有弹性', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 19852, 1111023, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110004, 1008009, '1110004', '全棉针织纯色四件套', 1001000, 100, '', '日系纯色,面料轻柔舒透', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 11983, 1111037, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110007, 1008009, '1110007', '日式色织水洗棉格纹四件套 新款', 1001000, 100, '', '做旧微褶感,轻柔呵护棉', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 5402, 1111049, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110008, 1008009, '1110008', '全棉贡缎纯色床单', 0, 100, '', '丝滑缎纹 舒适百搭', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 26, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 7611, 1111057, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110013, 1017000, '1110013', '悦动纯色自动伸缩牵引器', 0, 100, '', '最大承重50KG, 乐享自由', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 51, 1111078, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110014, 1017000, '1110014', '日式气质木纹自动伸缩牵引器', 0, 100, '', '高强耐拉,乐享自由', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 69.00, 308, 1111081, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110015, 1017000, '1110015', '迷彩宠物自动伸缩牵引器', 0, 100, '', '硬汉行军梦,乐享自由', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 69.00, 190, 1111083, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110016, 1017000, '1110016', '天然硅胶宠物除毛按摩刷', 0, 100, '', '顺滑平面,猫狗通用,去除死毛', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 27, 1111086, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110017, 1017000, '1110017', '耐用材料猫咪护理清洁套装', 0, 100, '', '精致钢材,美容清洁', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 154, 1111087, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110018, 1017000, '1110018', '耐用狗狗清洁美容护理套装', 0, 100, '', '精致钢材,耐咬美容', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 362, 1111088, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1110019, 1017000, '1110019', '宠物合金钢安全除菌指甲护理组合', 0, 100, '', '猫狗皆可用,保护家具', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 69.00, 107, 1111089, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1111007, 1008015, '1111007', '妙曲奇遇记曲奇礼盒 520克', 0, 100, '', '六种口味,酥香脆爽', '', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 78.00, 2073, 1112010, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1111010, 1008001, '1111010', '静谧森林简欧色织提花面巾', 0, 100, '', '静谧神秘,亲肤耐用', '', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 69.00, 5514, 1112013, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1113010, 1010002, '1113010', '男式丝滑莫代尔平角内裤', 0, 100, '', 'Jockey供应商,亲肤贴合', '', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 59.00, 52589, 1114017, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1113011, 1010002, '1113011', '女式丝滑莫代尔三角内裤', 0, 100, '', 'Jockey工厂,顺滑爽肤', '', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 49.00, 23282, 1114040, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1113019, 1012001, '1113019', '20寸 PC膜拉链登机箱', 0, 100, '', '热卖9万只,网易人手1只', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 208.00, 63669, 1114089, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1114011, 1012001, '1114011', '104升 纯PC拉链斜纹拉杆箱', 0, 100, '', '104升的体积,90升的价格', '', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 369.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 4719, 1115089, 0.00, '三石福利价', '三石福利价', 0.00, 0, 203, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1115023, 1008008, '1115023', '新年礼盒 双宫茧纱布美肤手工蚕丝被', 0, 100, '', '手工匠心织造', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1599.00, 133, 1116045, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1115028, 1008009, '1115028', '日式色织水洗棉条纹四件套', 1001000, 100, '', '纯棉水洗感,柔软吸汗', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 4440, 1116061, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1115052, 1008002, '1115052', '日式和风蔺草蒲团坐垫', 0, 100, '', '龙眉蔺草编织 日式茶禅风', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 86.00, 5586, 1116105, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1115053, 1036000, '1115053', '日式天然蔺草席三件套', 0, 100, '', '龙眉蔺草密经编织 爽滑沁凉', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 34, 1116107, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1116004, 1020003, '1116004', '条纹长袖海魂衫(男婴童)', 0, 100, '', 'A类一等品,无荧光承诺', '', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 4518, 1118018, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1116005, 1020003, '1116005', '条纹长袖海魂衫(女婴童)', 0, 100, '', '纯棉亲肤娃娃衫', '', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 998, 1118030, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1116008, 1020003, '1116008', '棉双层纱波点娃娃裙(婴童)', 0, 100, '', '波点娃娃裙搭配面包裤', '', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 1565, 1118055, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1116011, 1008015, '1116011', '蔓越莓曲奇 200克', 0, 100, '', '酥脆奶香,甜酸回味', '', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 36.00, 664, 1118071, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1116030, 1011004, '1116030', '罗马假日 永生花', 0, 100, '', '黑粉的性感结合', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 439.00, 366, 1118102, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1116031, 1011004, '1116031', '怦然心动 永生花', 0, 100, '', '音乐与花的浪漫碰撞', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 439.00, 567, 1118103, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1116032, 1015000, '1116032', '怀抱休闲椅组合', 0, 100, '', '敦厚包裹感 葛优躺神器', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 3499.00, 102, 1118104, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1116033, 1015000, '1116033', '多功能人体工学转椅', 0, 100, '', '预计5月10号开始发货', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1399.00, 0, 1118105, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1125010, 1020003, '1125010', '格纹棉质褶皱娃娃裙(婴童)', 0, 100, '', '彼得潘领 内搭短裤', '', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 159.00, 3235, 1125033, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1125011, 1020003, '1125011', '格纹棉质衬衣(婴童)', 0, 100, '', '法式翻领 气质格纹', '', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 139.00, 1402, 1125039, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1125016, 1011004, '1125016', '大丰收收纳摆件', 0, 100, '', '兼具设计感与实用性', '<p><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 139.00, 435, 1125065, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1125017, 1011004, '1125017', '天鹅船创意摆件', 0, 100, '', '造型可人,精巧实用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 203, 1125067, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1125026, 1020003, '1125026', '中国红满月百天礼盒', 0, 100, '', '新生满月,送礼中国红', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 159.00, 5814, 1125101, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1127003, 1008008, '1127003', 'AB面独立弹簧床垫 进口乳胶', 0, 100, '', '双面可用,抗菌防螨', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 2599.00, 3555, 1127006, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1127024, 1010002, '1127024', '女式无痕真丝内裤', 0, 100, '', '德国热帖工艺无痕无缝', '', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 14193, 1127044, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1127025, 1010002, '1127025', '女式蝶边真丝内裤', 0, 100, '', '养肤蚕丝,蝶翼无痕', '', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 8162, 1127062, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1127038, 1008009, '1127038', '简约知性全棉四件套 星空蓝', 0, 100, '', '静谧深邃蓝 沉稳中充满张力', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 359.00, 318, 1127096, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1127039, 1008009, '1127039', '清新趣粉全棉四件套 青粉拼接', 0, 100, '', '精梳长绒棉,亲肤舒适', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 383, 1127102, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1127047, 1012003, '1127047', '趣味粉彩系列笔记本', 0, 100, '', '粉彩色泽,记录生活', '', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 29.00, 7015, 1127155, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1127052, 1036000, '1127052', '纯棉水洗色织格夏凉被', 0, 100, '', '100%棉填充,透气排汗,双面可用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 169.00, 3093, 1127179, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1128002, 1008002, '1128002', '清新趣粉系列居家地毯 青粉拼接', 0, 100, '', '清新撞色 细腻柔软', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 599.00, 137, 1128017, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1128010, 1008001, '1128010', '趣味粉彩单面纱布亲肤毛巾', 0, 100, '', '单面毛圈,萌动生活', '', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 29.00, 3335, 1128063, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1128011, 1008001, '1128011', '趣味粉彩单面纱布超柔浴巾', 0, 100, '', '野兽派制造商,透气瞬吸', '', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 2417, 1128064, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1129015, 1008001, '1129015', '阿瓦提长绒棉超柔弱捻浴巾', 0, 100, '', '瞬吸亲肤,0掉毛率', '', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 4330, 1129071, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1129016, 1008001, '1129016', '新疆阿瓦提长绒棉弱捻超柔毛巾', 0, 100, '', '瞬间吸水,亲肤不掉毛。', '', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 29.00, 4305, 1129079, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1130037, 1008002, '1130037', '帆布丝羽绒多用坐垫', 1001000, 100, '', '柔软蓬松,透气防螨。', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 39.00, 9661, 1130120, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1130038, 1017000, '1130038', '贝壳型凉感蓬松宠物窝垫', 0, 100, '', '日本面料,简约条纹', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 246, 1130122, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1130039, 1017000, '1130039', '房型封闭式凉感条纹宠物窝', 0, 100, '', '日式面料,四季可用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 89.00, 312, 1130124, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1130041, 1008002, '1130041', '皮毛一体多用长毛坐垫', 0, 100, '', '澳洲羊毛的细腻触感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 109.00, 4383, 1130127, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1130042, 1008002, '1130042', '皮毛一体多用单张长毛皮垫', 0, 100, '', '盖毯、沙发垫、椅垫、地垫', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 239.00, 4702, 1130130, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1130049, 1036000, '1130049', '柔软凉爽天丝麻蚕丝填充夏凉被', 0, 100, '', '天然恒温凉感面料,蚕丝美肤透气保护', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 429.00, 1033, 1130206, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1130056, 1036000, '1130056', '奢华植鞣头层水牛皮席三件套', 0, 100, '', '三峡水牛头层皮,高端夏凉必备', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 2299.00, 2478, 1130234, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1131017, 1036000, '1131017', '平滑细篾头层青碳化竹凉席', 0, 100, '', '细篾整密,凉滑不夹肉', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 259.00, 1258, 1131241, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1134022, 1008002, '1134022', '清新趣粉防滑浴垫', 0, 100, '', '清新跃动,舒适脚感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 2166, 1135125, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1134030, 1008002, '1134030', '简约知性记忆棉坐垫', 0, 100, '', '慢回弹海绵,时尚设计。', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 46.00, 7580, 1135146, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1134032, 1008002, '1134032', '趣味粉彩系列记忆棉坐垫', 0, 100, '', '慢回弹海绵的呵护,萌趣添彩。', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 49.00, 2869, 1135151, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1134036, 1008015, '1134036', '凤梨酥 360克', 0, 100, '', '特别添加10%凤梨果肉', '', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 38.00, 4683, 1135160, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1134056, 1008009, '1134056', '竹语初棉撞色四件套', 0, 100, '', '天然竹醌成分,抑菌爽滑健康睡眠', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 429.00, 3452, 1135193, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135000, 1008009, '1135000', '几何印花AB面全棉四件套', 0, 100, '', '几何线条,舒适的北欧线条风', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 359.00, 3734, 1136001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135001, 1008009, '1135001', '印象森林全棉贡缎四件套', 0, 100, '', '细腻长绒棉的柔滑', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 459.00, 1038, 1136008, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135002, 1008009, '1135002', '宫廷奢华真丝四件套', 0, 100, '', '100%桑蚕丝,丝滑润肤', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 2599.00, 232, 1136010, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135050, 1017000, '1135050', '多功能封闭式环保除菌猫砂盆', 0, 100, '', '银离子吸附脏东西,多功能', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 179.00, 998, 1136374, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135051, 1008002, '1135051', '日式素雅纯色流星纹窗帘', 0, 100, '', '日式素雅设计 流星纹简约肌理', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 299.00, 1816, 1136377, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135052, 1008002, '1135052', '日式简约素色窗帘', 0, 100, '', '日式极简美学 舒适棉麻质感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 259.00, 2776, 1136402, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135053, 1008002, '1135053', '法式复古山形纹提花窗帘', 0, 100, '', '轻奢复古,立体提花', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 429.00, 5280, 1136424, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135054, 1008002, '1135054', '美式田园风蜻蜓提花窗帘', 0, 100, '', '美式蜻蜓提花 甜美田园色彩', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 559.00, 22628, 1136431, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135055, 1008002, '1135055', '北欧印象几何条纹混色窗帘', 0, 100, '', '山形纹提花 北欧简约混色', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/><br/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 17157, 1136456, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135056, 1008002, '1135056', '糖果色凹凸条纹儿童房窗帘', 0, 100, '', '灵动色彩,童趣条纹', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 259.00, 10577, 1136472, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135057, 1008002, '1135057', '梦幻系简约轻透莹白纱帘', 0, 100, '', '轻透柔软纱 朦胧细纹肌理', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 199.00, 4968, 1136484, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135058, 1008002, '1135058', '日式多功能手卷午睡枕坐垫', 0, 100, '', '全棉针织条纹,透气按摩粒子', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 2023, 1136490, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135065, 1010002, '1135065', '里昂 男式防磨平角内裤', 0, 100, '', '19道工艺,磨绒质感', '', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 69.00, 7714, 1136556, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135072, 1020003, '1135072', '经典海魂纹水手裙(婴童)', 0, 100, '', '自由海军领探索未来梦', '', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 69.00, 1864, 1136606, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1135073, 1020003, '1135073', '海魂纹哈衣水手服(婴童)', 0, 100, '', '经典海魂纹自由海军领', '', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 69.00, 1935, 1136618, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1138000, 1008002, '1138000', '日式蓬软太鼓抱枕', 0, 100, '', '萌趣太鼓造型 软糯轻柔回弹', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 29.00, 49864, 1139013, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1138001, 1008002, '1138001', '北欧简约山形纹绣花抱枕', 0, 100, '', '精细刺绣,舒适立体', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 5508, 1139049, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1143006, 1012003, '1143006', '十四行诗-礼盒', 0, 100, '', '简约素雅,文艺大气', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 4447, 1144026, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1143015, 1036000, '1143015', '婴儿床蔺草席', 0, 100, '', '天然龙眉草,婴童可用', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 79.00, 130, 1144081, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1143016, 1012001, '1143016', '112升 纯PC拉链斜纹拉杆箱', 0, 100, '', '容量升级,全家一箱搞定', '', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 319.00, 6920, 1150007, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1143018, 1008015, '1143018', '粽情乡思端午粽礼盒 640克', 0, 100, '', '五种口味,寄情端午', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 68.00, 3641, 1144095, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1143019, 1008015, '1143019', '粽夏冰晶端午粽礼盒 480克', 0, 100, '', '五味冰粽,清凉一夏', '', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 98.00, 2610, 1144096, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1143020, 1008015, '1143020', '粽横四海端午粽礼盒 800克', 0, 100, '', '八方风味,粽香礼赞', '', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 168.00, 1327, 1144097, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1147045, 1008002, '1147045', '清新趣粉系列居家地毯 灰黄条纹', 0, 100, '', '条纹色块拼接 软糯温馨', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 599.00, 247, 1148174, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1147046, 1008002, '1147046', '清新趣粉系列居家地毯 条纹间粉', 0, 100, '', '多色拼接 舒柔静音', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 26, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 599.00, 225, 1148175, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1147047, 1008002, '1147047', '简约知性系列居家地毯 蓝粉拼接', 0, 100, '', '三角几何拼接 超细绒感', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 559.00, 199, 1148176, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1147048, 1008002, '1147048', '简约知性系列居家地毯 蓝灰格', 0, 100, '', '沉稳双拼色 居家温柔伴护', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 559.00, 183, 1148177, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1151012, 1008009, '1151012', '简约知性全棉四件套 素雅灰', 0, 100, '', '素净优雅灰 彰显平和知性', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 359.00, 74, 1155045, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1151013, 1008009, '1151013', '简约知性全棉四件套 胭脂粉', 0, 100, '', '清新灵动粉 谱写浪漫意趣', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 359.00, 174, 1155047, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152004, 1032000, '1152004', '魔兽世界 蛋盾包 双肩包', 0, 100, '', '伊利丹掉落,挤地铁神器', '', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 164, 1156012, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152008, 1032000, '1152008', '魔兽世界 部落 护腕 一只', 0, 100, '', '吸汗、舒适、弹性、防护、耐用', '', 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 29.00, 341, 1156016, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152009, 1032000, '1152009', '魔兽世界 联盟 护腕 一只', 0, 100, '', '吸汗、舒适、弹性、防护、耐用', '', 1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 29.00, 19, 1156017, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152031, 1032000, '1152031', '魔兽世界-伊利丹颈枕眼罩套装', 0, 100, '', '差旅好伴侣', '', 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 99.00, 351, 1156059, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152095, 1032000, '1152095', '魔兽世界 联盟·暴风城 堡垒收纳盒', 0, 100, '', '桌面整理神器', '', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 499.00, 84, 1156133, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152097, 1032000, '1152097', '魔兽世界 雷霆之怒逐风者的祝福之剑 雨伞', 0, 100, '', '炫酷装备,可以背的雨伞', '', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 170, 1156135, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152100, 1032000, '1152100', '魔兽世界 部落·奥格瑞玛 堡垒收纳盒', 0, 100, '', '桌面整理神器', '', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 499.00, 90, 1156138, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152101, 1012001, '1152101', '魔兽世界 部落 奥格瑞玛 拉杆箱 可登机', 0, 100, '', '18寸,可携带登机', '', 1, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 888.00, 64, 1156139, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1152161, 1008009, '1152161', '竹语丝麻印花四件套', 0, 100, '', '3重透气,清爽柔滑', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 459.00, 310, 1156329, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1153006, 1032000, '1153006', '魔兽世界 纪念版 麻将套装', 0, 100, '', '十年经典,纪念麻将套装', '', 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 1288.00, 213, 1158031, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1155000, 1008009, '1155000', '清新趣粉全棉四件套 条纹绿格', 0, 100, '', '清新趣粉全棉四件套 青粉拼接', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 399.00, 395, 1162001, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1155015, 1008015, '1155015', '绿豆糕 80克(4枚入)', 0, 100, '', '细腻松软,入口绵柔', '', 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 12.90, 7353, 1162102, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1156006, 1012001, '1156006', '20寸 全铝镁合金登机箱', 0, 100, '', '100%铝镁合金,超薄坚固', '', 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0, '件', '', '', 699.00, 741, 1165011, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1166008, 1005007, '1166008', 'Carat钻石 不粘厨具组合', 0, 100, '', '钻石涂层,不粘锅锅具组', '', 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '只', '', '', 459.00, 889, 1178050, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods` VALUES (1181000, 1008008, '1181000', '母亲节礼物-舒适安睡组合', 1001020, 100, '', '安心舒适是最好的礼物', '<p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><img src=\"\" _src=\"\" style=\"\"/></p><p><br/></p>', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 1, '件', '', '', 2598.00, 1533, 1194000, 0.00, '限时购', '', 0.00, 0, 0, 0); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_goods_attribute -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_goods_attribute`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_goods_attribute` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goods_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `attribute_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `value` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `goods_id` (`goods_id`), KEY `attr_id` (`attribute_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=872 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_goods_attribute -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (1, 1006002, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (2, 1006002, 2, '1.5米+1.8米通用'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (3, 1006002, 3, '4件'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (4, 1006002, 4, '刺绣'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (5, 1006002, 5, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (6, 1006002, 6, '中国'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (7, 1006002, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (8, 1006007, 8, '2000g/2300g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (9, 1006007, 9, '200*230cm/220*240cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (10, 1006007, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (11, 1006007, 11, '100%羊毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (12, 1006007, 7, '1.经过碳化、清洗、梳理的天然羊毛被带会有少量味道,通风晾晒2-3天即可散去 2.为减少羊毛漂白等化学用品的处理时间,部分羊毛可能未完全脱色,轻微泛黄属羊毛原色,为正常现象。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (13, 1006010, 8, '2000g/2300g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (14, 1006010, 9, '200*230cm/220*240cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (15, 1006010, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (16, 1006010, 11, '超细羊毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (17, 1006010, 7, '1.经过碳化、清洗、梳理的天然羊毛被带会有少量味道,通风晾晒2-3天即可散去 2.为减少羊毛漂白等化学用品的处理时间,部分羊毛可能未完全脱色,轻微泛黄属羊毛原色,为正常现象。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (18, 1006013, 9, '200*230cm/ 220*240cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (19, 1006013, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (20, 1006013, 11, '100%双宫茧桑蚕丝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (21, 1006013, 8, '0.5KG/1KG'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (22, 1006013, 7, '天然桑蚕丝具有正常蛋白味道,通风晾晒2-3天即可散去'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (23, 1006014, 9, '200*230cm/ 220*240cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (24, 1006014, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (25, 1006014, 11, '100%双宫茧桑蚕丝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (26, 1006014, 8, '0.5+1.5KG/1+2KG'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (27, 1006014, 7, '天然桑蚕丝具有正常蛋白味道,通风晾晒2-3天即可散去'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (28, 1009009, 9, '200*230cm/220*240cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (29, 1009009, 12, '白鹅绒'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (30, 1009009, 13, '60%棉 40%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (31, 1009009, 8, '1500g/1700g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (32, 1009009, 14, '95%'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (33, 1009009, 4, '双层立衬'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (34, 1009012, 9, '48*74cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (35, 1009012, 13, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (36, 1009012, 12, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (37, 1009012, 15, '1000g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (38, 1009012, 6, '中国'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (39, 1009012, 7, '枕芯类商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款枕头,挑选最适合的进行使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (40, 1009013, 9, '48*74cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (41, 1009013, 13, '70%高模量聚酯+30%聚酰胺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (42, 1009013, 12, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (43, 1009013, 15, '1000g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (44, 1009013, 6, '中国'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (45, 1009013, 7, '枕芯类商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款枕头,挑选最适合的进行使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (46, 1009024, 16, '65*65*43cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (47, 1009024, 17, '外套帆布:100%棉;外套弹力布:锦纶80%氨纶20%'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (48, 1009024, 18, '内胆面料:100%锦纶;填充物:聚苯乙烯(发泡粒子)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (49, 1009024, 19, '本品为人工填充粒子,重量难免会有误差,敬请谅解。同时产品在运输过程中受挤压,也可能会造成凹陷。储存时请避免重物挤压以引起泡沫粒子塌陷。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (50, 1010000, 1, '100%羊毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (51, 1010000, 9, '200*150cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (52, 1010000, 7, '1.羊毛毯采取传统机织工艺,纯天然织造的,直接接触皮肤会有轻微扎人。\n2.初次使用时会有少量浮毛,建议干洗处理。\n3.商品为纯羊毛织造而成,若有少量气味请通风2-3天去除。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (53, 1010001, 1, '100%羊毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (54, 1010001, 16, '200*150cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (55, 1010001, 7, '1.羊毛毯采取传统机织工艺,纯天然织造的,直接接触皮肤会有轻微扎人。\n2.初次使用时会有少量浮毛,建议干洗处理。\n3.商品为纯羊毛织造而成,若有少量气味请通风2-3天去除。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (56, 1011004, 13, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (57, 1011004, 20, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (58, 1011004, 16, '150×200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (59, 1011004, 21, '一等品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (60, 1011004, 6, '中国'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (61, 1011004, 15, '1800g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (62, 1011004, 7, '1.深色纯棉毛巾被在织造染色过程中,巾面更易产生微细的纤维浮绒,使用前建议用清水漂洗1-2次,即可去掉产品上的浮绒。\n2.在洗涤时一定要注意不要与衣服混在一起机洗,强力的搓洗会引起掉毛或勾线现象。\n3.纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (63, 1015007, 9, '45cm*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (64, 1015007, 22, '100%全棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (65, 1015007, 23, '100%全棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (66, 1015007, 11, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (67, 1015007, 15, '470g(内芯)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (68, 1015007, 6, '中国'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (69, 1019000, 12, '聚醚型聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (70, 1019000, 13, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (71, 1019000, 9, '50cm×30cm×9cm-7cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (72, 1019000, 24, '白色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (73, 1019000, 25, '单人'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (74, 1019000, 7, '1.记忆绵产品为进口环保化学材质聚氨酯发泡而成,刚打开包装会有少量聚氨酯气体产生,拆除外套通风除味3-5天即可。 2.枕芯类商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款枕头,挑选最适合的进行使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (75, 1019001, 12, '聚醚型聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (76, 1019001, 13, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (77, 1019001, 9, '50cm×30cm×10cm-6cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (78, 1019001, 24, '白色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (79, 1019001, 25, '单人'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (80, 1019001, 7, '1.记忆绵产品为进口环保化学材质聚氨酯发泡而成,刚打开包装会有少量聚氨酯气体产生,拆除外套通风除味3-5天即可。 2.枕芯类商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款枕头,挑选最适合的进行使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (81, 1019002, 12, '聚醚型聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (82, 1019002, 13, '聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (83, 1019002, 9, '135cm×36cm×10cm-7cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (84, 1019002, 24, '白色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (85, 1019002, 25, '双人'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (86, 1019002, 7, '1.记忆绵产品为进口环保化学材质聚氨酯发泡而成,刚打开包装会有少量聚氨酯气体产生,拆除外套通风除味3-5天即可。 \n2.枕芯类商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款枕头,挑选最适合的进行使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (87, 1019006, 13, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (88, 1019006, 12, '20% 夜交藤+80% 聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (89, 1019006, 9, '48*74cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (90, 1019006, 24, '白色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (91, 1019006, 25, '单人'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (92, 1019006, 7, '1.植物填充,遇梅雨季节需要通风、干燥保存。 \n2.枕芯类商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款枕头,挑选最适合的进行使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (93, 1020000, 12, '聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (94, 1020000, 13, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (95, 1020000, 9, '33cm×31cm×10cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (96, 1020000, 24, '灰色条纹/粉色条纹'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (97, 1021004, 1, '100%羊毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (98, 1021004, 9, '150*200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (99, 1021004, 21, '一等品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (100, 1021004, 6, '中国'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (101, 1021004, 7, '1.羊毛毯采取传统机织工艺,纯天然织造的,直接接触皮肤会有轻微扎人。\n2.初次使用时会有少量浮毛,建议干洗处理。\n3.商品为纯羊毛织造而成,若有少量气味请通风2-3天去除。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (102, 1021010, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (103, 1021010, 26, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (104, 1021010, 6, '江苏南通'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (105, 1021010, 27, '200根'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (106, 1021010, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (107, 1021010, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (108, 1022000, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (109, 1022000, 26, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (110, 1022000, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (111, 1022000, 27, '200根'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (112, 1022000, 9, '被套200*230cm;床单245*250cm;枕套48*74cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (113, 1022000, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (114, 1022001, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (115, 1022001, 26, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (116, 1022001, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (117, 1022001, 27, '200根'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (118, 1022001, 9, '被套200*230cm;床单245*250cm;枕套48*74cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (119, 1022001, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (120, 1023012, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (121, 1023012, 9, '180*220cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (122, 1023012, 28, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (123, 1023012, 21, '一等品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (124, 1023012, 15, '1480g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (125, 1023012, 7, '1.深色纯棉毛巾被在织造染色过程中,巾面更易产生微细的纤维浮绒,使用前建议用清水漂洗1-2次,即可去掉产品上的浮绒。\n2.在洗涤时一定要注意不要与衣服混在一起机洗,强力的搓洗会引起掉毛或勾线现象。\n3.纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (126, 1023032, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (127, 1023032, 26, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (128, 1023032, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (129, 1023032, 27, '200根'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (130, 1023032, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (131, 1023032, 4, '色织工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (132, 1023032, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (133, 1023034, 1, '正面:100%棉 背面:15%棉 85%涤 底衬:100%涤'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (134, 1023034, 11, '70% 白鸭绒 30%白鸭绒片'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (135, 1023034, 29, '250g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (136, 1023034, 6, '中国'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (137, 1023034, 26, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (138, 1023034, 24, '水银灰/ 水蓝/ 水粉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (139, 1027004, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (140, 1027004, 9, '150*200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (141, 1027004, 21, '一等品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (142, 1027004, 24, '灰白格/粉白格'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (143, 1027004, 15, '1136g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (144, 1029005, 1, '65% 天丝 35% 亚麻'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (145, 1029005, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (146, 1029005, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (147, 1029005, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (148, 1029005, 24, '渐变紫 / 渐变绿'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (149, 1029005, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (150, 1030001, 1, '面纱:100%羊毛 底纱:55.7%棉 27.1%聚酯纤维 4.7%羊毛 12.5%其他'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (151, 1030001, 6, '印度'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (152, 1030001, 5, 'QB/T 2756-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (153, 1030001, 9, '160*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (154, 1030001, 4, '手工编织'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (155, 1030001, 7, '1:羊毛材质存在一点羊骚味实属正常情况,建议开窗通风,多散散味道即可。\n2:羊毛地毯刚刚开始使用的时候多多少少都会有一点掉毛的情况,建议开始使用的时候用吸尘器多吸几次,之后掉毛的情况就会有改善。 \n3:因为天然羊毛材质,所以脚感会有一点点刺,不属于产品质量问题。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (156, 1030002, 1, '绒面:93%羊毛 7%腈纶 衬背:100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (157, 1030002, 6, '印度'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (158, 1030002, 5, 'GB/T 27729-2011'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (159, 1030002, 9, '160*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (160, 1030002, 4, '手工枪刺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (161, 1030002, 7, '1:羊毛材质存在一点羊骚味实属正常情况,建议开窗通风,多散散味道即可。\n2:羊毛地毯刚刚开始使用的时候多多少少都会有一点掉毛的情况,建议开始使用的时候用吸尘器多吸几次,之后掉毛的情况就会有改善。 \n3:因为天然羊毛材质,所以脚感会有一点点刺,不属于产品质量问题。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (162, 1030003, 1, '面纱: 100%羊毛 底纱: 88.3%棉 11.7%其他'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (163, 1030003, 6, '印度'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (164, 1030003, 5, 'QB/T 2756-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (165, 1030003, 9, '160*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (166, 1030003, 4, '手工编织'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (167, 1030003, 7, '1:羊毛材质存在一点羊骚味实属正常情况,建议开窗通风,多散散味道即可。\n2:羊毛地毯刚刚开始使用的时候多多少少都会有一点掉毛的情况,建议开始使用的时候用吸尘器多吸几次,之后掉毛的情况就会有改善。 \n3:因为天然羊毛材质,所以脚感会有一点点刺,不属于产品质量问题。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (168, 1030004, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (169, 1030004, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (170, 1030004, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (171, 1030004, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (172, 1030004, 24, '蓝色/ 灰色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (173, 1030004, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (174, 1030005, 1, '100%亚麻'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (175, 1030005, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (176, 1030005, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (177, 1030005, 24, '橙色/ 灰色/ 黄色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (178, 1030005, 4, '水洗工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (179, 1030005, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (180, 1030005, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (181, 1030006, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (182, 1030006, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (183, 1030006, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (184, 1030006, 5, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (185, 1030006, 24, '红色/ 黄色/ 蓝色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (186, 1030006, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (187, 1035006, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (188, 1035006, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (189, 1035006, 9, '长61*宽43cm / 长86*宽53cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (190, 1035006, 4, '手工制作'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (191, 1035006, 5, 'GB/T 26850-2011'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (192, 1035006, 7, '纯棉材质在织造染色过程中,表面不可避免会产生微细的纤维浮绒,使用前清水漂洗1-2次,即可去掉浮绒。不属于产品质量问题。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (193, 1036002, 13, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (194, 1036002, 11, '100% 高山苦荞麦壳'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (195, 1036002, 16, '74×48cm±1cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (196, 1036002, 8, '3KG'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (197, 1036002, 7, '1.天然植物填充,遇梅雨季节需要干燥保存,如有少量飞虫产生,太阳下晒3小时即可去除。 \n2.枕芯类商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款枕头,挑选最适合的进行使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (198, 1036013, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (199, 1036013, 9, '150*200*25cm/ 180*200*25cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (200, 1036013, 5, 'FZ/T 62028-2015'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (201, 1036013, 4, '双捻工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (202, 1036013, 6, '浙江 江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (203, 1036013, 7, '1:针织棉面料因为工艺不可避免原因,使用一段时间后会出现起毛起球现象,使用去毛机修理一下即可。\n2:因为针织的编织工艺,成品在使用过程中会有轻微的变型,不影响使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (204, 1036016, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (205, 1036016, 9, '150*200cm/ 180*200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (206, 1036016, 5, 'GB/T 22797-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (207, 1036016, 4, '色织水洗工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (208, 1036016, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (209, 1037011, 16, '1.5/1.8m*2m*5cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (210, 1037011, 30, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (211, 1037011, 31, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (212, 1037011, 32, '聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (213, 1037011, 7, '1.记忆绵产品为进口环保化学材质聚氨酯发泡而成,刚打开包装会有少量聚氨酯气体产生,拆除外套通风除味3-5天即可。\n 2.床垫商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款床垫,挑选最舒适的进行使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (214, 1037012, 11, '100%高山苦荞'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (215, 1037012, 9, '40*8cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (216, 1037012, 33, '45%麻45%棉10%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (217, 1037012, 7, '1.天然植物填充,遇梅雨季节需要干燥保存,如有少量飞虫产生,太阳下晒3小时即可去除。\n 2.枕芯类商品受身高、体型、睡眠习惯不同,产生不同的使用体验,建议多试睡几款枕头,挑选最适合的进行使用。\n3.建议每次使用时间控制在15分钟以内。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (218, 1037012, 34, '0.45kg+-0.05kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (219, 1039051, 16, '33*24*14cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (220, 1039051, 30, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (221, 1039051, 31, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (222, 1039051, 32, '聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (223, 1039051, 20, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (224, 1039051, 19, '1,水洗时请将外套取下,用冷水洗涤后置于阴凉处阴干或烘干。不能同褪色衣物同洗,以防沾污、沾色。\n2,外套洗后稍有缩水是正常现象,因是弹性织物,仅需四周拉一下长度即可。\n3,记忆棉不可水洗,请经常保持产品干燥,定期通风(不可曝晒)。若不慎打湿,立即用干毛巾将水分吸干,置于通风处阴干或用冷吹风吹干即可。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (225, 1043005, 35, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (226, 1043005, 36, '聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (227, 1043005, 5, 'GB/T22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (228, 1043005, 37, '36*36*3cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (229, 1043005, 38, 'Φ34*3cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (230, 1043005, 39, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (231, 1043005, 19, '1,水洗时请将外套取下,用冷水洗涤后置于阴凉处阴干或烘干。不能同褪色衣物同洗,以防沾污、沾色。\n2,外套洗后稍有缩水是正常现象,因是弹性织物,仅需四周拉一下长度即可。\n3,记忆棉不可水洗,请经常保持产品干燥,每隔一段时间用吸尘器清理内芯落尘或用手轻轻拍打内芯,放在通风阴凉处适当晾晒即可。。若不慎打湿,立即用干毛巾将水分吸干,置于通风处阴干或用冷吹风吹干即可。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (232, 1044012, 9, '150*200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (233, 1044012, 1, '100%羊毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (234, 1044012, 21, '一等品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (235, 1044012, 40, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (236, 1044012, 7, '1.羊毛毯采取传统机织工艺,纯天然织造的,直接接触皮肤会有轻微扎人。\n2.初次使用时会有少量浮毛,建议干洗处理。\n3.商品为纯羊毛织造而成,若有少量气味请通风2-3天去除。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (237, 1046044, 1, '100%美利奴羊毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (238, 1046044, 15, '1260g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (239, 1046044, 9, '150*200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (240, 1046044, 5, 'FZ/T 61001-2006'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (241, 1046044, 21, '一等品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (242, 1048005, 10, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (243, 1048005, 9, '45*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (244, 1048005, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (245, 1048005, 24, '真朱红/ 薄缥蓝/ 枯野灰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (246, 1048005, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (247, 1048005, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (248, 1055012, 1, '外壳:100% 纯棉 内充:100% 聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (249, 1055012, 29, '600G/ 1400G'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (250, 1055012, 9, '45*45cm / 66*66cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (251, 1055012, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (252, 1055012, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (253, 1055016, 24, '珍珠粉/ 宝石蓝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (254, 1055016, 9, '45*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (255, 1055016, 1, '主面料:100% 棉\n填充:100% 聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (256, 1055016, 29, '600G'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (257, 1055016, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (258, 1055016, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (259, 1057036, 9, '45*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (260, 1057036, 24, '灰紫/ 蓝色/ 灰色/ 咖色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (261, 1057036, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (262, 1057036, 41, '600G'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (263, 1057036, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (264, 1057036, 1, '面料:100% 亚麻\n内芯面料:100%棉\n填充:100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (265, 1057036, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (266, 1064000, 9, '38*38*30cm/60*55*20cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (267, 1064000, 42, 'FZ/T 62011.3-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (268, 1064000, 26, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (269, 1064000, 24, '米色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (270, 1064002, 9, '40R/60R'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (271, 1064002, 42, 'FZ/T 62011.3-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (272, 1064002, 26, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (273, 1064002, 8, '110g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (274, 1064002, 24, '蓝白'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (275, 1064003, 42, 'FZ/T 62011.3-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (276, 1064003, 26, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (277, 1064003, 9, '29*19cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (278, 1064003, 24, '藏青色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (279, 1064004, 42, 'FZ/T 62011.3-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (280, 1064004, 26, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (281, 1064004, 16, '32*32*32cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (282, 1064004, 24, '牛仔条纹'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (283, 1064006, 9, '50x30x10-6cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (284, 1064006, 15, '0.87kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (285, 1064006, 30, '40%棉60%聚酯纤维(接触皮肤面全棉)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (286, 1064006, 31, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (287, 1064006, 32, '聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (288, 1064007, 16, '135x36x10-7cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (289, 1064007, 15, '2.3kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (290, 1064007, 30, '40%棉60%聚酯纤维(接触皮肤面全棉)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (291, 1064007, 31, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (292, 1064007, 32, '聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (293, 1064021, 24, '本白'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (294, 1064021, 5, 'GB 7000.11-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (295, 1064021, 43, '220-240V'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (296, 1064021, 44, 'T710'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (297, 1064021, 7, '本产品不包含灯泡'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (298, 1064021, 6, '中国中山'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (299, 1064022, 24, '本白'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (300, 1064022, 5, 'GB 7000.11-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (301, 1064022, 44, 'F710'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (302, 1064022, 43, '220-240V'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (303, 1064022, 7, '本产品不包含灯泡'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (304, 1064022, 6, '中国中山'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (305, 1065004, 9, '150*30cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (306, 1065004, 24, '原木色/ 棕色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (307, 1065004, 5, 'GB/T 23148-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (308, 1065004, 6, '中国苏州'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (309, 1065004, 7, '原木色为水曲柳贴皮,棕色为胡桃木贴皮。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (310, 1065005, 9, '150*28cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (311, 1065005, 24, '棕色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (312, 1065005, 5, 'GB/T 23148-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (313, 1065005, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (314, 1068010, 8, '1300g/1560g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (315, 1068010, 9, '1.5*2m/1.8*2m'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (316, 1068010, 30, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (317, 1068010, 11, '100%羊毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (318, 1068010, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (319, 1068010, 21, '合格品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (320, 1068010, 45, '3cm+-视商品干燥情况有少量浮动'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (321, 1068011, 11, '60%、90%驼绒/40%、10%驼毛'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (322, 1068011, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (323, 1068011, 9, '200*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (324, 1068011, 8, '2000g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (325, 1068012, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (326, 1068012, 24, '灰紫/ 浅咖色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (327, 1068012, 46, '色织工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (328, 1068012, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (329, 1068012, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。 严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (330, 1068012, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (331, 1068012, 1, '面料:100%棉 填充物:65% 棉/ 35%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (332, 1071004, 9, '48*38*13cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (333, 1071004, 47, '黑红/白姜黄'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (334, 1071004, 1, '聚丙烯树脂'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (335, 1071004, 5, 'GB 9688-1988'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (336, 1071004, 21, '合格品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (337, 1071005, 9, '185*160*100MM'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (338, 1071005, 48, '聚丙烯树脂'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (339, 1071005, 5, 'GB 9688-1988'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (340, 1071005, 21, '合格品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (341, 1071006, 16, '200*60mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (342, 1071006, 48, '聚丙烯树脂'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (343, 1071006, 5, 'GB 9688-1988'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (344, 1072000, 24, '象牙白/ 芥子黄/ 银铅色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (345, 1072000, 9, '45*45cm/ 66*66cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (346, 1072000, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (347, 1072000, 4, '手工编织'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (348, 1072000, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (349, 1072000, 7, '此产品不含抱枕芯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (350, 1072001, 24, '缥蓝色/ 薄灰色/ 象牙色/ 赤紫色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (351, 1072001, 9, '45*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (352, 1072001, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (353, 1072001, 4, '色织水洗'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (354, 1072001, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (355, 1072001, 7, '此产品不含抱枕芯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (356, 1075023, 16, '48*74cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (357, 1075023, 11, '20%白鸭绒+80%白鹅毛片'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (358, 1075023, 8, '200g白鸭绒+800g白鹅毛片'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (359, 1075023, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (360, 1075023, 5, 'QB/T 1194-2012'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (361, 1075024, 12, '白鹅绒'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (362, 1075024, 14, '95%'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (363, 1075024, 10, '100%纯棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (364, 1075024, 49, '120支 500根'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (365, 1075024, 8, '1500g/1700g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (366, 1075024, 9, '200*230cm/220*240cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (367, 1075024, 4, '双层立衬'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (368, 1081000, 9, '35*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (369, 1081000, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (370, 1081000, 6, '浙江杭州'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (371, 1081000, 1, '100% 聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (372, 1081002, 9, '45*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (373, 1081002, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (374, 1081002, 1, '100% 聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (375, 1081002, 6, '浙江杭州'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (376, 1083009, 50, '厄瓜多尔玫瑰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (377, 1083009, 51, '1朵'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (378, 1083009, 24, '妖姬蓝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (379, 1083009, 9, '17*17*12cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (380, 1083009, 52, '厄瓜多尔'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (381, 1083010, 53, '奥斯汀玫瑰、泉水玫瑰、绣球'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (382, 1083010, 54, '棉毛苏叶、细爪草、褐色果、满天星'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (383, 1083010, 24, '柔情粉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (384, 1083010, 9, '17*17*12cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (385, 1083010, 52, '日本'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (386, 1083010, 19, '由于花材的季节性供应特点,个别配材会有所调整,且因花材批次不同会有一定微小色差,不会影响整体花盒效果。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (387, 1084001, 1, '100%纯棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (388, 1084001, 9, '150*200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (389, 1084001, 42, 'FZ/T 61001-2006'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (390, 1084001, 20, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (391, 1084001, 7, '1.纯棉毯采取传统针织工艺,纯天然织造的,使用前建议清洗一遍去除少量浮尘。\n2.商品为纯棉织造而成,若有少量气味请通风2-3天去除。\n3.纯棉针织盖毯清洗数次之后,可能存在微量变形,建议干洗。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (392, 1084001, 15, '1280g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (393, 1084003, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (394, 1084003, 9, '150*200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (395, 1084003, 42, 'FZ/T 61001-2006'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (396, 1084003, 20, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (397, 1084003, 7, '1.纯棉毯采取传统针织工艺,纯天然织造的,使用前建议清洗一遍去除少量浮尘。\n2.商品为纯棉织造而成,若有少量气味请通风2-3天去除。\n3.