Factory8 - Dubby Front End 产能控制前端部分 ======================= Based on AdminBSB-Material [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/adminbsb-materialdesign.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/adminbsb-materialdesign) ![Bower version](https://img.shields.io/bower/v/adminbsb-materialdesign.svg) **AdminBSB - Material Design is a fully responsive and free admin template.** It was developed with [Bootstrap 3.x Framework](http://getbootstrap.com) and [Google Material Design](https://material.google.com) of powers. It's really easy to customize and usage. You can use for from 320px to large resolution pixels of new generation screens and mobile devices. (**Fully Responsive Material Design**) Looking for Premium Templates? ---------------- **If you need more features please visit portfolio of mine which page link is [https://themeforest.net/user/gurayyarar/portfolio](http://bit.ly/2oPFpmQ)** Demo ---------------- You can check the website preview with **[this link](https://gurayyarar.github.io/AdminBSBMaterialDesign/)** ![AdminBSB - Free Admin