纯棉针织盖毯清洗数次之后,可能存在微量变形,建议干洗。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (398, 1084003, 15, '1115g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (399, 1086015, 24, '本白/ 哑黑/ 姜黄'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (400, 1086015, 5, 'GB 7000.11-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (401, 1086015, 6, '中国广东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (402, 1086015, 44, 'MT20290-1-130'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (403, 1086015, 7, '本产品不含灯泡'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (404, 1086023, 1, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (405, 1086023, 55, '锌合金'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (406, 1086023, 56, '120cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (407, 1086023, 57, '30-45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (408, 1086024, 1, '100%锦纶'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (409, 1086024, 55, '锌合金'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (410, 1086024, 58, '30-45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (411, 1086024, 59, '120cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (412, 1086025, 1, '100%锦纶'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (413, 1086025, 55, '锌合金'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (414, 1086025, 56, '120cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (415, 1086025, 42, 'FZ/T 63005-2010'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (416, 1086026, 1, '100%锦纶'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (417, 1086026, 55, '锌合金'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (418, 1086026, 60, '30-45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (419, 1086026, 61, '120cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (420, 1090004, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:150*200*25cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:180*200*25cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (421, 1090004, 24, '红色格子/ 蓝色格子/ 绿色格子/ 灰色格子'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (422, 1090004, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (423, 1090004, 4, '色织工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (424, 1090004, 7, '1:纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。 严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。\n2:不同批次面料和拉链稍有差异,请以实物为准。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (425, 1092024, 9, '200*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (426, 1092024, 11, '100%桑蚕丝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (427, 1092024, 8, '1500g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (428, 1092024, 62, '100%纯棉纱布'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (429, 1092024, 5, 'GB/T 24252-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (430, 1092024, 28, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (431, 1092038, 9, '470*128*13mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (432, 1092038, 1, '天然桐木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (433, 1092038, 15, '200g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (434, 1092038, 24, 'GB/T 28495-2012'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (435, 1092039, 9, '385mmX385mmX135mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (436, 1092039, 15, '950g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (437, 1092039, 1, '美卡瓦楞纸板'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (438, 1092039, 24, '本色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (439, 1093000, 1, 'PU+PE(枝干)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (440, 1093000, 24, '白色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (441, 1093000, 63, '81cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (442, 1093000, 64, '木棉花'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (443, 1093001, 1, 'PU+PE(枝干)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (444, 1093001, 24, '白色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (445, 1093001, 63, '35cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (446, 1093001, 64, '马蹄莲'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (447, 1093001, 65, '一束(9朵)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (448, 1093002, 1, 'PU+玻璃'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (449, 1093002, 24, '白色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (450, 1093002, 63, '33cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (451, 1093002, 64, '木棉花'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (452, 1097004, 1, '北美白橡木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (453, 1097004, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (454, 1097004, 67, '1400/1600*820*750mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (455, 1097004, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (456, 1097005, 1, '北美白橡木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (457, 1097005, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (458, 1097005, 67, '430*520*870mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (459, 1097005, 68, '无需组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (460, 1097006, 1, '北美白橡木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (461, 1097006, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (462, 1097006, 67, '600*600*550mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (463, 1097006, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (464, 1097007, 1, '北美白橡木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (465, 1097007, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (466, 1097007, 67, '600*600*530/650mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (467, 1097007, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (468, 1097009, 1, '北美白橡木+抽屉背板桐木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (469, 1097009, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (470, 1097009, 67, '1000/1200*580*910mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (471, 1097009, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (472, 1097011, 1, '北美白橡木+床铺板松木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (473, 1097011, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (474, 1097011, 67, '2065*2188*1088mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (475, 1097011, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (476, 1097012, 1, '北美白橡木+抽屉背板桐木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (477, 1097012, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (478, 1097012, 67, '480*400*550mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (479, 1097012, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (480, 1097013, 1, '北美白橡木+抽屉背板桐木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (481, 1097013, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (482, 1097013, 67, '800*430*1100mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (483, 1097013, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (484, 1097014, 1, '北美白橡木+抽屉背板桐木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (485, 1097014, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (486, 1097014, 67, '860*400*1200mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (487, 1097014, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (488, 1097016, 1, '北美白橡木+抽屉背板桐木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (489, 1097016, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (490, 1097016, 67, '1800*450*525mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (491, 1097016, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (492, 1097017, 1, '北美白橡木+抽屉背板桐木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (493, 1097017, 66, '环保涂漆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (494, 1097017, 67, '1200*600*450mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (495, 1097017, 68, '需要组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (496, 1100000, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (497, 1100000, 5, 'GB/T 22796-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (498, 1100000, 24, '石板灰/ 烟褐色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (499, 1100000, 9, '48*74cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (500, 1100000, 4, '水洗工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (501, 1100000, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (502, 1100000, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (503, 1100001, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (504, 1100001, 5, 'GB/T 22797-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (505, 1100001, 24, '石板灰/ 烟褐色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (506, 1100001, 9, '245*250cm/ 245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (507, 1100001, 4, '水洗工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (508, 1100001, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (509, 1100001, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (510, 1100002, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (511, 1100002, 5, 'GB/T 22797-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (512, 1100002, 9, '150*200*25cm/ 180*200*25cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (513, 1100002, 24, '石板灰/ 烟褐色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (514, 1100002, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (515, 1100002, 4, '水洗工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (516, 1100002, 7, '纺织品经历印染、织造等多道环节,产品初次拿到可能有些许味道,清水漂洗、晾干后味道即可散去。\n严选面料全部经过国标检测认证,选用环保活性染料,请放心使用。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (517, 1108029, 69, '290*260*380mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (518, 1108029, 48, '美耐皿树脂\n硅胶\n201不锈钢(奥氏体型)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (519, 1108029, 5, 'GB 9684-2011'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (520, 1108030, 9, '177*88*51mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (521, 1108030, 48, '美耐皿树脂、聚碳酸酯(pc)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (522, 1108030, 5, 'QB 1999-1994'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (523, 1108031, 69, 'S 145*133*75mm\nM 187.4*172.5*97.4mm\nL 232*213*122.2mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (524, 1108031, 48, '美耐皿树脂、201不锈钢(奥氏体型)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (525, 1108031, 5, 'GB 9684-2011'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (526, 1108032, 69, 'S 128*88*55mm\nM 150*100*72mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (527, 1108032, 48, '硅胶'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (528, 1108032, 5, 'GB 4806.1-1994'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (529, 1109004, 9, '10寸/12寸'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (530, 1109004, 70, '太阳机芯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (531, 1109004, 1, '水柳木/胡桃木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (532, 1109004, 71, '5号电池*1(本产品不含电池)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (533, 1109005, 1, '榉木'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (534, 1109005, 9, '12*4.5*12cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (535, 1109005, 72, '扫秒机芯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (536, 1109005, 24, '原木色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (537, 1109005, 71, '5号电池*1'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (538, 1109008, 11, '颗粒海绵'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (539, 1109008, 73, '国际标准钢管'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (540, 1109008, 13, '15%亚麻+85%涤'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (541, 1109008, 24, '米白色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (542, 1109008, 74, '组装【沙发脚】'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (543, 1109008, 67, '2P:1300*930*930mm; 1P:680*930*930mm; 0.5P:670*450*380mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (544, 1109034, 24, '象牙白'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (545, 1109034, 5, 'GB/T22779-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (546, 1109034, 9, '9.8 x 3.05 x 5.8cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (547, 1110002, 1, 'ABS树脂+PP树脂'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (548, 1110002, 75, '约1m'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (549, 1110002, 9, '102mm*130mm*85mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (550, 1110002, 24, '本白/冷灰/樱花粉/静谧蓝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (551, 1110003, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (552, 1110003, 9, '1.5米床品(床笠款): 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:150*200*28cm\n1.8米床品(床笠款):被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:180*200*28cm\n1.5米床品(床单款): 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品(床单款):被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (553, 1110003, 5, 'GB/T22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (554, 1110003, 24, '烟草绿/ 木兰黄/ 深茶褐/ 丁子灰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (555, 1110003, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (556, 1110004, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (557, 1110004, 9, '1.5米床品(床笠款): 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:150*200*28cm\n1.8米床品(床笠款):被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:180*200*28cm\n1.5米床品(床单款): 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品(床单款):被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (558, 1110004, 5, 'GB/T22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (559, 1110004, 24, '烟草绿/ 深茶褐/ 丁子灰/ 木兰黄/ 茶香粉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (560, 1110004, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (561, 1110007, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (562, 1110007, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:150*200*28cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:180*200*28cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (563, 1110007, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (564, 1110007, 46, '色织工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (565, 1110007, 24, '松柏绿/ 枯茶褐/ 灰白/ 石竹咖'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (566, 1110007, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (567, 1110008, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (568, 1110008, 9, '1.5M床:245*250cm\n1.8M床:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (569, 1110008, 24, '天蓝色/ 烟草色/ 茶香粉/ 蜜橙/ 千岁绿/ 荧光绿/ 青蓝/ 伽罗色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (570, 1110008, 5, 'GB 18401-2009 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (571, 1110008, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (572, 1110013, 16, 'S号 最长拉伸2.5m\nM号 最长拉伸4m'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (573, 1110013, 76, 's 15公斤以下\nm 30公斤以下'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (574, 1110013, 48, '塑胶(ABS TPR)\n耐拉反光涤纶带\n锌合金钩'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (575, 1110013, 5, 'Q/PM002-2016'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (576, 1110013, 26, '符合RoHs六项检测'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (577, 1110014, 16, 'S号 最长拉绳2.5m\nM号 最长拉伸4m'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (578, 1110014, 76, '15-30kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (579, 1110014, 1, '塑胶(ABS TPR)\n耐拉反光涤纶带\n锌合金钩'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (580, 1110014, 24, '日式木纹色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (581, 1110014, 5, 'Q/PM002-2016'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (582, 1110014, 26, '符合RoHs六项检测'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (583, 1110015, 16, 'S号 最长拉绳2.5M'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (584, 1110015, 76, 'S 10-15kg\nM 15-30KG'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (585, 1110015, 48, '塑胶(ABS TPR)\n高强耐拉反光涤纶带\n锌合金钩'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (586, 1110015, 24, '迷彩'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (587, 1110015, 5, 'Q/PM002-2016'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (588, 1110015, 26, '符合RoHs六项检测'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (589, 1110016, 9, '188*98*30MM'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (590, 1110016, 48, '塑胶(ABS PVC)硅胶'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (591, 1110016, 24, '蓝色/粉色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (592, 1110016, 5, 'Q/PM001-2016'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (593, 1110016, 26, '符合RoHs六项检测'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (594, 1110016, 21, '合格品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (595, 1110016, 7, '因宠物模特选择范围有限,故让小萨出镜,其实这款更适合猫咪和小狗用哦。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (596, 1110017, 16, '小剪刀*1+中号理毛梳*1+针梳*1'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (597, 1110017, 48, '合金钢、不锈钢针、塑胶(PP TPR)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (598, 1110017, 24, '白黑'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (599, 1110017, 5, 'Q/PM001-2016\nQ/PM003-2016'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (600, 1110017, 26, '符合RoHs六项检测'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (601, 1110018, 16, '大剪刀*1+大号钢针梳*1+双排针梳*1'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (602, 1110018, 48, '合金钢、不锈钢针、塑胶(PP TPR)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (603, 1110018, 24, '白黑'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (604, 1110018, 5, 'Q/PM001-2016\nQ/PM003-2016'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (605, 1110018, 26, '符合RoHs六项检测'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (606, 1110019, 16, '宠物安全指甲剪+指甲锉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (607, 1110019, 48, '合金钢 \n塑胶(TPR)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (608, 1110019, 5, 'Q/PM003-2016'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (609, 1110019, 26, '符合RoHs六项检测'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (610, 1115023, 9, '200*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (611, 1115023, 8, '1500g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (612, 1115023, 5, 'GB/T 24252-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (613, 1115023, 11, '100%桑蚕丝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (614, 1115023, 62, '100%纯棉纱布'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (615, 1115023, 28, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (616, 1115028, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (617, 1115028, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:150*200*28cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床笠:180*200*28cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (618, 1115028, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (619, 1115028, 46, '色织工艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (620, 1115028, 24, '黑茶条纹/ 若绿条纹/ 缥蓝条纹/ 素麻条纹'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (621, 1115028, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (622, 1115052, 9, '直径50cm*高5cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (623, 1115052, 1, '席面:蔺草/ 包边:65%聚酯纤维 35%棉 / 内芯:EPE'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (624, 1115052, 5, 'QB/T 2934-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (625, 1115052, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (626, 1115053, 9, '1.5米草席: 草席:150*195cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2\n1.8米草席:草席:180*200cm/ 枕套:枕套:48*74cm*2'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (627, 1115053, 1, '席面:蔺草/ 枕套面:蔺草/ 包边:65% 聚酯纤维 35% 棉/ 枕套背面:100% 聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (628, 1115053, 5, 'QB/T 2934-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (629, 1115053, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (630, 1116030, 77, '厄瓜多尔玫瑰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (631, 1116030, 78, '音乐盒'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (632, 1116030, 67, '直径10.5cm*高17cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (633, 1116030, 24, '黑色花朵+粉色底座'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (634, 1116031, 77, '厄瓜多尔玫瑰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (635, 1116031, 78, '音乐盒'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (636, 1116031, 67, '直径10.5cm*高17cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (637, 1116031, 24, '渐变粉花朵+灰色底座'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (638, 1116032, 79, '铝合金+布艺'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (639, 1116032, 11, '高回弹海绵'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (640, 1116032, 80, '840*1250*1090mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (641, 1116032, 81, '550*445*450mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (642, 1116032, 68, '自行组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (643, 1116032, 82, '1.周六日暂无法发货,周末订单延至周一发货,请知悉!\n2.本产品配送范围:江浙沪、安徽、山东、福建、江西、湖北、河南、北京、天津、湖南、河北、山西、陕西、重庆、四川、海南、广西、贵州、云南、广东、辽宁、甘肃、宁夏、青海、内蒙古、吉林、黑龙江、新疆、西藏(航空件)\n3.本产品配送整件,不包安装,收到货物后,请自行按照产品说明书进行组装。如果组装时碰到无法解决的问题,可联系客服获取指导。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (644, 1116033, 83, '高弹力进口网布'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (645, 1116033, 84, 'PU'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (646, 1116033, 73, '烤漆钢+工程塑料'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (647, 1116033, 85, 'PA万向椅轮'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (648, 1116033, 86, '三弘气压杆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (649, 1116033, 67, '700*700*1160mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (650, 1116033, 68, '自行组装'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (651, 1116033, 82, '1.周六日暂无法发货,周末订单延至周一发货,请知悉!\n2.本产品配送范围:江浙沪、安徽、山东、福建、江西、湖北、河南、北京、天津、湖南、河北、山西、陕西、重庆、四川、海南、广西、贵州、云南、广东、辽宁、甘肃、宁夏、青海、内蒙古、吉林、黑龙江、新疆、西藏(航空件)\n3.本产品配送整件,不包安装,收到货物后,请自行按照产品说明书进行组装。如果组装时碰到无法解决的问题,可联系客服获取指导。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (652, 1125016, 1, '树脂'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (653, 1125016, 24, '黄色/蓝色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (654, 1125016, 9, '129mm*96mm*302mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (655, 1125016, 87, '收纳型桌面摆件'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (656, 1125017, 1, '陶瓷'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (657, 1125017, 24, '粉色/哑黑'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (658, 1125017, 9, '160mm*145mm*135mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (659, 1125017, 87, '桌面摆件'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (660, 1127003, 5, 'QB/T 1952.2-2011'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (661, 1127003, 88, '独立袋装弹簧'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (662, 1127003, 89, '卧室、榻榻米'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (663, 1127003, 90, '进口乳胶'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (664, 1127003, 91, '软硬质海绵'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (665, 1127003, 92, '25cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (666, 1127003, 93, '以客服回复可配送范围为准'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (667, 1127003, 15, '150*200cm 54+-3kg\n180*200cm 62+-3kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (668, 1127038, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (669, 1127038, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (670, 1127038, 24, '星空蓝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (671, 1127038, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (672, 1127038, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (673, 1127039, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (674, 1127039, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (675, 1127039, 24, '青粉拼接'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (676, 1127039, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (677, 1127039, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (678, 1127052, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (679, 1127052, 11, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (680, 1127052, 5, 'GB/T22796-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (681, 1127052, 28, 'GB18401-2010 A类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (682, 1127052, 16, '150*200cm/180*200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (683, 1128002, 9, '160*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (684, 1128002, 24, '青粉拼接'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (685, 1128002, 6, '中国北京'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (686, 1128002, 1, '绒面:100% 聚酯纤维 背面:52% 聚酯纤维/ 48% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (687, 1130037, 16, '40*40*7cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (688, 1130037, 11, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (689, 1130037, 94, '330g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (690, 1130037, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (691, 1130037, 24, '米白/深褐'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (692, 1130037, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (693, 1130037, 28, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (694, 1130038, 11, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (695, 1130038, 8, '340g/725g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (696, 1130038, 10, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (697, 1130038, 5, 'FZ/T 62011.3-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (698, 1130038, 26, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (699, 1130038, 21, '合格品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (700, 1130039, 11, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (701, 1130039, 10, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (702, 1130039, 8, '170g/250g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (703, 1130039, 5, 'FZ/T 62011.3-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (704, 1130041, 16, '45*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (705, 1130041, 15, '0.4-0.6kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (706, 1130041, 48, '面100%羊毛皮\n衬100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (707, 1130041, 5, 'QB/T2972-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (708, 1130042, 16, '小号:90*50cm+-2\n双拼:180*55cm+-2'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (709, 1130042, 15, '小号:0.6-0.9kg\n双拼:1.2-2kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (710, 1130042, 48, '100%羊毛皮'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (711, 1130042, 5, 'QB/T 2972-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (712, 1130042, 21, '一等品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (713, 1130042, 95, '黑色商品接触液体会有少量掉色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (714, 1130049, 10, '65%莱赛尔(天丝)35%亚麻'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (715, 1130049, 11, '100%桑蚕丝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (716, 1130049, 5, 'GB/T 24252-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (717, 1130049, 26, 'GB 18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (718, 1130049, 21, '合格品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (719, 1130049, 94, '360g(小)/470g(大)'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (720, 1130056, 1, '席面:头层牛皮革/ 枕套面:头层牛皮革/ 枕套背面:100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (721, 1130056, 9, '1.5米床:牛皮席:150x200cm/ 枕套:74x48cmx2\n1.8米床:牛皮席:180x200cm/ 枕套:74x48cmx2'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (722, 1130056, 96, '铬植结合鞣'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (723, 1130056, 24, '苋红色/ 象牙黄/ 橄榄棕/ 亮银灰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (724, 1130056, 5, 'QB/T 4204-2011'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (725, 1130056, 6, '中国重庆'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (726, 1131017, 1, '席面:毛竹\n包边:100%棉\n背面:100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (727, 1131017, 9, '150x195cm/ 180x200cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (728, 1131017, 24, '抹茶色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (729, 1131017, 5, 'LY/T 1843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (730, 1131017, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (731, 1134022, 1, '绒面:100% 聚酯纤维\n背面:TPR'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (732, 1134022, 24, '多色条纹'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (733, 1134022, 9, '86*61cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (734, 1134022, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (735, 1134022, 5, 'QB/T 3000-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (736, 1134030, 69, '方形38*38*3cm\n圆形 φ38*3cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (737, 1134030, 8, '方形:185g\n圆形155g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (738, 1134030, 10, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (739, 1134030, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (740, 1134030, 26, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (741, 1134030, 21, '合格品'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (742, 1134032, 69, '方形:380*380*30mm\n圆形:φ380*30mm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (743, 1134032, 11, '聚氨酯'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (744, 1134032, 8, '方形:185g\n圆形:155g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (745, 1134032, 10, '100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (746, 1134032, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (747, 1134032, 28, 'GB18401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (748, 1134056, 1, '70%棉,30%莫代尔'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (749, 1134056, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (750, 1134056, 24, '砖釉红/菡萏粉/浅豆绿/青丝灰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (751, 1134056, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (752, 1134056, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (753, 1135000, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (754, 1135000, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (755, 1135000, 24, '蒂芙尼蓝/ 墨黑/ 亮橙/ 浅灰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (756, 1135000, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (757, 1135000, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (758, 1135001, 1, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (759, 1135001, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (760, 1135001, 24, '草绿色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (761, 1135001, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (762, 1135001, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (763, 1135002, 1, '100% 桑蚕丝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (764, 1135002, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (765, 1135002, 24, '浅杏粉/ 玛瑙红/ 烟白灰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (766, 1135002, 6, '中国四川'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (767, 1135002, 5, 'GB/T22796-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (768, 1135050, 97, 'PP塑料'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (769, 1135050, 67, '52*42*40cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (770, 1135050, 98, '2.105kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (771, 1135050, 99, '3.215kg'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (772, 1135050, 5, 'GB 9688-1988'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (773, 1135050, 93, '请咨询客服'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (774, 1135051, 1, '100% 聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (775, 1135051, 9, '1.4 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M宽以下的窗户。\n1.75 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M-1.75M宽的窗户。\n2.25 x 2.6M:适用于1.75M-2.25M宽的窗户。\n2.8 x 2.6M:适用于2.25M-2.8M宽的窗户。\n3.5 x 2.6M:适用于2.8M-3.5M宽的窗户。\n4.5 x 2.6M:适用于3.5M-4.5M宽的窗户。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (776, 1135051, 5, 'GB/T 19817-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (777, 1135051, 24, '米色/ 蓝灰/ 烟灰/ 咖色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (778, 1135051, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (779, 1135051, 100, '80%左右'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (780, 1135052, 1, '36%黏胶纤维/ 10%亚麻/ 54%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (781, 1135052, 24, '深卡其/ 米灰/ 灰蓝/ 粉橙'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (782, 1135052, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (783, 1135052, 5, 'GB/T 19817-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (784, 1135052, 9, '1.4 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M宽以下的窗户。\n1.75 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M-1.75M宽的窗户。\n2.25 x 2.6M:适用于1.75M-2.25M宽的窗户。\n2.8 x 2.6M:适用于2.25M-2.8M宽的窗户。\n3.5 x 2.6M:适用于2.8M-3.5M宽的窗户。\n4.5 x 2.6M:适用于3.5M-4.5M宽的窗户。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (785, 1135052, 100, '60%-70%左右'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (786, 1135053, 1, '47%黏胶纤维/ 53%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (787, 1135053, 9, '1.4 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M宽以下的窗户。\n1.75 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M-1.75M宽的窗户。\n2.25 x 2.6M:适用于1.75M-2.25M宽的窗户。\n2.8 x 2.6M:适用于2.25M-2.8M宽的窗户。\n3.5 x 2.6M:适用于2.8M-3.5M宽的窗户。\n4.5 x 2.6M:适用于3.5M-4.5M宽的窗户。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (788, 1135053, 24, '山岩灰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (789, 1135053, 5, 'GB/T 19817-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (790, 1135053, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (791, 1135053, 100, '70-80%左右'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (792, 1135054, 1, '36% 聚酯纤维 74% 粘胶纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (793, 1135054, 9, '1.4 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M宽以下的窗户。\n1.75 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M-1.75M宽的窗户。\n2.25 x 2.6M:适用于1.75M-2.25M宽的窗户。\n2.8 x 2.6M:适用于2.25M-2.8M宽的窗户。\n3.5 x 2.6M:适用于2.8M-3.5M宽的窗户。\n4.5 x 2.6M:适用于3.5M-4.5M宽的窗户。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (794, 1135054, 24, '蓝色/ 绿色/ 黄色/ 红色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (795, 1135054, 5, 'GB/T 19817-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (796, 1135054, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (797, 1135054, 101, '80%左右'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (798, 1135055, 1, '52% 黏胶纤维 48%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (799, 1135055, 9, '1.4 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M宽以下的窗户。\n1.75 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M-1.75M宽的窗户。\n2.25 x 2.6M:适用于1.75M-2.25M宽的窗户。\n2.8 x 2.6M:适用于2.25M-2.8M宽的窗户。\n3.5 x 2.6M:适用于2.8M-3.5M宽的窗户。\n4.5 x 2.6M:适用于3.5M-4.5M宽的窗户。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (800, 1135055, 24, '米灰几何纹/ 橙灰几何纹/ 蓝灰几何纹'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (801, 1135055, 5, 'GB/T 19817-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (802, 1135055, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (803, 1135055, 100, '70%-80%左右'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (804, 1135056, 1, '54% 黏胶纤维/ 46%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (805, 1135056, 9, '1.4 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M宽以下的窗户。\n1.75 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M-1.75M宽的窗户。\n2.25 x 2.6M:适用于1.75M-2.25M宽的窗户。\n2.8 x 2.6M:适用于2.25M-2.8M宽的窗户。\n3.5 x 2.6M:适用于2.8M-3.5M宽的窗户。\n4.5 x 2.6M:适用于3.5M-4.5M宽的窗户。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (806, 1135056, 5, 'GB/T 19817-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (807, 1135056, 24, '蓝条纹/ 粉条纹'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (808, 1135056, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (809, 1135056, 100, '60%-70%左右'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (810, 1135057, 1, '100% 聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (811, 1135057, 9, '1.4 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M宽以下的窗户。\n1.75 x 2.6M:适用于1.4M-1.75M宽的窗户。\n2.25 x 2.6M:适用于1.75M-2.25M宽的窗户。\n2.8 x 2.6M:适用于2.25M-2.8M宽的窗户。\n3.5 x 2.6M:适用于2.8M-3.5M宽的窗户。\n4.5 x 2.6M:适用于3.5M-4.5M宽的窗户。'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (812, 1135057, 5, 'GB/T 19817-2005'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (813, 1135057, 24, '莹白'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (814, 1135057, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (815, 1135058, 16, '35*45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (816, 1135058, 11, '聚苯乙烯泡沫粒子'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (817, 1135058, 8, '260g'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (818, 1135058, 10, '100%棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (819, 1135058, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (820, 1135058, 28, 'GB 8401-2010 B类'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (821, 1138000, 1, '面料: 96% 涤纶 4%氨纶\n填充物:100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (822, 1138000, 9, '直径40cm/ 直径55cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (823, 1138000, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (824, 1138000, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (825, 1138000, 24, '天青色/ 松叶绿/ 珊瑚红/ 姜黄色/ 香芋粉/ 卡其色/ 深咖色/ 海军蓝'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (826, 1138001, 1, '抱枕套:100%棉\n抱枕芯外壳:100%棉\n绣线:100%聚酯纤维\n填充:100%聚酯纤维'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (827, 1138001, 24, '静谧蓝/ 古典金/ 动感绿/ 浪漫粉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (828, 1138001, 9, '45 x 45cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (829, 1138001, 5, 'GB/T 22843-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (830, 1138001, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (831, 1143015, 1, '席面:蔺草/ 包边:100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (832, 1143015, 5, 'QB/T 2934-2008'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (833, 1143015, 6, '中国浙江'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (834, 1143015, 24, '抹茶色'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (835, 1147045, 24, '灰黄条纹'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (836, 1147045, 9, '160*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (837, 1147045, 1, '绒面:100% 聚酯纤维 背面:52% 聚酯纤维/ 48% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (838, 1147045, 6, '中国北京'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (839, 1147046, 24, '条纹粉间'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (840, 1147046, 9, '160*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (841, 1147046, 1, '绒面:100% 聚酯纤维 背面:52% 聚酯纤维/ 48% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (842, 1147046, 6, '中国北京'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (843, 1147047, 9, '160*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (844, 1147047, 1, '绒面:100% 聚酯纤维 背面:52% 聚酯纤维/ 48% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (845, 1147047, 24, '蓝粉拼接'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (846, 1147047, 6, '中国北京'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (847, 1147048, 9, '160*230cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (848, 1147048, 24, '蓝灰格'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (849, 1147048, 1, '绒面:100% 聚酯纤维 背面:52% 聚酯纤维/ 48% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (850, 1147048, 6, '中国北京'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (851, 1151012, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (852, 1151012, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (853, 1151012, 24, '素雅灰'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (854, 1151012, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (855, 1151012, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (856, 1151013, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (857, 1151013, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (858, 1151013, 24, '胭脂粉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (859, 1151013, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (860, 1151013, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (861, 1152161, 1, '12%长麻/ 12%竹浆纤维/ 76%莱赛尔'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (862, 1152161, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (863, 1152161, 6, '中国江苏'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (864, 1152161, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (865, 1155000, 1, '100% 棉'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (866, 1155000, 9, '1.5米床品: 被套 200*230cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*250cm\n1.8米床品:被套 220*240cm/ 枕套:48*74cm*2/ 床单:245*270cm'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (867, 1155000, 24, '条纹绿格'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (868, 1155000, 5, 'GB/T 22844-2009'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (869, 1155000, 6, '中国山东'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (870, 1181000, 16, '组合一:AB面独立弹簧床垫 进口乳胶150*200cm*1+可水洗抗菌防螨丝羽绒枕*2。\n组合二:AB面独立弹簧床垫 进口乳胶180*200cm*1+可水洗抗菌防螨丝羽绒枕*2'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_attribute` VALUES (871, 1181000, 102, '活动时间:5月8日0点-5月14日24点。\n请在以上时间段内购买,其余时间均不可享受组合装优惠。'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_goods_gallery -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_goods_gallery`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_goods_gallery` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goods_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `img_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `img_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `sort_order` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '5', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `goods_id` (`goods_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=681 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_goods_gallery -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (1, 1006002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (2, 1006002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (3, 1006002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (4, 1006002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (5, 1006007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (6, 1006007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (7, 1006007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (8, 1006007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (9, 1006010, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (10, 1006010, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (11, 1006010, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (12, 1006010, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (13, 1006013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (14, 1006013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (15, 1006013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (16, 1006013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (17, 1006014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (18, 1006014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (19, 1006014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (20, 1006014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (21, 1009009, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (22, 1009009, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (23, 1009009, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (24, 1009009, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (25, 1009012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (26, 1009012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (27, 1009012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (28, 1009012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (29, 1009013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (30, 1009013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (31, 1009013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (32, 1009013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (33, 1009024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (34, 1009024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (35, 1009024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (36, 1009024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (37, 1010000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (38, 1010000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (39, 1010000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (40, 1010000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (41, 1010001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (42, 1010001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (43, 1010001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (44, 1010001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (45, 1011004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (46, 1011004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (47, 1011004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (48, 1011004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (49, 1015007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (50, 1015007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (51, 1015007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (52, 1015007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (53, 1019000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (54, 1019000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (55, 1019000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (56, 1019000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (57, 1019001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (58, 1019001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (59, 1019001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (60, 1019001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (61, 1019002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (62, 1019002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (63, 1019002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (64, 1019002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (65, 1019006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (66, 1019006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (67, 1019006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (68, 1019006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (69, 1020000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (70, 1020000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (85, 1022001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (86, 1022001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (87, 1022001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (88, 1022001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (89, 1023012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (90, 1023012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (91, 1023012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (92, 1023012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (93, 1023032, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (94, 1023032, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (95, 1023032, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (96, 1023032, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (97, 1023034, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (98, 1023034, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (113, 1030002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (114, 1030002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (115, 1030002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (116, 1030002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (117, 1030003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (118, 1030003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (119, 1030003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (120, 1030003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (121, 1030004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (122, 1030004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (123, 1030004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (124, 1030004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (125, 1030005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (126, 1030005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (141, 1036013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (142, 1036013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (143, 1036013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (144, 1036013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (145, 1036016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (146, 1036016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (147, 1036016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (148, 1036016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (149, 1037011, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (150, 1037011, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (151, 1037011, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (152, 1037011, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (153, 1037012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (154, 1037012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (169, 1046044, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (170, 1046044, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (171, 1046044, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (172, 1046044, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (173, 1048005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (174, 1048005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (175, 1048005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (176, 1048005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (177, 1055012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (178, 1055012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (179, 1055012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (180, 1055012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (181, 1055016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (182, 1055016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (183, 1055016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (184, 1055016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (185, 1057036, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (186, 1057036, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (187, 1057036, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (188, 1057036, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (189, 1064000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (190, 1064000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (191, 1064000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (192, 1064000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (193, 1064002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (194, 1064002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (195, 1064002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (196, 1064002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (197, 1064003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (198, 1064003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (199, 1064003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (200, 1064003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (201, 1064004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (202, 1064004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (203, 1064004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (204, 1064004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (205, 1064006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (206, 1064006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (207, 1064006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (208, 1064006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (209, 1064007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (210, 1064007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (211, 1064007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (212, 1064007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (213, 1064021, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (214, 1064021, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (215, 1064021, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (216, 1064021, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (217, 1064022, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (218, 1064022, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (219, 1064022, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (220, 1064022, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (221, 1065004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (222, 1065004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (223, 1065004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (224, 1065004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (253, 1072000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (254, 1072000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (255, 1072000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (256, 1072000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (257, 1072001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (258, 1072001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (259, 1072001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (260, 1072001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (261, 1075023, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (262, 1075023, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (263, 1075023, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (264, 1075023, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (265, 1075024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (266, 1075024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (281, 1083010, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (282, 1083010, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (283, 1083010, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (284, 1083010, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (285, 1084001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (286, 1084001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (287, 1084001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (288, 1084001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (289, 1084003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (290, 1084003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (291, 1084003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (292, 1084003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (293, 1086015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (294, 1086015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (309, 1086026, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (310, 1086026, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (311, 1086026, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (312, 1086026, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (313, 1090004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (314, 1090004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (315, 1090004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (316, 1090004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (317, 1092024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (318, 1092024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (319, 1092024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (320, 1092024, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (321, 1092038, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (322, 1092038, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (323, 1092038, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (324, 1092038, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (325, 1092039, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (326, 1092039, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (327, 1092039, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (328, 1092039, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (329, 1093000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (330, 1093000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (331, 1093000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (332, 1093000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (333, 1093001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (334, 1093001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (335, 1093001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (336, 1093001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (337, 1093002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (338, 1093002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (339, 1093002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (340, 1093002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (341, 1097004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (342, 1097004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (343, 1097004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (344, 1097004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (345, 1097005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (346, 1097005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (347, 1097005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (348, 1097005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (349, 1097006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (350, 1097006, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (365, 1097012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (366, 1097012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (367, 1097012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (368, 1097012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (369, 1097013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (370, 1097013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (371, 1097013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (372, 1097013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (373, 1097014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (374, 1097014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (375, 1097014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (376, 1097014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (377, 1097016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (378, 1097016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (379, 1097016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (380, 1097016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (381, 1097017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (382, 1097017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (383, 1097017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (384, 1097017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (385, 1100000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (386, 1100000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (387, 1100000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (388, 1100000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (389, 1100001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (390, 1100001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (391, 1100001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (392, 1100001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (393, 1100002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (394, 1100002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (395, 1100002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (396, 1100002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (397, 1108029, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (398, 1108029, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (399, 1108029, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (400, 1108029, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (401, 1108030, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (402, 1108030, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (403, 1108030, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (404, 1108030, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (405, 1108031, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (406, 1108031, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (407, 1108031, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (408, 1108031, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (409, 1108032, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (410, 1108032, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (411, 1108032, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (412, 1108032, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (413, 1109004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (414, 1109004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (415, 1109004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (416, 1109004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (417, 1109005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (418, 1109005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (419, 1109005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (420, 1109005, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (421, 1109008, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (422, 1109008, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (423, 1109008, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (424, 1109008, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (425, 1109034, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (426, 1109034, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (427, 1109034, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (428, 1109034, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (429, 1110002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (430, 1110002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (431, 1110002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (432, 1110002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (433, 1110003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (434, 1110003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (435, 1110003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (436, 1110003, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (437, 1110004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (438, 1110004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (439, 1110004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (440, 1110004, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (441, 1110007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (442, 1110007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (443, 1110007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (444, 1110007, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (445, 1110008, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (446, 1110008, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (447, 1110008, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (448, 1110008, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (449, 1110013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (450, 1110013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (451, 1110013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (452, 1110013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (453, 1110014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (454, 1110014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (455, 1110014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (456, 1110014, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (457, 1110015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (458, 1110015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (459, 1110015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (460, 1110015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (461, 1110016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (462, 1110016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (463, 1110016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (464, 1110016, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (465, 1110017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (466, 1110017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (467, 1110017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (468, 1110017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (469, 1110018, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (470, 1110018, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (471, 1110018, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (472, 1110018, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (473, 1110019, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (474, 1110019, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (475, 1110019, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (476, 1110019, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (477, 1115023, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (478, 1115023, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (479, 1115023, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (480, 1115023, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (481, 1115028, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (482, 1115028, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (483, 1115028, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (484, 1115028, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (485, 1115052, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (486, 1115052, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (487, 1115052, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (488, 1115052, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (489, 1115053, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (490, 1115053, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (561, 1130056, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (562, 1130056, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (563, 1130056, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (564, 1130056, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (565, 1131017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (566, 1131017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (567, 1131017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (568, 1131017, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (569, 1134022, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (570, 1134022, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (571, 1134022, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (572, 1134022, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (573, 1134030, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (574, 1134030, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (589, 1135001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (590, 1135001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (591, 1135001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (592, 1135001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (593, 1135002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (594, 1135002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (595, 1135002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (596, 1135002, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (597, 1135050, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (598, 1135050, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (599, 1135050, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (600, 1135050, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (601, 1135051, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (602, 1135051, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (603, 1135051, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (604, 1135051, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (605, 1135052, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (606, 1135052, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (607, 1135052, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (608, 1135052, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (609, 1135053, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (610, 1135053, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (611, 1135053, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (612, 1135053, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (613, 1135054, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (614, 1135054, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (615, 1135054, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (616, 1135054, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO 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`nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (631, 1135058, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (632, 1135058, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (633, 1138000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (634, 1138000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (635, 1138000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (636, 1138000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (637, 1138001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (638, 1138001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (639, 1138001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (640, 1138001, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (641, 1143015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (642, 1143015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (643, 1143015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (644, 1143015, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (645, 1147045, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (646, 1147045, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (647, 1147045, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (648, 1147045, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (649, 1147046, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (650, 1147046, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (651, 1147046, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (652, 1147046, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (653, 1147047, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (654, 1147047, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (655, 1147047, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (656, 1147047, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (657, 1147048, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (658, 1147048, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (659, 1147048, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (660, 1147048, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (661, 1151012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (662, 1151012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (663, 1151012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (664, 1151012, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (665, 1151013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (666, 1151013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (667, 1151013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (668, 1151013, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (669, 1152161, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (670, 1152161, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (671, 1152161, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (672, 1152161, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (673, 1155000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (674, 1155000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (675, 1155000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (676, 1155000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (677, 1181000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (678, 1181000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (679, 1181000, '', '', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_gallery` VALUES (680, 1181000, '', '', 5); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_goods_issue -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_goods_issue`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_goods_issue` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goods_id` text, `question` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `answer` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_goods_issue -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_issue` VALUES (1, '1127052', '购买运费如何收取?', '单笔订单金额(不含运费)满88元免邮费;不满88元,每单收取10元运费。\n(港澳台地区需满'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_issue` VALUES (2, '1127052', '使用什么快递发货?', '严选默认使用顺丰快递发货(个别商品使用其他快递),配送范围覆盖全国大部分地区(港澳台地区除'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_issue` VALUES (3, '1127052', '如何申请退货?', '1.自收到商品之日起30日内,顾客可申请无忧退货,退款将原路返还,不同的银行处理时间不同,'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_issue` VALUES (4, '1127052', '如何开具发票?', '1.如需开具普通发票,请在下单时选择“我要开发票”并填写相关信息(APP仅限2.4.0及以'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_goods_specification -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_goods_specification`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_goods_specification` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goods_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `specification_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `value` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `goods_id` (`goods_id`), KEY `specification_id` (`specification_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='商品对应规格表值表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_goods_specification -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_specification` VALUES (1, 1181000, 1, '1.5m床垫*1+枕头*2', ''); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_specification` VALUES (2, 1181000, 1, '1.8m床垫*1+枕头*2', ''); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_specification` VALUES (3, 1181000, 2, '浅杏粉', ''); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_specification` VALUES (4, 1181000, 2, '玛瑙红', ''); INSERT INTO `nideshop_goods_specification` VALUES (5, 1181000, 2, '烟白灰', ''); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_keywords -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_keywords`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_keywords` ( `keyword` varchar(90) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `is_hot` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `is_default` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `is_show` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `sort_order` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100', `scheme _url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '关键词的跳转链接', `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `type` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='热闹关键词表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_keywords -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_keywords` VALUES ('520元礼包抢先领', 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_keywords` VALUES ('单鞋', 0, 0, 1, 8, '', 7, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_keywords` VALUES ('墨镜', 0, 0, 1, 5, '', 5, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_keywords` VALUES ('夏凉被', 0, 0, 1, 100, '', 6, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_keywords` VALUES ('新品上市', 0, 0, 1, 100, '', 4, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_keywords` VALUES ('日式', 0, 0, 1, 100, '', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_keywords` VALUES ('母亲节', 0, 0, 1, 100, '', 2, 0); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_order -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_order`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_order` ( `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `order_sn` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `user_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `order_status` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `shipping_status` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `pay_status` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `consignee` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `country` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `province` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `city` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `district` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `address` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `mobile` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `postscript` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `shipping_fee` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `pay_name` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `pay_id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `actual_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '实际需要支付的金额', `integral` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `integral_money` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `order_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '订单总价', `goods_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '商品总价', `add_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `confirm_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `pay_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `freight_price` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '配送费用', `coupon_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '使用的优惠券id', `parent_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `coupon_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `callback_status` enum('true','false') DEFAULT 'true', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `order_sn` (`order_sn`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `order_status` (`order_status`), KEY `shipping_status` (`shipping_status`), KEY `pay_status` (`pay_status`), KEY `pay_id` (`pay_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=15 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_order_express -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_order_express`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_order_express` ( `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `order_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `shipper_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `shipper_name` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '物流公司名称', `shipper_code` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '物流公司代码', `logistic_code` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '快递单号', `traces` varchar(2000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '物流跟踪信息', `is_finish` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `request_count` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '总查询次数', `request_time` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最近一次向第三方查询物流信息时间', `add_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '添加时间', `update_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `order_id` (`order_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='订单物流信息表,发货时生成'; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_order_goods -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_order_goods`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_order_goods` ( `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `order_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_name` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `goods_sn` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `product_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `number` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `market_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `retail_price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `goods_specifition_name_value` text NOT NULL, `is_real` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_specifition_ids` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `list_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `order_id` (`order_id`), KEY `goods_id` (`goods_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=24 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_product -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_product`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_product` ( `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goods_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `goods_specification_ids` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `goods_sn` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `goods_number` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `retail_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=245 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_product -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (1, 1181000, '1_3', 'Y100300', 100, 999.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (2, 1181000, '1_4', 'Y100400', 200, 1500.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (3, 1181000, '1_5', 'Y100500', 300, 1000.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (4, 1181000, '2_3', 'Y200300', 400, 1001.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (5, 1181000, '2_4', 'Y200400', 2, 2000.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (6, 1181000, '2_5', 'Y200500', 0, 3000.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (7, 1006002, '', '1006002', 100, 899.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (8, 1006007, '', '1006007', 100, 459.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (9, 1006010, '', '1006010', 100, 659.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (10, 1006013, '', '1006013', 100, 699.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (11, 1006014, '', '1006014', 100, 1399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (12, 1006051, '', '1006051', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (13, 1009009, '', '1009009', 100, 1999.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (14, 1009012, '', '1009012', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (15, 1009013, '', '1009013', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (16, 1009024, '', '1009024', 100, 599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (17, 1009027, '', '1009027', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (18, 1010000, '', '1010000', 100, 399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (19, 1010001, '', '1010001', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (20, 1011004, '', '1011004', 100, 199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (21, 1015007, '', '1015007', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (22, 1019000, '', '1019000', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (23, 1019001, '', '1019001', 100, 109.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (24, 1019002, '', '1019002', 100, 199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (25, 1019006, '', '1019006', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (26, 1020000, '', '1020000', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (27, 1021000, '', '1021000', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (28, 1021001, '', '1021001', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (29, 1021004, '', '1021004', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (30, 1021010, '', '1021010', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (31, 1022000, '', '1022000', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (32, 1022001, '', '1022001', 100, 349.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (33, 1023003, '', '1023003', 100, 398.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (34, 1023012, '', '1023012', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (35, 1023032, '', '1023032', 100, 449.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (36, 1023034, '', '1023034', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (37, 1025005, '', '1025005', 100, 268.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (38, 1027004, '', '1027004', 100, 249.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (39, 1029005, '', '1029005', 100, 959.00); 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`nideshop_product` VALUES (52, 1037012, '', '1037012', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (53, 1038004, '', '1038004', 100, 359.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (54, 1039051, '', '1039051', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (55, 1039056, '', '1039056', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (56, 1043005, '', '1043005', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (57, 1044012, '', '1044012', 100, 349.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (58, 1045000, '', '1045000', 100, 28.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (59, 1046001, '', '1046001', 100, 8.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (60, 1046002, '', '1046002', 100, 9.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (61, 1046044, '', '1046044', 100, 349.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (62, 1048005, '', '1048005', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (63, 1051000, '', '1051000', 100, 180.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (64, 1051001, '', '1051001', 100, 159.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (65, 1051002, '', '1051002', 100, 228.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (66, 1051003, '', '1051003', 100, 148.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (67, 1055012, '', '1055012', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (68, 1055016, '', '1055016', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (69, 1055022, '', '1055022', 100, 4.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (70, 1056002, '', '1056002', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (71, 1057036, '', '1057036', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (72, 1064000, '', '1064000', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (73, 1064002, '', '1064002', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (74, 1064003, '', '1064003', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (75, 1064004, '', '1064004', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (76, 1064006, '', '1064006', 100, 129.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (77, 1064007, '', '1064007', 100, 249.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (78, 1064021, '', '1064021', 100, 199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (79, 1064022, '', '1064022', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (80, 1065004, '', '1065004', 100, 199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (81, 1065005, '', '1065005', 100, 249.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (82, 1068010, '', '1068010', 100, 329.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (83, 1068011, '', '1068011', 100, 399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (84, 1068012, '', '1068012', 100, 599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (85, 1070000, '', '1070000', 100, 26.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (86, 1071004, '', '1071004', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (87, 1071005, '', '1071005', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (88, 1071006, '', '1071006', 100, 9.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (89, 1072000, '', '1072000', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (90, 1072001, '', '1072001', 100, 49.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (91, 1073008, '', '1073008', 100, 149.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (92, 1074001, '', '1074001', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (93, 1075022, '', '1075022', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (94, 1075023, '', '1075023', 100, 199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (95, 1075024, '', '1075024', 100, 2399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (96, 1081000, '', '1081000', 100, 49.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (97, 1081002, '', '1081002', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (98, 1083009, '', '1083009', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (99, 1083010, '', '1083010', 100, 469.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (100, 1084001, '', '1084001', 100, 249.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (101, 1084003, '', '1084003', 100, 199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (102, 1085019, '', '1085019', 100, 349.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (103, 1086015, '', '1086015', 100, 249.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (104, 1086023, '', '1086023', 100, 19.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (105, 1086024, '', '1086024', 100, 9.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (106, 1086025, '', '1086025', 100, 49.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (107, 1086026, '', '1086026', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (108, 1086052, '', '1086052', 100, 859.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (109, 1090004, '', '1090004', 100, 399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (110, 1092001, '', '1092001', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (111, 1092005, '', '1092005', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (112, 1092024, '', '1092024', 100, 1599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (113, 1092025, '', '1092025', 100, 19.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (114, 1092026, '', '1092026', 100, 19.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (115, 1092038, '', '1092038', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (116, 1092039, '', '1092039', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (117, 1093000, '', '1093000', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (118, 1093001, '', '1093001', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (119, 1093002, '', '1093002', 100, 49.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (120, 1097004, '', '1097004', 100, 1699.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (121, 1097005, '', '1097005', 100, 1199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (122, 1097006, '', '1097006', 100, 999.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (123, 1097007, '', '1097007', 100, 759.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (124, 1097009, '', '1097009', 100, 1599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (125, 1097011, '', '1097011', 100, 3899.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (126, 1097012, '', '1097012', 100, 999.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (127, 1097013, '', '1097013', 100, 2699.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (128, 1097014, '', '1097014', 100, 4199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (129, 1097016, '', '1097016', 100, 2799.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (130, 1097017, '', '1097017', 100, 2199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (131, 1100000, '', '1100000', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (132, 1100001, '', '1100001', 100, 199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (133, 1100002, '', '1100002', 100, 189.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (134, 1108029, '', '1108029', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (135, 1108030, '', '1108030', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (136, 1108031, '', '1108031', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (137, 1108032, '', '1108032', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (138, 1109004, '', '1109004', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (139, 1109005, '', '1109005', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (140, 1109008, '', '1109008', 100, 3999.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (141, 1109034, '', '1109034', 100, 129.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (142, 1110002, '', '1110002', 100, 119.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (143, 1110003, '', '1110003', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (144, 1110004, '', '1110004', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (145, 1110007, '', '1110007', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (146, 1110008, '', '1110008', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (147, 1110013, '', '1110013', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (148, 1110014, '', '1110014', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (149, 1110015, '', '1110015', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (150, 1110016, '', '1110016', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (151, 1110017, '', '1110017', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (152, 1110018, '', '1110018', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (153, 1110019, '', '1110019', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (154, 1111007, '', '1111007', 100, 78.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (155, 1111010, '', '1111010', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (156, 1113010, '', '1113010', 100, 59.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (157, 1113011, '', '1113011', 100, 49.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (158, 1113019, '', '1113019', 100, 208.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (159, 1114011, '', '1114011', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (160, 1115023, '', '1115023', 100, 1599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (161, 1115028, '', '1115028', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (162, 1115052, '', '1115052', 100, 86.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (163, 1115053, '', '1115053', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (164, 1116004, '', '1116004', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (165, 1116005, '', '1116005', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (166, 1116008, '', '1116008', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (167, 1116011, '', '1116011', 100, 36.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (168, 1116030, '', '1116030', 100, 439.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (169, 1116031, '', '1116031', 100, 439.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (170, 1116032, '', '1116032', 100, 3499.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (171, 1116033, '', '1116033', 100, 1399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (172, 1125010, '', '1125010', 100, 159.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (173, 1125011, '', '1125011', 100, 139.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (174, 1125016, '', '1125016', 100, 139.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (175, 1125017, '', '1125017', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (176, 1125026, '', '1125026', 100, 159.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (177, 1127003, '', '1127003', 100, 2599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (178, 1127024, '', '1127024', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (179, 1127025, '', '1127025', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (180, 1127038, '', '1127038', 100, 359.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (181, 1127039, '', '1127039', 100, 399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (182, 1127047, '', '1127047', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (183, 1127052, '', '1127052', 100, 169.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (184, 1128002, '', '1128002', 100, 599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (185, 1128010, '', '1128010', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (186, 1128011, '', '1128011', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (187, 1129015, '', '1129015', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (188, 1129016, '', '1129016', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (189, 1130037, '', '1130037', 100, 39.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (190, 1130038, '', '1130038', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (191, 1130039, '', '1130039', 100, 89.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (192, 1130041, '', '1130041', 100, 109.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (193, 1130042, '', '1130042', 100, 239.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (194, 1130049, '', '1130049', 100, 429.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (195, 1130056, '', '1130056', 100, 2299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (196, 1131017, '', '1131017', 100, 259.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (197, 1134022, '', '1134022', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (198, 1134030, '', '1134030', 100, 46.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (199, 1134032, '', '1134032', 100, 49.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (200, 1134036, '', '1134036', 100, 38.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (201, 1134056, '', '1134056', 100, 429.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (202, 1135000, '', '1135000', 100, 359.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (203, 1135001, '', '1135001', 100, 459.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (204, 1135002, '', '1135002', 100, 2599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (205, 1135050, '', '1135050', 100, 179.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (206, 1135051, '', '1135051', 100, 299.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (207, 1135052, '', '1135052', 100, 259.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (208, 1135053, '', '1135053', 100, 429.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (209, 1135054, '', '1135054', 100, 559.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (210, 1135055, '', '1135055', 100, 399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (211, 1135056, '', '1135056', 100, 259.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (212, 1135057, '', '1135057', 100, 199.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (213, 1135058, '', '1135058', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (214, 1135065, '', '1135065', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (215, 1135072, '', '1135072', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (216, 1135073, '', '1135073', 100, 69.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (217, 1138000, '', '1138000', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (218, 1138001, '', '1138001', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (219, 1143006, '', '1143006', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (220, 1143015, '', '1143015', 100, 79.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (221, 1143016, '', '1143016', 100, 319.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (222, 1143018, '', '1143018', 100, 68.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (223, 1143019, '', '1143019', 100, 98.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (224, 1143020, '', '1143020', 100, 168.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (225, 1147045, '', '1147045', 100, 599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (226, 1147046, '', '1147046', 100, 599.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (227, 1147047, '', '1147047', 100, 559.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (228, 1147048, '', '1147048', 100, 559.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (229, 1151012, '', '1151012', 100, 359.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (230, 1151013, '', '1151013', 100, 359.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (231, 1152004, '', '1152004', 100, 399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (232, 1152008, '', '1152008', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (233, 1152009, '', '1152009', 100, 29.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (234, 1152031, '', '1152031', 100, 99.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (235, 1152095, '', '1152095', 100, 499.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (236, 1152097, '', '1152097', 100, 399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (237, 1152100, '', '1152100', 100, 499.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (238, 1152101, '', '1152101', 100, 888.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (239, 1152161, '', '1152161', 100, 459.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (240, 1153006, '', '1153006', 100, 1288.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (241, 1155000, '', '1155000', 100, 399.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (242, 1155015, '', '1155015', 100, 12.90); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (243, 1156006, '', '1156006', 100, 699.00); INSERT INTO `nideshop_product` VALUES (244, 1166008, '', '1166008', 100, 459.00); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_region -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_region`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_region` ( `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2', `agency_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`), KEY `region_type` (`type`), KEY `agency_id` (`agency_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4044 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_region -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1, 0, '中国', 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2, 1, '北京', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3, 1, '天津', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4, 1, '河北省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (5, 1, '山西省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (6, 1, '内蒙古自治区', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (7, 1, '辽宁省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (8, 1, '吉林省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (9, 1, '黑龙江省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (10, 1, '上海', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (11, 1, '江苏省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (12, 1, '浙江省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (13, 1, '安徽省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (14, 1, '福建省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (15, 1, '江西省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (16, 1, '山东省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (17, 1, '河南省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (18, 1, '湖北省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (19, 1, '湖南省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (20, 1, '广东省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (21, 1, '广西壮族自治区', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (22, 1, '海南省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (23, 1, '重庆', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (24, 1, '四川省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (25, 1, '贵州省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (26, 1, '云南省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (27, 1, '西藏自治区', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (28, 1, '陕西省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (29, 1, '甘肃省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (30, 1, '青海省', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (31, 1, '宁夏回族自治区', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (32, 1, '新疆维吾尔自治区', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (33, 1, '台湾', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (34, 1, '香港特别行政区', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (35, 1, '澳门特别行政区', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (36, 1, '海外', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (37, 2, '北京市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (38, 3, '天津市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (39, 4, '石家庄市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (40, 4, '唐山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (41, 4, '秦皇岛市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (42, 4, '邯郸市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (43, 4, '邢台市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (44, 4, '保定市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (45, 4, '张家口市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (46, 4, '承德市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (47, 4, '沧州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (48, 4, '廊坊市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (49, 4, '衡水市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (50, 5, '太原市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (51, 5, '大同市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (52, 5, '阳泉市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (53, 5, '长治市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (54, 5, '晋城市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (55, 5, '朔州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (56, 5, '晋中市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (57, 5, '运城市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (58, 5, '忻州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (59, 5, '临汾市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (60, 5, '吕梁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (61, 6, '呼和浩特市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (62, 6, '包头市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (63, 6, '乌海市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (64, 6, '赤峰市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (65, 6, '通辽市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (66, 6, '鄂尔多斯市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (67, 6, '呼伦贝尔市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (68, 6, '巴彦淖尔市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (69, 6, '乌兰察布市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (70, 6, '兴安盟', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (71, 6, '锡林郭勒盟', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (72, 6, '阿拉善盟', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (73, 7, '沈阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (74, 7, '大连市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (75, 7, '鞍山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (76, 7, '抚顺市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (77, 7, '本溪市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (78, 7, '丹东市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (79, 7, '锦州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (80, 7, '营口市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (81, 7, '阜新市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (82, 7, '辽阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (83, 7, '盘锦市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (84, 7, '铁岭市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (85, 7, '朝阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (86, 7, '葫芦岛市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (87, 8, '长春市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (88, 8, '吉林市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (89, 8, '四平市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (90, 8, '辽源市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (91, 8, '通化市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (92, 8, '白山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (93, 8, '松原市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (94, 8, '白城市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (95, 8, '延边朝鲜族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (96, 9, '哈尔滨市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (97, 9, '齐齐哈尔市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (98, 9, '鸡西市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (99, 9, '鹤岗市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (100, 9, '双鸭山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (101, 9, '大庆市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (102, 9, '伊春市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (103, 9, '佳木斯市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (104, 9, '七台河市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (105, 9, '牡丹江市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (106, 9, '黑河市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (107, 9, '绥化市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (108, 9, '大兴安岭地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (109, 10, '上海市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (110, 11, '南京市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (111, 11, '无锡市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (112, 11, '徐州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (113, 11, '常州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (114, 11, '苏州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (115, 11, '南通市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (116, 11, '连云港市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (117, 11, '淮安市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (118, 11, '盐城市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (119, 11, '扬州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (120, 11, '镇江市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (121, 11, '泰州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (122, 11, '宿迁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (123, 12, '杭州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (124, 12, '宁波市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (125, 12, '温州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (126, 12, '嘉兴市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (127, 12, '湖州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (128, 12, '绍兴市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (129, 12, '金华市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (130, 12, '衢州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (131, 12, '舟山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (132, 12, '台州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (133, 12, '丽水市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (134, 13, '合肥市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (135, 13, '芜湖市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (136, 13, '蚌埠市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (137, 13, '淮南市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (138, 13, '马鞍山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (139, 13, '淮北市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (140, 13, '铜陵市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (141, 13, '安庆市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (142, 13, '黄山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (143, 13, '滁州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (144, 13, '阜阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (145, 13, '宿州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (146, 13, '六安市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (147, 13, '亳州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (148, 13, '池州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (149, 13, '宣城市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (150, 14, '福州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (151, 14, '厦门市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (152, 14, '莆田市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (153, 14, '三明市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (154, 14, '泉州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (155, 14, '漳州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (156, 14, '南平市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (157, 14, '龙岩市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (158, 14, '宁德市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (159, 15, '南昌市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (160, 15, '景德镇市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (161, 15, '萍乡市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (162, 15, '九江市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (163, 15, '新余市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (164, 15, '鹰潭市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (165, 15, '赣州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (166, 15, '吉安市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (167, 15, '宜春市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (168, 15, '抚州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (169, 15, '上饶市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (170, 16, '济南市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (171, 16, '青岛市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (172, 16, '淄博市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (173, 16, '枣庄市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (174, 16, '东营市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (175, 16, '烟台市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (176, 16, '潍坊市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (177, 16, '济宁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (178, 16, '泰安市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (179, 16, '威海市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (180, 16, '日照市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (181, 16, '莱芜市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (182, 16, '临沂市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (183, 16, '德州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (184, 16, '聊城市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (185, 16, '滨州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (186, 16, '菏泽市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (187, 17, '郑州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (188, 17, '开封市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (189, 17, '洛阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (190, 17, '平顶山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (191, 17, '安阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (192, 17, '鹤壁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (193, 17, '新乡市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (194, 17, '焦作市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (195, 17, '濮阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (196, 17, '许昌市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (197, 17, '漯河市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (198, 17, '三门峡市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (199, 17, '南阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (200, 17, '商丘市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (201, 17, '信阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (202, 17, '周口市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (203, 17, '驻马店市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (204, 18, '武汉市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (205, 18, '黄石市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (206, 18, '十堰市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (207, 18, '宜昌市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (208, 18, '襄阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (209, 18, '鄂州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (210, 18, '荆门市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (211, 18, '孝感市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (212, 18, '荆州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (213, 18, '黄冈市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (214, 18, '咸宁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (215, 18, '随州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (216, 18, '恩施土家族苗族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (217, 19, '长沙市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (218, 19, '株洲市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (219, 19, '湘潭市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (220, 19, '衡阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (221, 19, '邵阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (222, 19, '岳阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (223, 19, '常德市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (224, 19, '张家界市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (225, 19, '益阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (226, 19, '郴州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (227, 19, '永州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (228, 19, '怀化市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (229, 19, '娄底市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (230, 19, '湘西土家族苗族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (231, 20, '广州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (232, 20, '韶关市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (233, 20, '深圳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (234, 20, '珠海市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (235, 20, '汕头市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (236, 20, '佛山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (237, 20, '江门市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (238, 20, '湛江市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (239, 20, '茂名市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (240, 20, '肇庆市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (241, 20, '惠州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (242, 20, '梅州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (243, 20, '汕尾市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (244, 20, '河源市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (245, 20, '阳江市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (246, 20, '清远市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (247, 20, '东莞市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (248, 20, '中山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (249, 20, '东沙群岛', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (250, 20, '潮州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (251, 20, '揭阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (252, 20, '云浮市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (253, 21, '南宁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (254, 21, '柳州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (255, 21, '桂林市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (256, 21, '梧州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (257, 21, '北海市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (258, 21, '防城港市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (259, 21, '钦州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (260, 21, '贵港市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (261, 21, '玉林市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (262, 21, '百色市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (263, 21, '贺州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (264, 21, '河池市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (265, 21, '来宾市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (266, 21, '崇左市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (267, 22, '海口市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (268, 22, '三亚市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (269, 22, '三沙市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (270, 23, '重庆市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (271, 24, '成都市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (272, 24, '自贡市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (273, 24, '攀枝花市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (274, 24, '泸州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (275, 24, '德阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (276, 24, '绵阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (277, 24, '广元市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (278, 24, '遂宁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (279, 24, '内江市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (280, 24, '乐山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (281, 24, '南充市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (282, 24, '眉山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (283, 24, '宜宾市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (284, 24, '广安市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (285, 24, '达州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (286, 24, '雅安市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (287, 24, '巴中市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (288, 24, '资阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (289, 24, '阿坝藏族羌族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (290, 24, '甘孜藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (291, 24, '凉山彝族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (292, 25, '贵阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (293, 25, '六盘水市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (294, 25, '遵义市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (295, 25, '安顺市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (296, 25, '铜仁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (297, 25, '黔西南布依族苗族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (298, 25, '毕节市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (299, 25, '黔东南苗族侗族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (300, 25, '黔南布依族苗族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (301, 26, '昆明市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (302, 26, '曲靖市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (303, 26, '玉溪市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (304, 26, '保山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (305, 26, '昭通市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (306, 26, '丽江市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (307, 26, '普洱市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (308, 26, '临沧市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (309, 26, '楚雄彝族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (310, 26, '红河哈尼族彝族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (311, 26, '文山壮族苗族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (312, 26, '西双版纳傣族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (313, 26, '大理白族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (314, 26, '德宏傣族景颇族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (315, 26, '怒江傈僳族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (316, 26, '迪庆藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (317, 27, '拉萨市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (318, 27, '昌都市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (319, 27, '山南地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (320, 27, '日喀则市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (321, 27, '那曲地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (322, 27, '阿里地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (323, 27, '林芝市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (324, 28, '西安市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (325, 28, '铜川市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (326, 28, '宝鸡市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (327, 28, '咸阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (328, 28, '渭南市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (329, 28, '延安市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (330, 28, '汉中市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (331, 28, '榆林市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (332, 28, '安康市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (333, 28, '商洛市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (334, 29, '兰州市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (335, 29, '嘉峪关市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (336, 29, '金昌市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (337, 29, '白银市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (338, 29, '天水市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (339, 29, '武威市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (340, 29, '张掖市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (341, 29, '平凉市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (342, 29, '酒泉市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (343, 29, '庆阳市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (344, 29, '定西市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (345, 29, '陇南市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (346, 29, '临夏回族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (347, 29, '甘南藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (348, 30, '西宁市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (349, 30, '海东市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (350, 30, '海北藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (351, 30, '黄南藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (352, 30, '海南藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (353, 30, '果洛藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (354, 30, '玉树藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (355, 30, '海西蒙古族藏族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (356, 31, '银川市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (357, 31, '石嘴山市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (358, 31, '吴忠市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (359, 31, '固原市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (360, 31, '中卫市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (361, 32, '乌鲁木齐市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (362, 32, '克拉玛依市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (363, 32, '吐鲁番市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (364, 32, '哈密地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (365, 32, '昌吉回族自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (366, 32, '博尔塔拉蒙古自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (367, 32, '巴音郭楞蒙古自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (368, 32, '阿克苏地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (369, 32, '克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (370, 32, '喀什地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (371, 32, '和田地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (372, 32, '伊犁哈萨克自治州', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (373, 32, '塔城地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (374, 32, '阿勒泰地区', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (375, 33, '台北市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (376, 33, '高雄市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (377, 33, '台南市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (378, 33, '台中市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (379, 33, '金门县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (380, 33, '南投县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (381, 33, '基隆市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (382, 33, '新竹市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (383, 33, '嘉义市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (384, 33, '新北市', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (385, 33, '宜兰县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (386, 33, '新竹县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (387, 33, '桃园县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (388, 33, '苗栗县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (389, 33, '彰化县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (390, 33, '嘉义县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (391, 33, '云林县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (392, 33, '屏东县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (393, 33, '台东县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (394, 33, '花莲县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (395, 33, '澎湖县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (396, 33, '连江县', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (397, 34, '香港岛', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (398, 34, '九龙', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (399, 34, '新界', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (400, 35, '澳门半岛', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (401, 35, '离岛', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (402, 36, '海外', 2, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (403, 37, '东城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (404, 37, '西城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (405, 37, '崇文区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (406, 37, '宣武区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (407, 37, '朝阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (408, 37, '丰台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (409, 37, '石景山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (410, 37, '海淀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (411, 37, '门头沟区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (412, 37, '房山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (413, 37, '通州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (414, 37, '顺义区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (415, 37, '昌平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (416, 37, '大兴区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (417, 37, '怀柔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (418, 37, '平谷区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (419, 37, '密云县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (420, 37, '延庆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (421, 37, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (422, 38, '和平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (423, 38, '河东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (424, 38, '河西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (425, 38, '南开区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (426, 38, '河北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (427, 38, '红桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (428, 38, '塘沽区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (429, 38, '汉沽区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (430, 38, '大港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (431, 38, '东丽区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (432, 38, '西青区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (433, 38, '津南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (434, 38, '北辰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (435, 38, '武清区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (436, 38, '宝坻区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (437, 38, '滨海新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (438, 38, '宁河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (439, 38, '静海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (440, 38, '蓟县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (441, 38, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (442, 39, '长安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (443, 39, '桥东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (444, 39, '桥西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (445, 39, '新华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (446, 39, '井陉矿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (447, 39, '裕华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (448, 39, '井陉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (449, 39, '正定县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (450, 39, '栾城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (451, 39, '行唐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (452, 39, '灵寿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (453, 39, '高邑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (454, 39, '深泽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (455, 39, '赞皇县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (456, 39, '无极县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (457, 39, '平山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (458, 39, '元氏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (459, 39, '赵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (460, 39, '辛集市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (461, 39, '藁城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (462, 39, '晋州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (463, 39, '新乐市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (464, 39, '鹿泉区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (465, 39, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (466, 40, '路南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (467, 40, '路北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (468, 40, '古冶区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (469, 40, '开平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (470, 40, '丰南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (471, 40, '丰润区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (472, 40, '滦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (473, 40, '滦南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (474, 40, '乐亭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (475, 40, '迁西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (476, 40, '玉田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (477, 40, '曹妃甸区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (478, 40, '遵化市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (479, 40, '迁安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (480, 40, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (481, 41, '海港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (482, 41, '山海关区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (483, 41, '北戴河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (484, 41, '青龙满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (485, 41, '昌黎县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (486, 41, '抚宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (487, 41, '卢龙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (488, 41, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (489, 41, '经济技术开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (490, 42, '邯山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (491, 42, '丛台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (492, 42, '复兴区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (493, 42, '峰峰矿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (494, 42, '邯郸县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (495, 42, '临漳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (496, 42, '成安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (497, 42, '大名县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (498, 42, '涉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (499, 42, '磁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (500, 42, '肥乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (501, 42, '永年县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (502, 42, '邱县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (503, 42, '鸡泽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (504, 42, '广平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (505, 42, '馆陶县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (506, 42, '魏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (507, 42, '曲周县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (508, 42, '武安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (509, 42, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (510, 43, '桥东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (511, 43, '桥西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (512, 43, '邢台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (513, 43, '临城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (514, 43, '内丘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (515, 43, '柏乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (516, 43, '隆尧县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (517, 43, '任县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (518, 43, '南和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (519, 43, '宁晋县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (520, 43, '巨鹿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (521, 43, '新河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (522, 43, '广宗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (523, 43, '平乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (524, 43, '威县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (525, 43, '清河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (526, 43, '临西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (527, 43, '南宫市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (528, 43, '沙河市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (529, 43, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (530, 44, '新市区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (531, 44, '北市区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (532, 44, '南市区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (533, 44, '满城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (534, 44, '清苑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (535, 44, '涞水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (536, 44, '阜平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (537, 44, '徐水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (538, 44, '定兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (539, 44, '唐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (540, 44, '高阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (541, 44, '容城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (542, 44, '涞源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (543, 44, '望都县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (544, 44, '安新县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (545, 44, '易县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (546, 44, '曲阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (547, 44, '蠡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (548, 44, '顺平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (549, 44, '博野县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (550, 44, '雄县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (551, 44, '涿州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (552, 44, '定州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (553, 44, '安国市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (554, 44, '高碑店市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (555, 44, '高开区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (556, 44, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (557, 45, '桥东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (558, 45, '桥西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (559, 45, '宣化区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (560, 45, '下花园区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (561, 45, '宣化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (562, 45, '张北县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (563, 45, '康保县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (564, 45, '沽源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (565, 45, '尚义县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (566, 45, '蔚县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (567, 45, '阳原县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (568, 45, '怀安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (569, 45, '万全县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (570, 45, '怀来县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (571, 45, '涿鹿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (572, 45, '赤城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (573, 45, '崇礼县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (574, 45, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (575, 46, '双桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (576, 46, '双滦区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (577, 46, '鹰手营子矿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (578, 46, '承德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (579, 46, '兴隆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (580, 46, '平泉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (581, 46, '滦平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (582, 46, '隆化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (583, 46, '丰宁满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (584, 46, '宽城满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (585, 46, '围场满族蒙古族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (586, 46, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (587, 47, '新华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (588, 47, '运河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (589, 47, '沧县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (590, 47, '青县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (591, 47, '东光县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (592, 47, '海兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (593, 47, '盐山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (594, 47, '肃宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (595, 47, '南皮县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (596, 47, '吴桥县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (597, 47, '献县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (598, 47, '孟村回族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (599, 47, '泊头市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (600, 47, '任丘市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (601, 47, '黄骅市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (602, 47, '河间市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (603, 47, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (604, 48, '安次区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (605, 48, '广阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (606, 48, '固安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (607, 48, '永清县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (608, 48, '香河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (609, 48, '大城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (610, 48, '文安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (611, 48, '大厂回族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (612, 48, '开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (613, 48, '燕郊经济技术开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (614, 48, '霸州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (615, 48, '三河市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (616, 48, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (617, 49, '桃城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (618, 49, '枣强县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (619, 49, '武邑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (620, 49, '武强县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (621, 49, '饶阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (622, 49, '安平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (623, 49, '故城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (624, 49, '景县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (625, 49, '阜城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (626, 49, '冀州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (627, 49, '深州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (628, 49, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (629, 50, '小店区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (630, 50, '迎泽区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (631, 50, '杏花岭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (632, 50, '尖草坪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (633, 50, '万柏林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (634, 50, '晋源区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (635, 50, '清徐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (636, 50, '阳曲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (637, 50, '娄烦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (638, 50, '古交市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (639, 50, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (640, 51, '城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (641, 51, '矿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (642, 51, '南郊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (643, 51, '新荣区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (644, 51, '阳高县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (645, 51, '天镇县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (646, 51, '广灵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (647, 51, '灵丘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (648, 51, '浑源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (649, 51, '左云县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (650, 51, '大同县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (651, 51, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (652, 52, '城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (653, 52, '矿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (654, 52, '郊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (655, 52, '平定县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (656, 52, '盂县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (657, 52, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (658, 53, '长治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (659, 53, '襄垣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (660, 53, '屯留县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (661, 53, '平顺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (662, 53, '黎城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (663, 53, '壶关县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (664, 53, '长子县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (665, 53, '武乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (666, 53, '沁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (667, 53, '沁源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (668, 53, '潞城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (669, 53, '城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (670, 53, '郊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (671, 53, '高新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (672, 53, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (673, 54, '城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (674, 54, '沁水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (675, 54, '阳城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (676, 54, '陵川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (677, 54, '泽州县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (678, 54, '高平市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (679, 54, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (680, 55, '朔城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (681, 55, '平鲁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (682, 55, '山阴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (683, 55, '应县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (684, 55, '右玉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (685, 55, '怀仁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (686, 55, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (687, 56, '榆次区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (688, 56, '榆社县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (689, 56, '左权县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (690, 56, '和顺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (691, 56, '昔阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (692, 56, '寿阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (693, 56, '太谷县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (694, 56, '祁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (695, 56, '平遥县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (696, 56, '灵石县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (697, 56, '介休市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (698, 56, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (699, 57, '盐湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (700, 57, '临猗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (701, 57, '万荣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (702, 57, '闻喜县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (703, 57, '稷山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (704, 57, '新绛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (705, 57, '绛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (706, 57, '垣曲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (707, 57, '夏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (708, 57, '平陆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (709, 57, '芮城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (710, 57, '永济市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (711, 57, '河津市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (712, 57, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (713, 58, '忻府区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (714, 58, '定襄县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (715, 58, '五台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (716, 58, '代县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (717, 58, '繁峙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (718, 58, '宁武县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (719, 58, '静乐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (720, 58, '神池县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (721, 58, '五寨县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (722, 58, '岢岚县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (723, 58, '河曲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (724, 58, '保德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (725, 58, '偏关县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (726, 58, '原平市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (727, 58, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (728, 59, '尧都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (729, 59, '曲沃县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (730, 59, '翼城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (731, 59, '襄汾县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (732, 59, '洪洞县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (733, 59, '古县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (734, 59, '安泽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (735, 59, '浮山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (736, 59, '吉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (737, 59, '乡宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (738, 59, '大宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (739, 59, '隰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (740, 59, '永和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (741, 59, '蒲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (742, 59, '汾西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (743, 59, '侯马市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (744, 59, '霍州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (745, 59, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (746, 60, '离石区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (747, 60, '文水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (748, 60, '交城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (749, 60, '兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (750, 60, '临县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (751, 60, '柳林县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (752, 60, '石楼县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (753, 60, '岚县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (754, 60, '方山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (755, 60, '中阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (756, 60, '交口县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (757, 60, '孝义市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (758, 60, '汾阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (759, 60, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (760, 61, '新城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (761, 61, '回民区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (762, 61, '玉泉区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (763, 61, '赛罕区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (764, 61, '土默特左旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (765, 61, '托克托县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (766, 61, '和林格尔县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (767, 61, '清水河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (768, 61, '武川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (769, 61, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (770, 62, '东河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (771, 62, '昆都仑区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (772, 62, '青山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (773, 62, '石拐区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (774, 62, '白云鄂博矿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (775, 62, '九原区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (776, 62, '土默特右旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (777, 62, '固阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (778, 62, '达尔罕茂明安联合旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (779, 62, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (780, 63, '海勃湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (781, 63, '海南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (782, 63, '乌达区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (783, 63, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (784, 64, '红山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (785, 64, '元宝山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (786, 64, '松山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (787, 64, '阿鲁科尔沁旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (788, 64, '巴林左旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (789, 64, '巴林右旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (790, 64, '林西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (791, 64, '克什克腾旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (792, 64, '翁牛特旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (793, 64, '喀喇沁旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (794, 64, '宁城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (795, 64, '敖汉旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (796, 64, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (797, 65, '科尔沁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (798, 65, '科尔沁左翼中旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (799, 65, '科尔沁左翼后旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (800, 65, '开鲁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (801, 65, '库伦旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (802, 65, '奈曼旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (803, 65, '扎鲁特旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (804, 65, '霍林郭勒市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (805, 65, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (806, 66, '东胜区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (807, 66, '达拉特旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (808, 66, '准格尔旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (809, 66, '鄂托克前旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (810, 66, '鄂托克旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (811, 66, '杭锦旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (812, 66, '乌审旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (813, 66, '伊金霍洛旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (814, 66, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (815, 67, '海拉尔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (816, 67, '扎赉诺尔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (817, 67, '阿荣旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (818, 67, '莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (819, 67, '鄂伦春自治旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (820, 67, '鄂温克族自治旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (821, 67, '陈巴尔虎旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (822, 67, '新巴尔虎左旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (823, 67, '新巴尔虎右旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (824, 67, '满洲里市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (825, 67, '牙克石市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (826, 67, '扎兰屯市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (827, 67, '额尔古纳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (828, 67, '根河市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (829, 67, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (830, 68, '临河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (831, 68, '五原县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (832, 68, '磴口县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (833, 68, '乌拉特前旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (834, 68, '乌拉特中旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (835, 68, '乌拉特后旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (836, 68, '杭锦后旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (837, 68, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (838, 69, '集宁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (839, 69, '卓资县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (840, 69, '化德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (841, 69, '商都县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (842, 69, '兴和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (843, 69, '凉城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (844, 69, '察哈尔右翼前旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (845, 69, '察哈尔右翼中旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (846, 69, '察哈尔右翼后旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (847, 69, '四子王旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (848, 69, '丰镇市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (849, 69, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (850, 70, '乌兰浩特市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (851, 70, '阿尔山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (852, 70, '科尔沁右翼前旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (853, 70, '科尔沁右翼中旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (854, 70, '扎赉特旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (855, 70, '突泉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (856, 70, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (857, 71, '二连浩特市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (858, 71, '锡林浩特市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (859, 71, '阿巴嘎旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (860, 71, '苏尼特左旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (861, 71, '苏尼特右旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (862, 71, '东乌珠穆沁旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (863, 71, '西乌珠穆沁旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (864, 71, '太仆寺旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (865, 71, '镶黄旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (866, 71, '正镶白旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (867, 71, '正蓝旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (868, 71, '多伦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (869, 71, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (870, 72, '阿拉善左旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (871, 72, '阿拉善右旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (872, 72, '额济纳旗', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (873, 72, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (874, 73, '和平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (875, 73, '沈河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (876, 73, '大东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (877, 73, '皇姑区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (878, 73, '铁西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (879, 73, '苏家屯区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (880, 73, '浑南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (881, 73, '新城子区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (882, 73, '于洪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (883, 73, '辽中县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (884, 73, '康平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (885, 73, '法库县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (886, 73, '新民市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (887, 73, '浑南新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (888, 73, '张士开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (889, 73, '沈北新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (890, 73, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (891, 74, '中山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (892, 74, '西岗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (893, 74, '沙河口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (894, 74, '甘井子区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (895, 74, '旅顺口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (896, 74, '金州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (897, 74, '长海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (898, 74, '开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (899, 74, '瓦房店市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (900, 74, '普兰店市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (901, 74, '庄河市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (902, 74, '岭前区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (903, 74, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (904, 75, '铁东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (905, 75, '铁西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (906, 75, '立山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (907, 75, '千山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (908, 75, '台安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (909, 75, '岫岩满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (910, 75, '高新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (911, 75, '海城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (912, 75, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (913, 76, '新抚区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (914, 76, '东洲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (915, 76, '望花区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (916, 76, '顺城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (917, 76, '抚顺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (918, 76, '新宾满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (919, 76, '清原满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (920, 76, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (921, 77, '平山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (922, 77, '溪湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (923, 77, '明山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (924, 77, '南芬区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (925, 77, '本溪满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (926, 77, '桓仁满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (927, 77, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (928, 78, '元宝区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (929, 78, '振兴区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (930, 78, '振安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (931, 78, '宽甸满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (932, 78, '东港市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (933, 78, '凤城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (934, 78, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (935, 79, '古塔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (936, 79, '凌河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (937, 79, '太和区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (938, 79, '黑山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (939, 79, '义县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (940, 79, '凌海市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (941, 79, '北镇市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (942, 79, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (943, 80, '站前区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (944, 80, '西市区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (945, 80, '鲅鱼圈区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (946, 80, '老边区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (947, 80, '盖州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (948, 80, '大石桥市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (949, 80, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (950, 81, '海州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (951, 81, '新邱区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (952, 81, '太平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (953, 81, '清河门区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (954, 81, '细河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (955, 81, '阜新蒙古族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (956, 81, '彰武县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (957, 81, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (958, 82, '白塔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (959, 82, '文圣区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (960, 82, '宏伟区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (961, 82, '弓长岭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (962, 82, '太子河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (963, 82, '辽阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (964, 82, '灯塔市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (965, 82, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (966, 83, '双台子区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (967, 83, '兴隆台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (968, 83, '大洼县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (969, 83, '盘山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (970, 83, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (971, 84, '银州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (972, 84, '清河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (973, 84, '铁岭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (974, 84, '西丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (975, 84, '昌图县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (976, 84, '调兵山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (977, 84, '开原市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (978, 84, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (979, 85, '双塔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (980, 85, '龙城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (981, 85, '朝阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (982, 85, '建平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (983, 85, '喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (984, 85, '北票市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (985, 85, '凌源市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (986, 85, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (987, 86, '连山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (988, 86, '龙港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (989, 86, '南票区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (990, 86, '绥中县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (991, 86, '建昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (992, 86, '兴城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (993, 86, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (994, 87, '南关区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (995, 87, '宽城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (996, 87, '朝阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (997, 87, '二道区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (998, 87, '绿园区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (999, 87, '双阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1000, 87, '农安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1001, 87, '九台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1002, 87, '榆树市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1003, 87, '德惠市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1004, 87, '高新技术产业开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1005, 87, '汽车产业开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1006, 87, '经济技术开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1007, 87, '净月旅游开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1008, 87, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1009, 88, '昌邑区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1010, 88, '龙潭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1011, 88, '船营区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1012, 88, '丰满区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1013, 88, '永吉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1014, 88, '蛟河市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1015, 88, '桦甸市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1016, 88, '舒兰市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1017, 88, '磐石市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1018, 88, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1019, 89, '铁西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1020, 89, '铁东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1021, 89, '梨树县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1022, 89, '伊通满族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1023, 89, '公主岭市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1024, 89, '双辽市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1025, 89, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1026, 90, '龙山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1027, 90, '西安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1028, 90, '东丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1029, 90, '东辽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1030, 90, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1031, 91, '东昌区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1032, 91, '二道江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1033, 91, '通化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1034, 91, '辉南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1035, 91, '柳河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1036, 91, '梅河口市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1037, 91, '集安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1038, 91, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1039, 92, '浑江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1040, 92, '抚松县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1041, 92, '靖宇县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1042, 92, '长白朝鲜族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1043, 92, '江源区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1044, 92, '临江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1045, 92, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1046, 93, '宁江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1047, 93, '前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1048, 93, '长岭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1049, 93, '乾安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1050, 93, '扶余市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1051, 93, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1052, 94, '洮北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1053, 94, '镇赉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1054, 94, '通榆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1055, 94, '洮南市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1056, 94, '大安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1057, 94, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1058, 95, '延吉市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1059, 95, '图们市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1060, 95, '敦化市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1061, 95, '珲春市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1062, 95, '龙井市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1063, 95, '和龙市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1064, 95, '汪清县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1065, 95, '安图县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1066, 95, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1067, 96, '道里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1068, 96, '南岗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1069, 96, '道外区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1070, 96, '香坊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1071, 96, '动力区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1072, 96, '平房区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1073, 96, '松北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1074, 96, '呼兰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1075, 96, '依兰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1076, 96, '方正县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1077, 96, '宾县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1078, 96, '巴彦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1079, 96, '木兰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1080, 96, '通河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1081, 96, '延寿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1082, 96, '阿城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1083, 96, '双城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1084, 96, '尚志市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1085, 96, '五常市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1086, 96, '阿城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1087, 96, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1088, 97, '龙沙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1089, 97, '建华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1090, 97, '铁锋区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1091, 97, '昂昂溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1092, 97, '富拉尔基区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1093, 97, '碾子山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1094, 97, '梅里斯达斡尔族区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1095, 97, '龙江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1096, 97, '依安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1097, 97, '泰来县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1098, 97, '甘南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1099, 97, '富裕县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1100, 97, '克山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1101, 97, '克东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1102, 97, '拜泉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1103, 97, '讷河市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1104, 97, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1105, 98, '鸡冠区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1106, 98, '恒山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1107, 98, '滴道区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1108, 98, '梨树区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1109, 98, '城子河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1110, 98, '麻山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1111, 98, '鸡东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1112, 98, '虎林市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1113, 98, '密山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1114, 98, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1115, 99, '向阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1116, 99, '工农区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1117, 99, '南山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1118, 99, '兴安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1119, 99, '东山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1120, 99, '兴山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1121, 99, '萝北县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1122, 99, '绥滨县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1123, 99, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1124, 100, '尖山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1125, 100, '岭东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1126, 100, '四方台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1127, 100, '宝山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1128, 100, '集贤县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1129, 100, '友谊县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1130, 100, '宝清县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1131, 100, '饶河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1132, 100, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1133, 101, '萨尔图区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1134, 101, '龙凤区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1135, 101, '让胡路区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1136, 101, '红岗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1137, 101, '大同区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1138, 101, '肇州县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1139, 101, '肇源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1140, 101, '林甸县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1141, 101, '杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1142, 101, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1143, 102, '伊春区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1144, 102, '南岔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1145, 102, '友好区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1146, 102, '西林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1147, 102, '翠峦区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1148, 102, '新青区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1149, 102, '美溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1150, 102, '金山屯区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1151, 102, '五营区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1152, 102, '乌马河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1153, 102, '汤旺河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1154, 102, '带岭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1155, 102, '乌伊岭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1156, 102, '红星区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1157, 102, '上甘岭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1158, 102, '嘉荫县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1159, 102, '铁力市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1160, 102, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1161, 103, '永红区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1162, 103, '向阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1163, 103, '前进区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1164, 103, '东风区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1165, 103, '郊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1166, 103, '桦南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1167, 103, '桦川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1168, 103, '汤原县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1169, 103, '抚远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1170, 103, '同江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1171, 103, '富锦市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1172, 103, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1173, 104, '新兴区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1174, 104, '桃山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1175, 104, '茄子河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1176, 104, '勃利县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1177, 104, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1178, 105, '东安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1179, 105, '阳明区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1180, 105, '爱民区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1181, 105, '西安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1182, 105, '东宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1183, 105, '林口县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1184, 105, '绥芬河市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1185, 105, '海林市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1186, 105, '宁安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1187, 105, '穆棱市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1188, 105, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1189, 106, '爱辉区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1190, 106, '嫩江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1191, 106, '逊克县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1192, 106, '孙吴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1193, 106, '北安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1194, 106, '五大连池市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1195, 106, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1196, 107, '北林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1197, 107, '望奎县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1198, 107, '兰西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1199, 107, '青冈县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1200, 107, '庆安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1201, 107, '明水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1202, 107, '绥棱县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1203, 107, '安达市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1204, 107, '肇东市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1205, 107, '海伦市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1206, 107, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1207, 108, '松岭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1208, 108, '新林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1209, 108, '呼中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1210, 108, '呼玛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1211, 108, '塔河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1212, 108, '漠河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1213, 108, '加格达奇区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1214, 108, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1215, 109, '黄浦区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1216, 109, '卢湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1217, 109, '徐汇区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1218, 109, '长宁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1219, 109, '静安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1220, 109, '普陀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1221, 109, '闸北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1222, 109, '虹口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1223, 109, '杨浦区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1224, 109, '闵行区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1225, 109, '宝山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1226, 109, '嘉定区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1227, 109, '浦东新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1228, 109, '金山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1229, 109, '松江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1230, 109, '青浦区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1231, 109, '南汇区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1232, 109, '奉贤区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1233, 109, '川沙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1234, 109, '崇明县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1235, 109, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1236, 110, '玄武区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1237, 110, '白下区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1238, 110, '秦淮区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1239, 110, '建邺区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1240, 110, '鼓楼区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1241, 110, '下关区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1242, 110, '浦口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1243, 110, '栖霞区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1244, 110, '雨花台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1245, 110, '江宁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1246, 110, '六合区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1247, 110, '溧水区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1248, 110, '高淳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1249, 110, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1250, 111, '崇安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1251, 111, '南长区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1252, 111, '北塘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1253, 111, '锡山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1254, 111, '惠山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1255, 111, '滨湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1256, 111, '江阴市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1257, 111, '宜兴市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1258, 111, '新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1259, 111, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1260, 112, '鼓楼区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1261, 112, '云龙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1262, 112, '九里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1263, 112, '贾汪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1264, 112, '泉山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1265, 112, '丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1266, 112, '沛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1267, 112, '铜山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1268, 112, '睢宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1269, 112, '新沂市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1270, 112, '邳州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1271, 112, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1272, 113, '天宁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1273, 113, '钟楼区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1274, 113, '戚墅堰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1275, 113, '新北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1276, 113, '武进区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1277, 113, '溧阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1278, 113, '金坛市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1279, 113, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1280, 114, '沧浪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1281, 114, '平江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1282, 114, '金阊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1283, 114, '虎丘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1284, 114, '吴中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1285, 114, '相城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1286, 114, '姑苏区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1287, 114, '常熟市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1288, 114, '张家港市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1289, 114, '昆山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1290, 114, '吴江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1291, 114, '太仓市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1292, 114, '新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1293, 114, '园区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1294, 114, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1295, 115, '崇川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1296, 115, '港闸区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1297, 115, '通州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1298, 115, '海安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1299, 115, '如东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1300, 115, '启东市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1301, 115, '如皋市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1302, 115, '通州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1303, 115, '海门市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1304, 115, '开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1305, 115, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1306, 116, '连云区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1307, 116, '新浦区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1308, 116, '海州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1309, 116, '赣榆区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1310, 116, '东海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1311, 116, '灌云县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1312, 116, '灌南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1313, 116, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1314, 117, '清河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1315, 117, '淮安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1316, 117, '淮阴区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1317, 117, '清浦区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1318, 117, '涟水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1319, 117, '洪泽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1320, 117, '盱眙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1321, 117, '金湖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1322, 117, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1323, 118, '亭湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1324, 118, '盐都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1325, 118, '响水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1326, 118, '滨海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1327, 118, '阜宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1328, 118, '射阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1329, 118, '建湖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1330, 118, '东台市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1331, 118, '大丰市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1332, 118, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1333, 119, '广陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1334, 119, '邗江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1335, 119, '维扬区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1336, 119, '宝应县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1337, 119, '仪征市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1338, 119, '高邮市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1339, 119, '江都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1340, 119, '经济开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1341, 119, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1342, 120, '京口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1343, 120, '润州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1344, 120, '丹徒区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1345, 120, '丹阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1346, 120, '扬中市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1347, 120, '句容市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1348, 120, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1349, 121, '海陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1350, 121, '高港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1351, 121, '兴化市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1352, 121, '靖江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1353, 121, '泰兴市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1354, 121, '姜堰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1355, 121, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1356, 122, '宿城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1357, 122, '宿豫区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1358, 122, '沭阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1359, 122, '泗阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1360, 122, '泗洪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1361, 122, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1362, 123, '上城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1363, 123, '下城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1364, 123, '江干区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1365, 123, '拱墅区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1366, 123, '西湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1367, 123, '滨江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1368, 123, '萧山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1369, 123, '余杭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1370, 123, '桐庐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1371, 123, '淳安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1372, 123, '建德市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1373, 123, '富阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1374, 123, '临安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1375, 123, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1376, 124, '海曙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1377, 124, '江东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1378, 124, '江北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1379, 124, '北仑区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1380, 124, '镇海区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1381, 124, '鄞州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1382, 124, '象山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1383, 124, '宁海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1384, 124, '余姚市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1385, 124, '慈溪市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1386, 124, '奉化市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1387, 124, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1388, 125, '鹿城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1389, 125, '龙湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1390, 125, '瓯海区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1391, 125, '洞头县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1392, 125, '永嘉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1393, 125, '平阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1394, 125, '苍南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1395, 125, '文成县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1396, 125, '泰顺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1397, 125, '瑞安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1398, 125, '乐清市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1399, 125, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1400, 126, '南湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1401, 126, '秀洲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1402, 126, '嘉善县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1403, 126, '海盐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1404, 126, '海宁市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1405, 126, '平湖市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1406, 126, '桐乡市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1407, 126, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1408, 127, '吴兴区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1409, 127, '南浔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1410, 127, '德清县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1411, 127, '长兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1412, 127, '安吉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1413, 127, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1414, 128, '越城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1415, 128, '柯桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1416, 128, '新昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1417, 128, '诸暨市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1418, 128, '上虞区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1419, 128, '嵊州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1420, 128, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1421, 129, '婺城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1422, 129, '金东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1423, 129, '武义县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1424, 129, '浦江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1425, 129, '磐安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1426, 129, '兰溪市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1427, 129, '义乌市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1428, 129, '东阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1429, 129, '永康市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1430, 129, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1431, 130, '柯城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1432, 130, '衢江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1433, 130, '常山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1434, 130, '开化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1435, 130, '龙游县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1436, 130, '江山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1437, 130, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1438, 131, '定海区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1439, 131, '普陀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1440, 131, '岱山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1441, 131, '嵊泗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1442, 131, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1443, 132, '椒江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1444, 132, '黄岩区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1445, 132, '路桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1446, 132, '玉环县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1447, 132, '三门县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1448, 132, '天台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1449, 132, '仙居县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1450, 132, '温岭市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1451, 132, '临海市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1452, 132, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1453, 133, '莲都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1454, 133, '青田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1455, 133, '缙云县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1456, 133, '遂昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1457, 133, '松阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1458, 133, '云和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1459, 133, '庆元县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1460, 133, '景宁畲族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1461, 133, '龙泉市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1462, 133, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1463, 134, '瑶海区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1464, 134, '庐阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1465, 134, '蜀山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1466, 134, '包河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1467, 134, '长丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1468, 134, '肥东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1469, 134, '肥西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1470, 134, '高新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1471, 134, '中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1472, 134, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1473, 135, '镜湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1474, 135, '弋江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1475, 135, '鸠江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1476, 135, '三山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1477, 135, '芜湖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1478, 135, '繁昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1479, 135, '南陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1480, 135, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1481, 136, '龙子湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1482, 136, '蚌山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1483, 136, '禹会区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1484, 136, '淮上区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1485, 136, '怀远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1486, 136, '五河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1487, 136, '固镇县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1488, 136, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1489, 137, '大通区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1490, 137, '田家庵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1491, 137, '谢家集区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1492, 137, '八公山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1493, 137, '潘集区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1494, 137, '凤台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1495, 137, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1496, 138, '金家庄区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1497, 138, '花山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1498, 138, '雨山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1499, 138, '博望区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1500, 138, '当涂县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1501, 138, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1502, 139, '杜集区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1503, 139, '相山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1504, 139, '烈山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1505, 139, '濉溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1506, 139, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1507, 140, '铜官山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1508, 140, '狮子山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1509, 140, '郊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1510, 140, '铜陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1511, 140, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1512, 141, '迎江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1513, 141, '大观区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1514, 141, '宜秀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1515, 141, '怀宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1516, 141, '枞阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1517, 141, '潜山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1518, 141, '太湖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1519, 141, '宿松县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1520, 141, '望江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1521, 141, '岳西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1522, 141, '桐城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1523, 141, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1524, 142, '屯溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1525, 142, '黄山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1526, 142, '徽州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1527, 142, '歙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1528, 142, '休宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1529, 142, '黟县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1530, 142, '祁门县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1531, 142, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1532, 143, '琅琊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1533, 143, '南谯区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1534, 143, '来安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1535, 143, '全椒县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1536, 143, '定远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1537, 143, '凤阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1538, 143, '天长市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1539, 143, '明光市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1540, 143, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1541, 144, '颍州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1542, 144, '颍东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1543, 144, '颍泉区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1544, 144, '临泉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1545, 144, '太和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1546, 144, '阜南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1547, 144, '颍上县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1548, 144, '界首市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1549, 144, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1550, 145, '埇桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1551, 145, '砀山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1552, 145, '萧县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1553, 145, '灵璧县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1554, 145, '泗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1555, 145, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1556, 134, '巢湖市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1557, 134, '居巢区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1558, 134, '庐江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1559, 135, '无为县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1560, 138, '含山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1561, 138, '和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1562, 146, '金安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1563, 146, '裕安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1564, 146, '寿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1565, 146, '霍邱县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1566, 146, '舒城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1567, 146, '金寨县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1568, 146, '霍山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1569, 146, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1570, 147, '谯城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1571, 147, '涡阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1572, 147, '蒙城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1573, 147, '利辛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1574, 147, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1575, 148, '贵池区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1576, 148, '东至县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1577, 148, '石台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1578, 148, '青阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1579, 148, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1580, 149, '宣州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1581, 149, '郎溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1582, 149, '广德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1583, 149, '泾县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1584, 149, '绩溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1585, 149, '旌德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1586, 149, '宁国市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1587, 149, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1588, 150, '鼓楼区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1589, 150, '台江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1590, 150, '仓山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1591, 150, '马尾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1592, 150, '晋安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1593, 150, '闽侯县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1594, 150, '连江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1595, 150, '罗源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1596, 150, '闽清县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1597, 150, '永泰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1598, 150, '平潭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1599, 150, '福清市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1600, 150, '长乐市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1601, 150, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1602, 151, '思明区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1603, 151, '海沧区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1604, 151, '湖里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1605, 151, '集美区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1606, 151, '同安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1607, 151, '翔安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1608, 151, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1609, 152, '城厢区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1610, 152, '涵江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1611, 152, '荔城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1612, 152, '秀屿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1613, 152, '仙游县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1614, 152, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1615, 153, '梅列区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1616, 153, '三元区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1617, 153, '明溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1618, 153, '清流县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1619, 153, '宁化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1620, 153, '大田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1621, 153, '尤溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1622, 153, '沙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1623, 153, '将乐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1624, 153, '泰宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1625, 153, '建宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1626, 153, '永安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1627, 153, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1628, 154, '鲤城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1629, 154, '丰泽区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1630, 154, '洛江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1631, 154, '泉港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1632, 154, '惠安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1633, 154, '安溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1634, 154, '永春县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1635, 154, '德化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1636, 154, '金门县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1637, 154, '石狮市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1638, 154, '晋江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1639, 154, '南安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1640, 154, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1641, 155, '芗城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1642, 155, '龙文区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1643, 155, '云霄县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1644, 155, '漳浦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1645, 155, '诏安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1646, 155, '长泰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1647, 155, '东山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1648, 155, '南靖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1649, 155, '平和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1650, 155, '华安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1651, 155, '龙海市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1652, 155, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1653, 156, '延平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1654, 156, '顺昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1655, 156, '浦城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1656, 156, '光泽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1657, 156, '松溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1658, 156, '政和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1659, 156, '邵武市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1660, 156, '武夷山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1661, 156, '建瓯市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1662, 156, '建阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1663, 156, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1664, 157, '新罗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1665, 157, '长汀县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1666, 157, '永定区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1667, 157, '上杭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1668, 157, '武平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1669, 157, '连城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1670, 157, '漳平市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1671, 157, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1672, 158, '蕉城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1673, 158, '霞浦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1674, 158, '古田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1675, 158, '屏南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1676, 158, '寿宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1677, 158, '周宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1678, 158, '柘荣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1679, 158, '福安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1680, 158, '福鼎市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1681, 158, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1682, 159, '东湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1683, 159, '西湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1684, 159, '青云谱区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1685, 159, '湾里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1686, 159, '青山湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1687, 159, '南昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1688, 159, '新建县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1689, 159, '安义县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1690, 159, '进贤县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1691, 159, '红谷滩新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1692, 159, '经济技术开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1693, 159, '昌北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1694, 159, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1695, 160, '昌江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1696, 160, '珠山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1697, 160, '浮梁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1698, 160, '乐平市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1699, 160, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1700, 161, '安源区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1701, 161, '湘东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1702, 161, '莲花县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1703, 161, '上栗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1704, 161, '芦溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1705, 161, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1706, 162, '庐山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1707, 162, '浔阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1708, 162, '九江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1709, 162, '武宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1710, 162, '修水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1711, 162, '永修县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1712, 162, '德安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1713, 162, '星子县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1714, 162, '都昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1715, 162, '湖口县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1716, 162, '彭泽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1717, 162, '瑞昌市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1718, 162, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1719, 162, '共青城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1720, 163, '渝水区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1721, 163, '分宜县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1722, 163, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1723, 164, '月湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1724, 164, '余江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1725, 164, '贵溪市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1726, 164, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1727, 165, '章贡区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1728, 165, '赣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1729, 165, '信丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1730, 165, '大余县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1731, 165, '上犹县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1732, 165, '崇义县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1733, 165, '安远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1734, 165, '龙南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1735, 165, '定南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1736, 165, '全南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1737, 165, '宁都县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1738, 165, '于都县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1739, 165, '兴国县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1740, 165, '会昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1741, 165, '寻乌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1742, 165, '石城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1743, 165, '黄金区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1744, 165, '瑞金市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1745, 165, '南康区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1746, 165, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1747, 166, '吉州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1748, 166, '青原区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1749, 166, '吉安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1750, 166, '吉水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1751, 166, '峡江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1752, 166, '新干县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1753, 166, '永丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1754, 166, '泰和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1755, 166, '遂川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1756, 166, '万安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1757, 166, '安福县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1758, 166, '永新县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1759, 166, '井冈山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1760, 166, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1761, 167, '袁州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1762, 167, '奉新县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1763, 167, '万载县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1764, 167, '上高县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1765, 167, '宜丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1766, 167, '靖安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1767, 167, '铜鼓县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1768, 167, '丰城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1769, 167, '樟树市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1770, 167, '高安市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1771, 167, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1772, 168, '临川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1773, 168, '南城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1774, 168, '黎川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1775, 168, '南丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1776, 168, '崇仁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1777, 168, '乐安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1778, 168, '宜黄县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1779, 168, '金溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1780, 168, '资溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1781, 168, '东乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1782, 168, '广昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1783, 168, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1784, 169, '信州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1785, 169, '上饶县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1786, 169, '广丰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1787, 169, '玉山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1788, 169, '铅山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1789, 169, '横峰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1790, 169, '弋阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1791, 169, '余干县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1792, 169, '鄱阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1793, 169, '万年县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1794, 169, '婺源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1795, 169, '德兴市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1796, 169, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1797, 170, '历下区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1798, 170, '市中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1799, 170, '槐荫区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1800, 170, '天桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1801, 170, '历城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1802, 170, '长清区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1803, 170, '平阴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1804, 170, '济阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1805, 170, '商河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1806, 170, '章丘市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1807, 170, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1808, 171, '市南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1809, 171, '市北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1810, 171, '四方区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1811, 171, '黄岛区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1812, 171, '崂山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1813, 171, '李沧区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1814, 171, '城阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1815, 171, '开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1816, 171, '胶州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1817, 171, '即墨市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1818, 171, '平度市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1819, 171, '胶南市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1820, 171, '莱西市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1821, 171, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1822, 172, '淄川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1823, 172, '张店区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1824, 172, '博山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1825, 172, '临淄区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1826, 172, '周村区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1827, 172, '桓台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1828, 172, '高青县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1829, 172, '沂源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1830, 172, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1831, 173, '市中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1832, 173, '薛城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1833, 173, '峄城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1834, 173, '台儿庄区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1835, 173, '山亭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1836, 173, '滕州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1837, 173, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1838, 174, '东营区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1839, 174, '河口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1840, 174, '垦利县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1841, 174, '利津县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1842, 174, '广饶县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1843, 174, '西城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1844, 174, '东城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1845, 174, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1846, 175, '芝罘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1847, 175, '福山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1848, 175, '牟平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1849, 175, '莱山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1850, 175, '长岛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1851, 175, '龙口市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1852, 175, '莱阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1853, 175, '莱州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1854, 175, '蓬莱市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1855, 175, '招远市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1856, 175, '栖霞市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1857, 175, '海阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1858, 175, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1859, 176, '潍城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1860, 176, '寒亭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1861, 176, '坊子区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1862, 176, '奎文区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1863, 176, '临朐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1864, 176, '昌乐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1865, 176, '开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1866, 176, '青州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1867, 176, '诸城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1868, 176, '寿光市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1869, 176, '安丘市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1870, 176, '高密市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1871, 176, '昌邑市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1872, 176, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1873, 177, '市中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1874, 177, '任城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1875, 177, '微山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1876, 177, '鱼台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1877, 177, '金乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1878, 177, '嘉祥县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1879, 177, '汶上县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1880, 177, '泗水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1881, 177, '梁山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1882, 177, '曲阜市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1883, 177, '兖州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1884, 177, '邹城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1885, 177, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1886, 178, '泰山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1887, 178, '岱岳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1888, 178, '宁阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1889, 178, '东平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1890, 178, '新泰市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1891, 178, '肥城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1892, 178, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1893, 179, '环翠区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1894, 179, '文登区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1895, 179, '荣成市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1896, 179, '乳山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1897, 179, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1898, 180, '东港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1899, 180, '岚山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1900, 180, '五莲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1901, 180, '莒县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1902, 180, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1903, 181, '莱城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1904, 181, '钢城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1905, 181, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1906, 182, '兰山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1907, 182, '罗庄区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1908, 182, '河东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1909, 182, '沂南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1910, 182, '郯城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1911, 182, '沂水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1912, 182, '兰陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1913, 182, '费县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1914, 182, '平邑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1915, 182, '莒南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1916, 182, '蒙阴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1917, 182, '临沭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1918, 182, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1919, 183, '德城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1920, 183, '陵城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1921, 183, '宁津县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1922, 183, '庆云县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1923, 183, '临邑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1924, 183, '齐河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1925, 183, '平原县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1926, 183, '夏津县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1927, 183, '武城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1928, 183, '开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1929, 183, '乐陵市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1930, 183, '禹城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1931, 183, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1932, 184, '东昌府区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1933, 184, '阳谷县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1934, 184, '莘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1935, 184, '茌平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1936, 184, '东阿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1937, 184, '冠县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1938, 184, '高唐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1939, 184, '临清市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1940, 184, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1941, 185, '滨城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1942, 185, '惠民县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1943, 185, '阳信县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1944, 185, '无棣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1945, 185, '沾化区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1946, 185, '博兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1947, 185, '邹平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1948, 185, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1949, 186, '牡丹区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1950, 186, '曹县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1951, 186, '单县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1952, 186, '成武县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1953, 186, '巨野县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1954, 186, '郓城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1955, 186, '鄄城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1956, 186, '定陶县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1957, 186, '东明县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1958, 186, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1959, 187, '中原区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1960, 187, '二七区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1961, 187, '管城回族区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1962, 187, '金水区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1963, 187, '上街区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1964, 187, '惠济区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1965, 187, '中牟县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1966, 187, '巩义市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1967, 187, '荥阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1968, 187, '新密市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1969, 187, '新郑市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1970, 187, '登封市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1971, 187, '郑东新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1972, 187, '高新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1973, 187, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1974, 188, '龙亭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1975, 188, '顺河回族区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1976, 188, '鼓楼区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1977, 188, '禹王台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1978, 188, '金明区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1979, 188, '杞县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1980, 188, '通许县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1981, 188, '尉氏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1982, 188, '祥符区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1983, 188, '兰考县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1984, 188, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1985, 189, '老城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1986, 189, '西工区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1987, 189, '瀍河回族区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1988, 189, '涧西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1989, 189, '吉利区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1990, 189, '洛龙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1991, 189, '孟津县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1992, 189, '新安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1993, 189, '栾川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1994, 189, '嵩县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1995, 189, '汝阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1996, 189, '宜阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1997, 189, '洛宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1998, 189, '伊川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (1999, 189, '偃师市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2000, 190, '新华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2001, 190, '卫东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2002, 190, '石龙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2003, 190, '湛河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2004, 190, '宝丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2005, 190, '叶县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2006, 190, '鲁山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2007, 190, '郏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2008, 190, '舞钢市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2009, 190, '汝州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2010, 190, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2011, 191, '文峰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2012, 191, '北关区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2013, 191, '殷都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2014, 191, '龙安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2015, 191, '安阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2016, 191, '汤阴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2017, 191, '滑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2018, 191, '内黄县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2019, 191, '林州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2020, 191, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2021, 192, '鹤山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2022, 192, '山城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2023, 192, '淇滨区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2024, 192, '浚县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2025, 192, '淇县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2026, 192, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2027, 193, '红旗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2028, 193, '卫滨区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2029, 193, '凤泉区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2030, 193, '牧野区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2031, 193, '新乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2032, 193, '获嘉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2033, 193, '原阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2034, 193, '延津县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2035, 193, '封丘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2036, 193, '长垣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2037, 193, '卫辉市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2038, 193, '辉县市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2039, 193, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2040, 194, '解放区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2041, 194, '中站区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2042, 194, '马村区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2043, 194, '山阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2044, 194, '修武县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2045, 194, '博爱县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2046, 194, '武陟县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2047, 194, '温县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2048, 194, '沁阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2049, 194, '孟州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2050, 194, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2051, 195, '华龙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2052, 195, '清丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2053, 195, '南乐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2054, 195, '范县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2055, 195, '台前县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2056, 195, '濮阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2057, 195, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2058, 196, '魏都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2059, 196, '许昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2060, 196, '鄢陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2061, 196, '襄城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2062, 196, '禹州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2063, 196, '长葛市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2064, 196, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2065, 197, '源汇区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2066, 197, '郾城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2067, 197, '召陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2068, 197, '舞阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2069, 197, '临颍县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2070, 197, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2071, 198, '湖滨区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2072, 198, '渑池县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2073, 198, '陕州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2074, 198, '卢氏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2075, 198, '义马市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2076, 198, '灵宝市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2077, 198, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2078, 199, '宛城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2079, 199, '卧龙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2080, 199, '南召县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2081, 199, '方城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2082, 199, '西峡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2083, 199, '镇平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2084, 199, '内乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2085, 199, '淅川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2086, 199, '社旗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2087, 199, '唐河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2088, 199, '新野县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2089, 199, '桐柏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2090, 199, '邓州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2091, 199, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2092, 200, '梁园区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2093, 200, '睢阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2094, 200, '民权县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2095, 200, '睢县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2096, 200, '宁陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2097, 200, '柘城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2098, 200, '虞城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2099, 200, '夏邑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2100, 200, '永城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2101, 200, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2102, 201, '浉河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2103, 201, '平桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2104, 201, '罗山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2105, 201, '光山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2106, 201, '新县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2107, 201, '商城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2108, 201, '固始县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2109, 201, '潢川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2110, 201, '淮滨县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2111, 201, '息县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2112, 201, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2113, 202, '川汇区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2114, 202, '扶沟县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2115, 202, '西华县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2116, 202, '商水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2117, 202, '沈丘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2118, 202, '郸城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2119, 202, '淮阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2120, 202, '太康县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2121, 202, '鹿邑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2122, 202, '项城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2123, 202, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2124, 203, '驿城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2125, 203, '西平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2126, 203, '上蔡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2127, 203, '平舆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2128, 203, '正阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2129, 203, '确山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2130, 203, '泌阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2131, 203, '汝南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2132, 203, '遂平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2133, 203, '新蔡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2134, 203, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2135, 204, '江岸区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2136, 204, '江汉区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2137, 204, '硚口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2138, 204, '汉阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2139, 204, '武昌区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2140, 204, '青山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2141, 204, '洪山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2142, 204, '东西湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2143, 204, '汉南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2144, 204, '蔡甸区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2145, 204, '江夏区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2146, 204, '黄陂区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2147, 204, '新洲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2148, 204, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2149, 205, '黄石港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2150, 205, '西塞山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2151, 205, '下陆区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2152, 205, '铁山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2153, 205, '阳新县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2154, 205, '大冶市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2155, 205, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2156, 206, '茅箭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2157, 206, '张湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2158, 206, '郧阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2159, 206, '郧西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2160, 206, '竹山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2161, 206, '竹溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2162, 206, '房县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2163, 206, '丹江口市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2164, 206, '城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2165, 206, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2166, 207, '西陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2167, 207, '伍家岗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2168, 207, '点军区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2169, 207, '猇亭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2170, 207, '夷陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2171, 207, '远安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2172, 207, '兴山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2173, 207, '秭归县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2174, 207, '长阳土家族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2175, 207, '五峰土家族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2176, 207, '葛洲坝区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2177, 207, '开发区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2178, 207, '宜都市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2179, 207, '当阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2180, 207, '枝江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2181, 207, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2182, 208, '襄城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2183, 208, '樊城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2184, 208, '襄州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2185, 208, '南漳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2186, 208, '谷城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2187, 208, '保康县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2188, 208, '老河口市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2189, 208, '枣阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2190, 208, '宜城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2191, 208, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2192, 209, '梁子湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2193, 209, '华容区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2194, 209, '鄂城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2195, 209, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2196, 210, '东宝区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2197, 210, '掇刀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2198, 210, '京山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2199, 210, '沙洋县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2200, 210, '钟祥市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2201, 210, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2202, 211, '孝南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2203, 211, '孝昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2204, 211, '大悟县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2205, 211, '云梦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2206, 211, '应城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2207, 211, '安陆市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2208, 211, '汉川市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2209, 211, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2210, 212, '沙市区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2211, 212, '荆州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2212, 212, '公安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2213, 212, '监利县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2214, 212, '江陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2215, 212, '石首市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2216, 212, '洪湖市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2217, 212, '松滋市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2218, 212, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2219, 213, '黄州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2220, 213, '团风县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2221, 213, '红安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2222, 213, '罗田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2223, 213, '英山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2224, 213, '浠水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2225, 213, '蕲春县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2226, 213, '黄梅县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2227, 213, '麻城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2228, 213, '武穴市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2229, 213, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2230, 214, '咸安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2231, 214, '嘉鱼县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2232, 214, '通城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2233, 214, '崇阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2234, 214, '通山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2235, 214, '赤壁市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2236, 214, '温泉城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2237, 214, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2238, 215, '曾都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2239, 215, '随县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2240, 215, '广水市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2241, 215, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2242, 216, '恩施市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2243, 216, '利川市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2244, 216, '建始县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2245, 216, '巴东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2246, 216, '宣恩县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2247, 216, '咸丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2248, 216, '来凤县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2249, 216, '鹤峰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2250, 216, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2251, 217, '芙蓉区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2252, 217, '天心区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2253, 217, '岳麓区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2254, 217, '开福区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2255, 217, '雨花区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2256, 217, '长沙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2257, 217, '望城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2258, 217, '宁乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2259, 217, '浏阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2260, 217, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2261, 218, '荷塘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2262, 218, '芦淞区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2263, 218, '石峰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2264, 218, '天元区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2265, 218, '株洲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2266, 218, '攸县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2267, 218, '茶陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2268, 218, '炎陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2269, 218, '醴陵市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2270, 218, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2271, 219, '雨湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2272, 219, '岳塘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2273, 219, '湘潭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2274, 219, '湘乡市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2275, 219, '韶山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2276, 219, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2277, 220, '珠晖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2278, 220, '雁峰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2279, 220, '石鼓区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2280, 220, '蒸湘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2281, 220, '南岳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2282, 220, '衡阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2283, 220, '衡南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2284, 220, '衡山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2285, 220, '衡东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2286, 220, '祁东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2287, 220, '耒阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2288, 220, '常宁市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2289, 220, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2290, 221, '双清区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2291, 221, '大祥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2292, 221, '北塔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2293, 221, '邵东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2294, 221, '新邵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2295, 221, '邵阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2296, 221, '隆回县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2297, 221, '洞口县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2298, 221, '绥宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2299, 221, '新宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2300, 221, '城步苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2301, 221, '武冈市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2302, 221, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2303, 222, '岳阳楼区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2304, 222, '云溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2305, 222, '君山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2306, 222, '岳阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2307, 222, '华容县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2308, 222, '湘阴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2309, 222, '平江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2310, 222, '汨罗市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2311, 222, '临湘市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2312, 222, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2313, 223, '武陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2314, 223, '鼎城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2315, 223, '安乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2316, 223, '汉寿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2317, 223, '澧县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2318, 223, '临澧县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2319, 223, '桃源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2320, 223, '石门县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2321, 223, '津市市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2322, 223, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2323, 224, '永定区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2324, 224, '武陵源区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2325, 224, '慈利县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2326, 224, '桑植县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2327, 224, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2328, 225, '资阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2329, 225, '赫山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2330, 225, '南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2331, 225, '桃江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2332, 225, '安化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2333, 225, '沅江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2334, 225, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2335, 226, '北湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2336, 226, '苏仙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2337, 226, '桂阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2338, 226, '宜章县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2339, 226, '永兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2340, 226, '嘉禾县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2341, 226, '临武县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2342, 226, '汝城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2343, 226, '桂东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2344, 226, '安仁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2345, 226, '资兴市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2346, 226, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2347, 227, '零陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2348, 227, '冷水滩区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2349, 227, '祁阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2350, 227, '东安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2351, 227, '双牌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2352, 227, '道县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2353, 227, '江永县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2354, 227, '宁远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2355, 227, '蓝山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2356, 227, '新田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2357, 227, '江华瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2358, 227, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2359, 228, '鹤城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2360, 228, '中方县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2361, 228, '沅陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2362, 228, '辰溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2363, 228, '溆浦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2364, 228, '会同县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2365, 228, '麻阳苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2366, 228, '新晃侗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2367, 228, '芷江侗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2368, 228, '靖州苗族侗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2369, 228, '通道侗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2370, 228, '洪江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2371, 228, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2372, 229, '娄星区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2373, 229, '双峰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2374, 229, '新化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2375, 229, '冷水江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2376, 229, '涟源市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2377, 229, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2378, 230, '吉首市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2379, 230, '泸溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2380, 230, '凤凰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2381, 230, '花垣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2382, 230, '保靖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2383, 230, '古丈县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2384, 230, '永顺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2385, 230, '龙山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2386, 230, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2387, 231, '荔湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2388, 231, '越秀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2389, 231, '海珠区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2390, 231, '天河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2391, 231, '白云区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2392, 231, '黄埔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2393, 231, '番禺区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2394, 231, '花都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2395, 231, '南沙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2396, 231, '萝岗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2397, 231, '增城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2398, 231, '从化区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2399, 231, '东山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2400, 231, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2401, 232, '武江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2402, 232, '浈江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2403, 232, '曲江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2404, 232, '始兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2405, 232, '仁化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2406, 232, '翁源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2407, 232, '乳源瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2408, 232, '新丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2409, 232, '乐昌市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2410, 232, '南雄市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2411, 232, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2412, 233, '罗湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2413, 233, '福田区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2414, 233, '南山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2415, 233, '宝安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2416, 233, '龙岗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2417, 233, '盐田区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2418, 233, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2419, 233, '光明新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2420, 233, '坪山新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2421, 233, '大鹏新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2422, 233, '龙华新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2423, 234, '香洲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2424, 234, '斗门区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2425, 234, '金湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2426, 234, '金唐区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2427, 234, '南湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2428, 234, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2429, 235, '龙湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2430, 235, '金平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2431, 235, '濠江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2432, 235, '潮阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2433, 235, '潮南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2434, 235, '澄海区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2435, 235, '南澳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2436, 235, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2437, 236, '禅城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2438, 236, '南海区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2439, 236, '顺德区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2440, 236, '三水区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2441, 236, '高明区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2442, 236, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2443, 237, '蓬江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2444, 237, '江海区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2445, 237, '新会区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2446, 237, '台山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2447, 237, '开平市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2448, 237, '鹤山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2449, 237, '恩平市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2450, 237, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2451, 238, '赤坎区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2452, 238, '霞山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2453, 238, '坡头区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2454, 238, '麻章区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2455, 238, '遂溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2456, 238, '徐闻县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2457, 238, '廉江市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2458, 238, '雷州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2459, 238, '吴川市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2460, 238, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2461, 239, '茂南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2462, 239, '电白区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2463, 239, '电白县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2464, 239, '高州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2465, 239, '化州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2466, 239, '信宜市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2467, 239, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2468, 240, '端州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2469, 240, '鼎湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2470, 240, '广宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2471, 240, '怀集县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2472, 240, '封开县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2473, 240, '德庆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2474, 240, '高要市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2475, 240, '四会市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2476, 240, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2477, 241, '惠城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2478, 241, '惠阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2479, 241, '博罗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2480, 241, '惠东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2481, 241, '龙门县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2482, 241, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2483, 242, '梅江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2484, 242, '梅县区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2485, 242, '大埔县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2486, 242, '丰顺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2487, 242, '五华县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2488, 242, '平远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2489, 242, '蕉岭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2490, 242, '兴宁市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2491, 242, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2492, 243, '城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2493, 243, '海丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2494, 243, '陆河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2495, 243, '陆丰市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2496, 243, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2497, 244, '源城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2498, 244, '紫金县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2499, 244, '龙川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2500, 244, '连平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2501, 244, '和平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2502, 244, '东源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2503, 244, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2504, 245, '江城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2505, 245, '阳西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2506, 245, '阳东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2507, 245, '阳春市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2508, 245, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2509, 246, '清城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2510, 246, '佛冈县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2511, 246, '阳山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2512, 246, '连山壮族瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2513, 246, '连南瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2514, 246, '清新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2515, 246, '英德市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2516, 246, '连州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2517, 246, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2518, 250, '湘桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2519, 250, '潮安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2520, 250, '饶平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2521, 250, '枫溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2522, 250, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2523, 251, '榕城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2524, 251, '揭东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2525, 251, '揭西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2526, 251, '惠来县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2527, 251, '普宁市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2528, 251, '东山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2529, 251, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2530, 252, '云城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2531, 252, '新兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2532, 252, '郁南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2533, 252, '云安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2534, 252, '罗定市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2535, 252, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2536, 253, '兴宁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2537, 253, '青秀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2538, 253, '江南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2539, 253, '西乡塘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2540, 253, '良庆区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2541, 253, '邕宁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2542, 253, '武鸣区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2543, 253, '隆安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2544, 253, '马山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2545, 253, '上林县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2546, 253, '宾阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2547, 253, '横县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2548, 253, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2549, 254, '城中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2550, 254, '鱼峰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2551, 254, '柳南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2552, 254, '柳北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2553, 254, '柳江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2554, 254, '柳城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2555, 254, '鹿寨县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2556, 254, '融安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2557, 254, '融水苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2558, 254, '三江侗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2559, 254, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2560, 255, '秀峰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2561, 255, '叠彩区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2562, 255, '象山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2563, 255, '七星区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2564, 255, '雁山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2565, 255, '阳朔县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2566, 255, '临桂区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2567, 255, '灵川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2568, 255, '全州县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2569, 255, '兴安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2570, 255, '永福县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2571, 255, '灌阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2572, 255, '龙胜各族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2573, 255, '资源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2574, 255, '平乐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2575, 255, '荔浦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2576, 255, '恭城瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2577, 255, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2578, 256, '万秀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2579, 256, '蝶山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2580, 256, '长洲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2581, 256, '龙圩区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2582, 256, '苍梧县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2583, 256, '藤县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2584, 256, '蒙山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2585, 256, '岑溪市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2586, 256, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2587, 257, '海城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2588, 257, '银海区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2589, 257, '铁山港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2590, 257, '合浦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2591, 257, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2592, 258, '港口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2593, 258, '防城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2594, 258, '上思县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2595, 258, '东兴市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2596, 258, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2597, 259, '钦南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2598, 259, '钦北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2599, 259, '灵山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2600, 259, '浦北县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2601, 259, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2602, 260, '港北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2603, 260, '港南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2604, 260, '覃塘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2605, 260, '平南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2606, 260, '桂平市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2607, 260, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2608, 261, '玉州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2609, 261, '福绵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2610, 261, '容县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2611, 261, '陆川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2612, 261, '博白县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2613, 261, '兴业县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2614, 261, '北流市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2615, 261, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2616, 262, '右江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2617, 262, '田阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2618, 262, '田东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2619, 262, '平果县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2620, 262, '德保县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2621, 262, '靖西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2622, 262, '那坡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2623, 262, '凌云县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2624, 262, '乐业县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2625, 262, '田林县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2626, 262, '西林县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2627, 262, '隆林各族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2628, 262, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2629, 263, '八步区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2630, 263, '平桂管理区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2631, 263, '昭平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2632, 263, '钟山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2633, 263, '富川瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2634, 263, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2635, 264, '金城江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2636, 264, '南丹县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2637, 264, '天峨县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2638, 264, '凤山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2639, 264, '东兰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2640, 264, '罗城仫佬族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2641, 264, '环江毛南族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2642, 264, '巴马瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2643, 264, '都安瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2644, 264, '大化瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2645, 264, '宜州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2646, 264, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2647, 265, '兴宾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2648, 265, '忻城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2649, 265, '象州县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2650, 265, '武宣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2651, 265, '金秀瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2652, 265, '合山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2653, 265, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2654, 266, '江州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2655, 266, '扶绥县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2656, 266, '宁明县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2657, 266, '龙州县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2658, 266, '大新县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2659, 266, '天等县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2660, 266, '凭祥市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2661, 266, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2662, 267, '秀英区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2663, 267, '龙华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2664, 267, '琼山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2665, 267, '美兰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2666, 267, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2667, 269, '西沙群岛', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2668, 269, '南沙群岛', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2669, 269, '中沙群岛的岛礁及其海域', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2670, 189, '高新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2671, 189, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2672, 270, '万州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2673, 270, '涪陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2674, 270, '渝中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2675, 270, '大渡口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2676, 270, '江北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2677, 270, '沙坪坝区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2678, 270, '九龙坡区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2679, 270, '南岸区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2680, 270, '北碚区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2681, 270, '万盛区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2682, 270, '双桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2683, 270, '渝北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2684, 270, '巴南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2685, 270, '黔江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2686, 270, '长寿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2687, 270, '綦江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2688, 270, '潼南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2689, 270, '铜梁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2690, 270, '大足区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2691, 270, '荣昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2692, 270, '璧山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2693, 270, '梁平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2694, 270, '城口县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2695, 270, '丰都县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2696, 270, '垫江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2697, 270, '武隆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2698, 270, '忠县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2699, 270, '开县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2700, 270, '云阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2701, 270, '奉节县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2702, 270, '巫山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2703, 270, '巫溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2704, 270, '石柱土家族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2705, 270, '秀山土家族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2706, 270, '酉阳土家族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2707, 270, '彭水苗族土家族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2708, 270, '江津区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2709, 270, '合川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2710, 270, '永川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2711, 270, '南川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2712, 270, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2713, 271, '锦江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2714, 271, '青羊区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2715, 271, '金牛区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2716, 271, '武侯区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2717, 271, '成华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2718, 271, '龙泉驿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2719, 271, '青白江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2720, 271, '新都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2721, 271, '温江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2722, 271, '金堂县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2723, 271, '双流县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2724, 271, '郫县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2725, 271, '大邑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2726, 271, '蒲江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2727, 271, '新津县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2728, 271, '都江堰市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2729, 271, '彭州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2730, 271, '邛崃市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2731, 271, '崇州市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2732, 271, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2733, 272, '自流井区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2734, 272, '贡井区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2735, 272, '大安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2736, 272, '沿滩区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2737, 272, '荣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2738, 272, '富顺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2739, 272, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2740, 273, '东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2741, 273, '西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2742, 273, '仁和区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2743, 273, '米易县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2744, 273, '盐边县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2745, 273, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2746, 274, '江阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2747, 274, '纳溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2748, 274, '龙马潭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2749, 274, '泸县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2750, 274, '合江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2751, 274, '叙永县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2752, 274, '古蔺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2753, 274, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2754, 275, '旌阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2755, 275, '中江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2756, 275, '罗江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2757, 275, '广汉市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2758, 275, '什邡市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2759, 275, '绵竹市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2760, 275, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2761, 276, '涪城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2762, 276, '游仙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2763, 276, '三台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2764, 276, '盐亭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2765, 276, '安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2766, 276, '梓潼县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2767, 276, '北川羌族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2768, 276, '平武县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2769, 276, '高新区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2770, 276, '江油市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2771, 276, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2772, 277, '利州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2773, 277, '昭化区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2774, 277, '朝天区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2775, 277, '旺苍县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2776, 277, '青川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2777, 277, '剑阁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2778, 277, '苍溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2779, 277, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2780, 278, '船山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2781, 278, '安居区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2782, 278, '蓬溪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2783, 278, '射洪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2784, 278, '大英县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2785, 278, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2786, 279, '市中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2787, 279, '东兴区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2788, 279, '威远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2789, 279, '资中县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2790, 279, '隆昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2791, 279, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2792, 280, '市中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2793, 280, '沙湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2794, 280, '五通桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2795, 280, '金口河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2796, 280, '犍为县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2797, 280, '井研县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2798, 280, '夹江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2799, 280, '沐川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2800, 280, '峨边彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2801, 280, '马边彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2802, 280, '峨眉山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2803, 280, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2804, 281, '顺庆区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2805, 281, '高坪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2806, 281, '嘉陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2807, 281, '南部县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2808, 281, '营山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2809, 281, '蓬安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2810, 281, '仪陇县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2811, 281, '西充县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2812, 281, '阆中市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2813, 281, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2814, 282, '东坡区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2815, 282, '仁寿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2816, 282, '彭山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2817, 282, '洪雅县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2818, 282, '丹棱县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2819, 282, '青神县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2820, 282, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2821, 283, '翠屏区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2822, 283, '宜宾县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2823, 283, '南溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2824, 283, '江安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2825, 283, '长宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2826, 283, '高县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2827, 283, '珙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2828, 283, '筠连县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2829, 283, '兴文县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2830, 283, '屏山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2831, 283, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2832, 284, '广安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2833, 284, '前锋区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2834, 284, '岳池县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2835, 284, '武胜县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2836, 284, '邻水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2837, 284, '华蓥市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2838, 284, '市辖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2839, 284, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2840, 285, '通川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2841, 285, '达川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2842, 285, '宣汉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2843, 285, '开江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2844, 285, '大竹县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2845, 285, '渠县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2846, 285, '万源市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2847, 285, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2848, 286, '雨城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2849, 286, '名山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2850, 286, '荥经县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2851, 286, '汉源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2852, 286, '石棉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2853, 286, '天全县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2854, 286, '芦山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2855, 286, '宝兴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2856, 286, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2857, 287, '巴州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2858, 287, '恩阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2859, 287, '通江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2860, 287, '南江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2861, 287, '平昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2862, 287, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2863, 288, '雁江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2864, 288, '安岳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2865, 288, '乐至县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2866, 288, '简阳市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2867, 288, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2868, 289, '汶川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2869, 289, '理县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2870, 289, '茂县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2871, 289, '松潘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2872, 289, '九寨沟县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2873, 289, '金川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2874, 289, '小金县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2875, 289, '黑水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2876, 289, '马尔康县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2877, 289, '壤塘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2878, 289, '阿坝县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2879, 289, '若尔盖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2880, 289, '红原县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2881, 289, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2882, 290, '康定市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2883, 290, '泸定县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2884, 290, '丹巴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2885, 290, '九龙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2886, 290, '雅江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2887, 290, '道孚县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2888, 290, '炉霍县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2889, 290, '甘孜县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2890, 290, '新龙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2891, 290, '德格县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2892, 290, '白玉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2893, 290, '石渠县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2894, 290, '色达县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2895, 290, '理塘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2896, 290, '巴塘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2897, 290, '乡城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2898, 290, '稻城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2899, 290, '得荣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2900, 290, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2901, 291, '西昌市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2902, 291, '木里藏族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2903, 291, '盐源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2904, 291, '德昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2905, 291, '会理县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2906, 291, '会东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2907, 291, '宁南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2908, 291, '普格县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2909, 291, '布拖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2910, 291, '金阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2911, 291, '昭觉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2912, 291, '喜德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2913, 291, '冕宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2914, 291, '越西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2915, 291, '甘洛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2916, 291, '美姑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2917, 291, '雷波县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2918, 291, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2919, 292, '南明区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2920, 292, '云岩区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2921, 292, '花溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2922, 292, '乌当区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2923, 292, '白云区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2924, 292, '小河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2925, 292, '开阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2926, 292, '息烽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2927, 292, '修文县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2928, 292, '观山湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2929, 292, '清镇市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2930, 292, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2931, 293, '钟山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2932, 293, '六枝特区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2933, 293, '水城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2934, 293, '盘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2935, 293, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2936, 294, '红花岗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2937, 294, '汇川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2938, 294, '遵义县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2939, 294, '桐梓县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2940, 294, '绥阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2941, 294, '正安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2942, 294, '道真仡佬族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2943, 294, '务川仡佬族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2944, 294, '凤冈县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2945, 294, '湄潭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2946, 294, '余庆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2947, 294, '习水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2948, 294, '赤水市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2949, 294, '仁怀市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2950, 294, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2951, 295, '西秀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2952, 295, '平坝区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2953, 295, '普定县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2954, 295, '镇宁布依族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2955, 295, '关岭布依族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2956, 295, '紫云苗族布依族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2957, 295, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2958, 296, '碧江区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2959, 296, '江口县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2960, 296, '玉屏侗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2961, 296, '石阡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2962, 296, '思南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2963, 296, '印江土家族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2964, 296, '德江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2965, 296, '沿河土家族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2966, 296, '松桃苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2967, 296, '万山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2968, 296, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2969, 297, '兴义市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2970, 297, '兴仁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2971, 297, '普安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2972, 297, '晴隆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2973, 297, '贞丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2974, 297, '望谟县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2975, 297, '册亨县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2976, 297, '安龙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2977, 297, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2978, 298, '七星关区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2979, 298, '大方县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2980, 298, '黔西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2981, 298, '金沙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2982, 298, '织金县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2983, 298, '纳雍县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2984, 298, '威宁彝族回族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2985, 298, '赫章县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2986, 298, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2987, 299, '凯里市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2988, 299, '黄平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2989, 299, '施秉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2990, 299, '三穗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2991, 299, '镇远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2992, 299, '岑巩县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2993, 299, '天柱县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2994, 299, '锦屏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2995, 299, '剑河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2996, 299, '台江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2997, 299, '黎平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2998, 299, '榕江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (2999, 299, '从江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3000, 299, '雷山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3001, 299, '麻江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3002, 299, '丹寨县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3003, 299, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3004, 300, '都匀市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3005, 300, '福泉市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3006, 300, '荔波县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3007, 300, '贵定县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3008, 300, '瓮安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3009, 300, '独山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3010, 300, '平塘县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3011, 300, '罗甸县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3012, 300, '长顺县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3013, 300, '龙里县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3014, 300, '惠水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3015, 300, '三都水族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3016, 300, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3017, 301, '五华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3018, 301, '盘龙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3019, 301, '官渡区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3020, 301, '西山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3021, 301, '东川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3022, 301, '呈贡区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3023, 301, '晋宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3024, 301, '富民县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3025, 301, '宜良县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3026, 301, '石林彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3027, 301, '嵩明县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3028, 301, '禄劝彝族苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3029, 301, '寻甸回族彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3030, 301, '安宁市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3031, 301, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3032, 302, '麒麟区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3033, 302, '马龙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3034, 302, '陆良县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3035, 302, '师宗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3036, 302, '罗平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3037, 302, '富源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3038, 302, '会泽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3039, 302, '沾益县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3040, 302, '宣威市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3041, 302, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3042, 303, '红塔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3043, 303, '江川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3044, 303, '澄江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3045, 303, '通海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3046, 303, '华宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3047, 303, '易门县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3048, 303, '峨山彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3049, 303, '新平彝族傣族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3050, 303, '元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3051, 303, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3052, 304, '隆阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3053, 304, '施甸县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3054, 304, '腾冲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3055, 304, '龙陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3056, 304, '昌宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3057, 304, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3058, 305, '昭阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3059, 305, '鲁甸县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3060, 305, '巧家县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3061, 305, '盐津县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3062, 305, '大关县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3063, 305, '永善县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3064, 305, '绥江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3065, 305, '镇雄县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3066, 305, '彝良县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3067, 305, '威信县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3068, 305, '水富县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3069, 305, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3070, 306, '古城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3071, 306, '玉龙纳西族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3072, 306, '永胜县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3073, 306, '华坪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3074, 306, '宁蒗彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3075, 306, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3076, 307, '思茅区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3077, 307, '宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3078, 307, '墨江哈尼族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3079, 307, '景东彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3080, 307, '景谷傣族彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3081, 307, '镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3082, 307, '江城哈尼族彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3083, 307, '孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3084, 307, '澜沧拉祜族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3085, 307, '西盟佤族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3086, 307, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3087, 308, '临翔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3088, 308, '凤庆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3089, 308, '云县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3090, 308, '永德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3091, 308, '镇康县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3092, 308, '双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3093, 308, '耿马傣族佤族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3094, 308, '沧源佤族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3095, 308, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3096, 309, '楚雄市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3097, 309, '双柏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3098, 309, '牟定县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3099, 309, '南华县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3100, 309, '姚安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3101, 309, '大姚县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3102, 309, '永仁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3103, 309, '元谋县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3104, 309, '武定县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3105, 309, '禄丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3106, 309, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3107, 310, '个旧市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3108, 310, '开远市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3109, 310, '蒙自市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3110, 310, '屏边苗族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3111, 310, '建水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3112, 310, '石屏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3113, 310, '弥勒市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3114, 310, '泸西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3115, 310, '元阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3116, 310, '红河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3117, 310, '金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3118, 310, '绿春县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3119, 310, '河口瑶族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3120, 310, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3121, 311, '文山市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3122, 311, '砚山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3123, 311, '西畴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3124, 311, '麻栗坡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3125, 311, '马关县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3126, 311, '丘北县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3127, 311, '广南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3128, 311, '富宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3129, 311, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3130, 312, '景洪市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3131, 312, '勐海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3132, 312, '勐腊县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3133, 312, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3134, 313, '大理市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3135, 313, '漾濞彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3136, 313, '祥云县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3137, 313, '宾川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3138, 313, '弥渡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3139, 313, '南涧彝族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3140, 313, '巍山彝族回族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3141, 313, '永平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3142, 313, '云龙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3143, 313, '洱源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3144, 313, '剑川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3145, 313, '鹤庆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3146, 313, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3147, 314, '瑞丽市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3148, 314, '芒市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3149, 314, '梁河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3150, 314, '盈江县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3151, 314, '陇川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3152, 314, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3153, 315, '泸水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3154, 315, '福贡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3155, 315, '贡山独龙族怒族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3156, 315, '兰坪白族普米族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3157, 315, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3158, 316, '香格里拉市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3159, 316, '德钦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3160, 316, '维西傈僳族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3161, 316, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3162, 317, '城关区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3163, 317, '林周县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3164, 317, '当雄县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3165, 317, '尼木县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3166, 317, '曲水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3167, 317, '堆龙德庆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3168, 317, '达孜县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3169, 317, '墨竹工卡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3170, 317, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3171, 318, '卡若区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3172, 318, '江达县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3173, 318, '贡觉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3174, 318, '类乌齐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3175, 318, '丁青县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3176, 318, '察雅县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3177, 318, '八宿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3178, 318, '左贡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3179, 318, '芒康县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3180, 318, '洛隆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3181, 318, '边坝县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3182, 318, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3183, 319, '乃东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3184, 319, '扎囊县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3185, 319, '贡嘎县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3186, 319, '桑日县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3187, 319, '琼结县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3188, 319, '曲松县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3189, 319, '措美县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3190, 319, '洛扎县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3191, 319, '加查县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3192, 319, '隆子县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3193, 319, '错那县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3194, 319, '浪卡子县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3195, 319, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3196, 320, '桑珠孜区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3197, 320, '南木林县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3198, 320, '江孜县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3199, 320, '定日县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3200, 320, '萨迦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3201, 320, '拉孜县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3202, 320, '昂仁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3203, 320, '谢通门县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3204, 320, '白朗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3205, 320, '仁布县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3206, 320, '康马县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3207, 320, '定结县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3208, 320, '仲巴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3209, 320, '亚东县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3210, 320, '吉隆县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3211, 320, '聂拉木县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3212, 320, '萨嘎县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3213, 320, '岗巴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3214, 320, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3215, 321, '那曲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3216, 321, '嘉黎县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3217, 321, '比如县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3218, 321, '聂荣县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3219, 321, '安多县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3220, 321, '申扎县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3221, 321, '索县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3222, 321, '班戈县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3223, 321, '巴青县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3224, 321, '尼玛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3225, 321, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3226, 321, '双湖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3227, 322, '普兰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3228, 322, '札达县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3229, 322, '噶尔县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3230, 322, '日土县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3231, 322, '革吉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3232, 322, '改则县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3233, 322, '措勤县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3234, 322, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3235, 323, '巴宜区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3236, 323, '工布江达县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3237, 323, '米林县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3238, 323, '墨脱县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3239, 323, '波密县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3240, 323, '察隅县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3241, 323, '朗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3242, 323, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3243, 324, '新城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3244, 324, '碑林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3245, 324, '莲湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3246, 324, '灞桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3247, 324, '未央区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3248, 324, '雁塔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3249, 324, '阎良区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3250, 324, '临潼区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3251, 324, '长安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3252, 324, '蓝田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3253, 324, '周至县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3254, 324, '户县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3255, 324, '高陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3256, 324, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3257, 325, '王益区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3258, 325, '印台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3259, 325, '耀州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3260, 325, '宜君县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3261, 325, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3262, 326, '渭滨区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3263, 326, '金台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3264, 326, '陈仓区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3265, 326, '凤翔县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3266, 326, '岐山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3267, 326, '扶风县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3268, 326, '眉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3269, 326, '陇县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3270, 326, '千阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3271, 326, '麟游县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3272, 326, '凤县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3273, 326, '太白县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3274, 326, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3275, 327, '秦都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3276, 327, '杨陵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3277, 327, '渭城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3278, 327, '三原县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3279, 327, '泾阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3280, 327, '乾县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3281, 327, '礼泉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3282, 327, '永寿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3283, 327, '彬县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3284, 327, '长武县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3285, 327, '旬邑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3286, 327, '淳化县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3287, 327, '武功县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3288, 327, '兴平市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3289, 327, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3290, 328, '临渭区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3291, 328, '华县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3292, 328, '潼关县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3293, 328, '大荔县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3294, 328, '合阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3295, 328, '澄城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3296, 328, '蒲城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3297, 328, '白水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3298, 328, '富平县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3299, 328, '韩城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3300, 328, '华阴市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3301, 328, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3302, 329, '宝塔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3303, 329, '延长县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3304, 329, '延川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3305, 329, '子长县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3306, 329, '安塞县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3307, 329, '志丹县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3308, 329, '吴起县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3309, 329, '甘泉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3310, 329, '富县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3311, 329, '洛川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3312, 329, '宜川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3313, 329, '黄龙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3314, 329, '黄陵县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3315, 329, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3316, 330, '汉台区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3317, 330, '南郑县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3318, 330, '城固县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3319, 330, '洋县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3320, 330, '西乡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3321, 330, '勉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3322, 330, '宁强县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3323, 330, '略阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3324, 330, '镇巴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3325, 330, '留坝县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3326, 330, '佛坪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3327, 330, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3328, 331, '榆阳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3329, 331, '神木县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3330, 331, '府谷县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3331, 331, '横山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3332, 331, '靖边县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3333, 331, '定边县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3334, 331, '绥德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3335, 331, '米脂县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3336, 331, '佳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3337, 331, '吴堡县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3338, 331, '清涧县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3339, 331, '子洲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3340, 331, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3341, 332, '汉滨区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3342, 332, '汉阴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3343, 332, '石泉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3344, 332, '宁陕县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3345, 332, '紫阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3346, 332, '岚皋县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3347, 332, '平利县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3348, 332, '镇坪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3349, 332, '旬阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3350, 332, '白河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3351, 332, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3352, 333, '商州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3353, 333, '洛南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3354, 333, '丹凤县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3355, 333, '商南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3356, 333, '山阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3357, 333, '镇安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3358, 333, '柞水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3359, 333, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3360, 334, '城关区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3361, 334, '七里河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3362, 334, '西固区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3363, 334, '安宁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3364, 334, '红古区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3365, 334, '永登县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3366, 334, '皋兰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3367, 334, '榆中县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3368, 334, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3369, 336, '金川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3370, 336, '永昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3371, 336, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3372, 337, '白银区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3373, 337, '平川区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3374, 337, '靖远县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3375, 337, '会宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3376, 337, '景泰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3377, 337, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3378, 338, '秦州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3379, 338, '麦积区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3380, 338, '清水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3381, 338, '秦安县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3382, 338, '甘谷县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3383, 338, '武山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3384, 338, '张家川回族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3385, 338, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3386, 339, '凉州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3387, 339, '民勤县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3388, 339, '古浪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3389, 339, '天祝藏族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3390, 339, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3391, 340, '甘州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3392, 340, '肃南裕固族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3393, 340, '民乐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3394, 340, '临泽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3395, 340, '高台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3396, 340, '山丹县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3397, 340, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3398, 341, '崆峒区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3399, 341, '泾川县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3400, 341, '灵台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3401, 341, '崇信县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3402, 341, '华亭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3403, 341, '庄浪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3404, 341, '静宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3405, 341, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3406, 342, '肃州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3407, 342, '金塔县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3408, 342, '瓜州县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3409, 342, '肃北蒙古族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3410, 342, '阿克塞哈萨克族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3411, 342, '玉门市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3412, 342, '敦煌市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3413, 342, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3414, 343, '西峰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3415, 343, '庆城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3416, 343, '环县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3417, 343, '华池县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3418, 343, '合水县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3419, 343, '正宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3420, 343, '宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3421, 343, '镇原县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3422, 343, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3423, 344, '安定区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3424, 344, '通渭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3425, 344, '陇西县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3426, 344, '渭源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3427, 344, '临洮县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3428, 344, '漳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3429, 344, '岷县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3430, 344, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3431, 345, '武都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3432, 345, '成县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3433, 345, '文县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3434, 345, '宕昌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3435, 345, '康县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3436, 345, '西和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3437, 345, '礼县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3438, 345, '徽县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3439, 345, '两当县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3440, 345, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3441, 346, '临夏市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3442, 346, '临夏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3443, 346, '康乐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3444, 346, '永靖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3445, 346, '广河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3446, 346, '和政县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3447, 346, '东乡族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3448, 346, '积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3449, 346, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3450, 347, '合作市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3451, 347, '临潭县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3452, 347, '卓尼县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3453, 347, '舟曲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3454, 347, '迭部县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3455, 347, '玛曲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3456, 347, '碌曲县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3457, 347, '夏河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3458, 347, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3459, 348, '城东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3460, 348, '城中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3461, 348, '城西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3462, 348, '城北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3463, 348, '大通回族土族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3464, 348, '湟中县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3465, 348, '湟源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3466, 348, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3467, 349, '平安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3468, 349, '民和回族土族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3469, 349, '乐都区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3470, 349, '互助土族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3471, 349, '化隆回族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3472, 349, '循化撒拉族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3473, 349, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3474, 350, '门源回族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3475, 350, '祁连县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3476, 350, '海晏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3477, 350, '刚察县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3478, 350, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3479, 351, '同仁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3480, 351, '尖扎县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3481, 351, '泽库县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3482, 351, '河南蒙古族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3483, 351, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3484, 352, '共和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3485, 352, '同德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3486, 352, '贵德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3487, 352, '兴海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3488, 352, '贵南县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3489, 352, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3490, 353, '玛沁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3491, 353, '班玛县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3492, 353, '甘德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3493, 353, '达日县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3494, 353, '久治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3495, 353, '玛多县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3496, 353, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3497, 354, '玉树市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3498, 354, '杂多县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3499, 354, '称多县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3500, 354, '治多县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3501, 354, '囊谦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3502, 354, '曲麻莱县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3503, 354, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3504, 355, '格尔木市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3505, 355, '德令哈市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3506, 355, '乌兰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3507, 355, '都兰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3508, 355, '天峻县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3509, 355, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3510, 356, '兴庆区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3511, 356, '西夏区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3512, 356, '金凤区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3513, 356, '永宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3514, 356, '贺兰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3515, 356, '灵武市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3516, 356, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3517, 357, '大武口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3518, 357, '惠农区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3519, 357, '平罗县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3520, 357, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3521, 358, '利通区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3522, 358, '红寺堡区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3523, 358, '盐池县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3524, 358, '同心县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3525, 358, '青铜峡市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3526, 358, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3527, 359, '原州区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3528, 359, '西吉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3529, 359, '隆德县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3530, 359, '泾源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3531, 359, '彭阳县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3532, 359, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3533, 360, '沙坡头区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3534, 360, '中宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3535, 360, '海原县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3536, 360, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3537, 361, '天山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3538, 361, '沙依巴克区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3539, 361, '新市区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3540, 361, '水磨沟区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3541, 361, '头屯河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3542, 361, '达坂城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3543, 361, '东山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3544, 361, '米东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3545, 361, '乌鲁木齐县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3546, 361, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3547, 362, '独山子区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3548, 362, '克拉玛依区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3549, 362, '白碱滩区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3550, 362, '乌尔禾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3551, 362, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3552, 363, '高昌区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3553, 363, '鄯善县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3554, 363, '托克逊县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3555, 363, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3556, 364, '哈密市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3557, 364, '巴里坤哈萨克自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3558, 364, '伊吾县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3559, 364, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3560, 365, '昌吉市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3561, 365, '阜康市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3562, 365, '米泉市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3563, 365, '呼图壁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3564, 365, '玛纳斯县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3565, 365, '奇台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3566, 365, '吉木萨尔县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3567, 365, '木垒哈萨克自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3568, 365, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3569, 366, '博乐市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3570, 366, '阿拉山口市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3571, 366, '精河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3572, 366, '温泉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3573, 366, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3574, 367, '库尔勒市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3575, 367, '轮台县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3576, 367, '尉犁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3577, 367, '若羌县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3578, 367, '且末县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3579, 367, '焉耆回族自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3580, 367, '和静县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3581, 367, '和硕县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3582, 367, '博湖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3583, 367, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3584, 368, '阿克苏市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3585, 368, '温宿县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3586, 368, '库车县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3587, 368, '沙雅县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3588, 368, '新和县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3589, 368, '拜城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3590, 368, '乌什县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3591, 368, '阿瓦提县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3592, 368, '柯坪县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3593, 368, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3594, 369, '阿图什市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3595, 369, '阿克陶县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3596, 369, '阿合奇县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3597, 369, '乌恰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3598, 369, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3599, 370, '喀什市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3600, 370, '疏附县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3601, 370, '疏勒县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3602, 370, '英吉沙县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3603, 370, '泽普县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3604, 370, '莎车县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3605, 370, '叶城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3606, 370, '麦盖提县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3607, 370, '岳普湖县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3608, 370, '伽师县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3609, 370, '巴楚县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3610, 370, '塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3611, 370, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3612, 371, '和田市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3613, 371, '和田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3614, 371, '墨玉县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3615, 371, '皮山县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3616, 371, '洛浦县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3617, 371, '策勒县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3618, 371, '于田县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3619, 371, '民丰县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3620, 371, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3621, 372, '伊宁市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3622, 372, '奎屯市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3623, 372, '伊宁县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3624, 372, '察布查尔锡伯自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3625, 372, '霍城县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3626, 372, '巩留县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3627, 372, '新源县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3628, 372, '昭苏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3629, 372, '特克斯县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3630, 372, '尼勒克县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3631, 372, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3632, 373, '塔城市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3633, 373, '乌苏市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3634, 373, '额敏县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3635, 373, '沙湾县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3636, 373, '托里县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3637, 373, '裕民县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3638, 373, '和布克赛尔蒙古自治县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3639, 373, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3640, 374, '阿勒泰市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3641, 374, '布尔津县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3642, 374, '富蕴县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3643, 374, '福海县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3644, 374, '哈巴河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3645, 374, '青河县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3646, 374, '吉木乃县', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3647, 374, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3648, 375, '中正区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3649, 375, '大同区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3650, 375, '中山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3651, 375, '松山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3652, 375, '大安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3653, 375, '万华区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3654, 375, '信义区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3655, 375, '士林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3656, 375, '北投区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3657, 375, '内湖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3658, 375, '南港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3659, 375, '文山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3660, 375, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3661, 376, '新兴区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3662, 376, '前金区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3663, 376, '芩雅区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3664, 376, '盐埕区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3665, 376, '鼓山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3666, 376, '旗津区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3667, 376, '前镇区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3668, 376, '三民区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3669, 376, '左营区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3670, 376, '楠梓区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3671, 376, '小港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3672, 376, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3673, 376, '苓雅区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3674, 376, '仁武区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3675, 376, '大社区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3676, 376, '冈山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3677, 376, '路竹区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3678, 376, '阿莲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3679, 376, '田寮区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3680, 376, '燕巢区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3681, 376, '桥头区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3682, 376, '梓官区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3683, 376, '弥陀区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3684, 376, '永安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3685, 376, '湖内区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3686, 376, '凤山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3687, 376, '大寮区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3688, 376, '林园区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3689, 376, '鸟松区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3690, 376, '大树区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3691, 376, '旗山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3692, 376, '美浓区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3693, 376, '六龟区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3694, 376, '内门区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3695, 376, '杉林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3696, 376, '甲仙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3697, 376, '桃源区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3698, 376, '那玛夏区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3699, 376, '茂林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3700, 376, '茄萣区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3701, 377, '中西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3702, 377, '东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3703, 377, '南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3704, 377, '北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3705, 377, '安平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3706, 377, '安南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3707, 377, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3708, 377, '永康区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3709, 377, '归仁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3710, 377, '新化区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3711, 377, '左镇区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3712, 377, '玉井区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3713, 377, '楠西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3714, 377, '南化区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3715, 377, '仁德区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3716, 377, '关庙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3717, 377, '龙崎区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3718, 377, '官田区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3719, 377, '麻豆区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3720, 377, '佳里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3721, 377, '西港区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3722, 377, '七股区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3723, 377, '将军区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3724, 377, '学甲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3725, 377, '北门区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3726, 377, '新营区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3727, 377, '后壁区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3728, 377, '白河区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3729, 377, '东山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3730, 377, '六甲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3731, 377, '下营区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3732, 377, '柳营区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3733, 377, '盐水区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3734, 377, '善化区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3735, 377, '大内区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3736, 377, '山上区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3737, 377, '新市区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3738, 377, '安定区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3739, 378, '中区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3740, 378, '东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3741, 378, '南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3742, 378, '西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3743, 378, '北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3744, 378, '北屯区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3745, 378, '西屯区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3746, 378, '南屯区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3747, 378, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3748, 378, '太平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3749, 378, '大里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3750, 378, '雾峰区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3751, 378, '乌日区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3752, 378, '丰原区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3753, 378, '后里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3754, 378, '石冈区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3755, 378, '东势区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3756, 378, '和平区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3757, 378, '新社区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3758, 378, '潭子区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3759, 378, '大雅区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3760, 378, '神冈区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3761, 378, '大肚区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3762, 378, '沙鹿区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3763, 378, '龙井区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3764, 378, '梧栖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3765, 378, '清水区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3766, 378, '大甲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3767, 378, '外埔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3768, 378, '大安区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3769, 379, '金沙镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3770, 379, '金湖镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3771, 379, '金宁乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3772, 379, '金城镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3773, 379, '烈屿乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3774, 379, '乌坵乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3775, 380, '南投市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3776, 380, '中寮乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3777, 380, '草屯镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3778, 380, '国姓乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3779, 380, '埔里镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3780, 380, '仁爱乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3781, 380, '名间乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3782, 380, '集集镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3783, 380, '水里乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3784, 380, '鱼池乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3785, 380, '信义乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3786, 380, '竹山镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3787, 380, '鹿谷乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3788, 381, '仁爱区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3789, 381, '信义区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3790, 381, '中正区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3791, 381, '中山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3792, 381, '安乐区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3793, 381, '暖暖区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3794, 381, '七堵区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3795, 381, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3796, 382, '东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3797, 382, '北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3798, 382, '香山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3799, 382, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3800, 383, '东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3801, 383, '西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3802, 383, '其它区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3803, 384, '万里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3804, 384, '金山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3805, 384, '板桥区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3806, 384, '汐止区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3807, 384, '深坑区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3808, 384, '石碇区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3809, 384, '瑞芳区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3810, 384, '平溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3811, 384, '双溪区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3812, 384, '贡寮区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3813, 384, '新店区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3814, 384, '坪林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3815, 384, '乌来区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3816, 384, '永和区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3817, 384, '中和区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3818, 384, '土城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3819, 384, '三峡区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3820, 384, '树林区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3821, 384, '莺歌区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3822, 384, '三重区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3823, 384, '新庄区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3824, 384, '泰山区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3825, 384, '林口区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3826, 384, '芦洲区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3827, 384, '五股区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3828, 384, '八里区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3829, 384, '淡水区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3830, 384, '三芝区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3831, 384, '石门区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3832, 385, '宜兰市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3833, 385, '头城镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3834, 385, '礁溪乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3835, 385, '壮围乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3836, 385, '员山乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3837, 385, '罗东镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3838, 385, '三星乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3839, 385, '大同乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3840, 385, '五结乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3841, 385, '冬山乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3842, 385, '苏澳镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3843, 385, '南澳乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3844, 385, '钓鱼台', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3845, 386, '竹北市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3846, 386, '湖口乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3847, 386, '新丰乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3848, 386, '新埔镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3849, 386, '关西镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3850, 386, '芎林乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3851, 386, '宝山乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3852, 386, '竹东镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3853, 386, '五峰乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3854, 386, '横山乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3855, 386, '尖石乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3856, 386, '北埔乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3857, 386, '峨眉乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3858, 387, '中坜市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3859, 387, '平镇市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3860, 387, '龙潭乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3861, 387, '杨梅市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3862, 387, '新屋乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3863, 387, '观音乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3864, 387, '桃园市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3865, 387, '龟山乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3866, 387, '八德市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3867, 387, '大溪镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3868, 387, '复兴乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3869, 387, '大园乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3870, 387, '芦竹乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3871, 388, '竹南镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3872, 388, '头份镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3873, 388, '三湾乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3874, 388, '南庄乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3875, 388, '狮潭乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3876, 388, '后龙镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3877, 388, '通霄镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3878, 388, '苑里镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3879, 388, '苗栗市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3880, 388, '造桥乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3881, 388, '头屋乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3882, 388, '公馆乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3883, 388, '大湖乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3884, 388, '泰安乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3885, 388, '铜锣乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3886, 388, '三义乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3887, 388, '西湖乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3888, 388, '卓兰镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3889, 389, '彰化市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3890, 389, '芬园乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3891, 389, '花坛乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3892, 389, '秀水乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3893, 389, '鹿港镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3894, 389, '福兴乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3895, 389, '线西乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3896, 389, '和美镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3897, 389, '伸港乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3898, 389, '员林镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3899, 389, '社头乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3900, 389, '永靖乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3901, 389, '埔心乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3902, 389, '溪湖镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3903, 389, '大村乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3904, 389, '埔盐乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3905, 389, '田中镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3906, 389, '北斗镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3907, 389, '田尾乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3908, 389, '埤头乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3909, 389, '溪州乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3910, 389, '竹塘乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3911, 389, '二林镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3912, 389, '大城乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3913, 389, '芳苑乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3914, 389, '二水乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3915, 390, '番路乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3916, 390, '梅山乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3917, 390, '竹崎乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3918, 390, '阿里山乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3919, 390, '中埔乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3920, 390, '大埔乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3921, 390, '水上乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3922, 390, '鹿草乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3923, 390, '太保市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3924, 390, '朴子市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3925, 390, '东石乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3926, 390, '六脚乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3927, 390, '新港乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3928, 390, '民雄乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3929, 390, '大林镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3930, 390, '溪口乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3931, 390, '义竹乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3932, 390, '布袋镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3933, 391, '斗南镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3934, 391, '大埤乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3935, 391, '虎尾镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3936, 391, '土库镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3937, 391, '褒忠乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3938, 391, '东势乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3939, 391, '台西乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3940, 391, '仑背乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3941, 391, '麦寮乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3942, 391, '斗六市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3943, 391, '林内乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3944, 391, '古坑乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3945, 391, '莿桐乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3946, 391, '西螺镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3947, 391, '二仑乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3948, 391, '北港镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3949, 391, '水林乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3950, 391, '口湖乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3951, 391, '四湖乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3952, 391, '元长乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3953, 392, '屏东市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3954, 392, '三地门乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3955, 392, '雾台乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3956, 392, '玛家乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3957, 392, '九如乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3958, 392, '里港乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3959, 392, '高树乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3960, 392, '盐埔乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3961, 392, '长治乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3962, 392, '麟洛乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3963, 392, '竹田乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3964, 392, '内埔乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3965, 392, '万丹乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3966, 392, '潮州镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3967, 392, '泰武乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3968, 392, '来义乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3969, 392, '万峦乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3970, 392, '崁顶乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3971, 392, '新埤乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3972, 392, '南州乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3973, 392, '林边乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3974, 392, '东港镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3975, 392, '琉球乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3976, 392, '佳冬乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3977, 392, '新园乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3978, 392, '枋寮乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3979, 392, '枋山乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3980, 392, '春日乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3981, 392, '狮子乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3982, 392, '车城乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3983, 392, '牡丹乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3984, 392, '恒春镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3985, 392, '满州乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3986, 393, '台东市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3987, 393, '绿岛乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3988, 393, '兰屿乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3989, 393, '延平乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3990, 393, '卑南乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3991, 393, '鹿野乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3992, 393, '关山镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3993, 393, '海端乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3994, 393, '池上乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3995, 393, '东河乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3996, 393, '成功镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3997, 393, '长滨乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3998, 393, '金峰乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (3999, 393, '大武乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4000, 393, '达仁乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4001, 393, '太麻里乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4002, 394, '花莲市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4003, 394, '新城乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4004, 394, '太鲁阁', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4005, 394, '秀林乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4006, 394, '吉安乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4007, 394, '寿丰乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4008, 394, '凤林镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4009, 394, '光复乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4010, 394, '丰滨乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4011, 394, '瑞穗乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4012, 394, '万荣乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4013, 394, '玉里镇', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4014, 394, '卓溪乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4015, 394, '富里乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4016, 395, '马公市', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4017, 395, '西屿乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4018, 395, '望安乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4019, 395, '七美乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4020, 395, '白沙乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4021, 395, '湖西乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4022, 396, '南竿乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4023, 396, '北竿乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4024, 396, '莒光乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4025, 396, '东引乡', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4026, 397, '中西区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4027, 397, '湾仔', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4028, 397, '东区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4029, 397, '南区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4030, 398, '九龙城区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4031, 398, '油尖旺区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4032, 398, '深水埗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4033, 398, '黄大仙区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4034, 398, '观塘区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4035, 399, '北区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4036, 399, '大埔区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4037, 399, '沙田区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4038, 399, '西贡区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4039, 399, '元朗区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4040, 399, '屯门区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4041, 399, '荃湾区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4042, 399, '葵青区', 3, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_region` VALUES (4043, 399, '离岛区', 3, 0); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_related_goods -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_related_goods`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_related_goods` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goods_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `related_goods_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_search_history -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_search_history`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_search_history` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `keyword` char(50) NOT NULL, `from` varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '搜索来源,如PC、小程序、APP等', `add_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '搜索时间', `user_id` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=28 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_search_history -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_search_history` VALUES (23, '母亲节', '', 1500564813, '1'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_search_history` VALUES (24, '日式', '', 1500564816, '1'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_search_history` VALUES (25, '日式', '', 1500564822, '1'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_search_history` VALUES (26, '清新', '', 1500564835, '1'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_search_history` VALUES (27, '日式', '', 1500638161, '1'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_shipper -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_shipper`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_shipper` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '快递公司名称', `code` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '快递公司代码', `sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '10' COMMENT '排序', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `nideshop_shipper_id_uindex` (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=14 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='快递公司'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_shipper -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (1, '顺丰速运', 'SF', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (2, '百世快递', 'HTKY', 2); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (3, '中通快递', 'ZTO', 3); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (4, '申通快递', 'STO', 4); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (5, '圆通速递', 'YTO', 5); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (6, '韵达速递', 'YD', 6); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (7, '邮政快递包裹', 'YZPY', 7); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (8, 'EMS', 'EMS', 8); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (9, '天天快递', 'HHTT', 9); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (10, '京东物流', 'JD', 10); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (11, '全峰快递', 'QFKD', 11); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (12, '国通快递', 'GTO', 12); INSERT INTO `nideshop_shipper` VALUES (13, '优速快递', 'UC', 13); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_specification -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_specification`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_specification` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `sort_order` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='规格表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_specification -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_specification` VALUES (1, '颜色', 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_specification` VALUES (2, '规格', 2); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_topic -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_topic`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_topic` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''''', `content` text, `avatar` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `item_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `subtitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''', `topic_category_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `price_info` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `read_count` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `scene_pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `topic_template_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `topic_tag_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `sort_order` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100', `is_show` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', KEY `topic_id` (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=316 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_topic -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (314, '关爱他成长的每一个足迹', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '专业运动品牌同厂,毛毛虫鞋买二送一', 2, 0.00, '6.4k', '', 0, 0, 1, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (313, '一次解决5个节日送礼难题', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '这些就是他们想要的礼物清单', 0, 59.90, '7.8k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (300, '秒杀化学洗涤剂的纯天然皂', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '前段时间有朋友跟我抱怨,和婆婆住到一起才发现生活理念有太多不和。别的不提,光是洗...', 1, 0.00, '15.3k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (299, '买过的人都说它是差旅神器', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '许多人经历过旅途中内裤洗晾不便的烦恼,尤其与旅伴同居一室时,晾在卫生间里的内裤更...', 1, 0.00, '28.7k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (295, '他们在严选遇见的新生活', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '多款商品直减中,最高直减400元', 0, 35.80, '36.6k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (294, '这只锅,可以从祖母用到孙辈', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '买100年传世珐琅锅送迷你马卡龙色小锅', 4, 149.00, '108.1k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (291, '舒适新主张', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '如何挑选适合自己的好物?', 0, 29.00, '67.8k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (289, '专业运动袜也可以高性价比', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '越来越多运动人士意识到,运动鞋要购置好的,鞋里的运动袜也不可忽视。专业运动袜帮助...', 1, 0.00, '11.9k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (287, '严选新式样板间', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '一种软装一个家', 3, 29.90, '55.6k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (286, '无“油”无虑的甜蜜酥脆', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '大家都知道,饮食组是严选体重最重的一组,基本上每个新人都能在一个月之内迅速长胖。...', 1, 0.00, '15.6k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (281, '条纹新风尚', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '经典百搭,时尚线条', 3, 29.00, '76.5k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (282, '成就一室笋香', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '三石哥办公室常备小食推荐', 2, 12.00, '40.9k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (283, '孩子成长中少不了的一双鞋', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '说起毛毛虫鞋,好处实在太多了,作为一个2岁孩子的宝妈选品员,按捺不住想告诉大家,...', 1, 0.00, '42.5k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (277, '治愈生活的满怀柔软', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '太鼓抱枕的上架历程,是从失踪开始的。由于表面的绒感,最初它被安排在秋冬季上架。某...', 1, 0.00, '19.6k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (274, '没有软木拖,怎么过夏天', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '刚入四月,杭州的气温就已升高至30度。店庆时买了软木拖的用户,陆续发回评价说,很...', 1, 0.00, '46.4k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (272, '料理也要精细简单', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '享受天然的味道,日子每天都好新鲜', 2, 69.00, '125.6k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (271, '选式新懒人', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '懒出格调,懒出好生活。', 3, 15.00, '57.7k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (268, '米饭好吃的秘诀:会呼吸的锅', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '今年1月份,我们联系到了日本伊贺地区的长谷园,那里有着180年伊贺烧历史的窑厂。...', 1, 0.00, '33.3k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (266, '一条丝巾就能提升时髦度', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '不知道大家对去年G20时,严选与国礼制造商一起推出的《凤凰于飞》等几款丝巾是否还...', 1, 0.00, '35.0k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic` VALUES (264, '设计师们推荐的应季好物', '<img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">\n <img src=\"//\">', '', '', '原创设计春款系列上新', 0, 29.90, '77.7k', '', 0, 0, 0, 1); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_topic_category -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_topic_category`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_topic_category` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_topic_category -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic_category` VALUES (1, '严选幕后', ''); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic_category` VALUES (2, '丁磊私物推荐', ''); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic_category` VALUES (3, '特色系列', ''); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic_category` VALUES (4, '明星商品', ''); INSERT INTO `nideshop_topic_category` VALUES (5, '严选推荐', ''); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_user -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_user`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_user` ( `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `gender` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `birthday` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `register_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `last_login_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `last_login_ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `user_level_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `nickname` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `mobile` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `register_ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `avatar` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `weixin_openid` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `user_name` (`username`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_user_coupon -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_user_coupon`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_user_coupon` ( `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `coupon_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `coupon_number` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `used_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `order_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=32 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_user_coupon -- 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`nideshop_user_coupon` VALUES (26, 3, '0', 1, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_user_coupon` VALUES (27, 3, '0', 1, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_user_coupon` VALUES (28, 3, '0', 1, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_user_coupon` VALUES (29, 3, '0', 1, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_user_coupon` VALUES (30, 3, '0', 1, 0, 0); INSERT INTO `nideshop_user_coupon` VALUES (31, 3, '0', 1, 0, 0); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for nideshop_user_level -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nideshop_user_level`; CREATE TABLE `nideshop_user_level` ( `id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of nideshop_user_level -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `nideshop_user_level` VALUES (1, '普通用户', '0'); INSERT INTO `nideshop_user_level` VALUES (2, 'vip', '10000'); COMMIT; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;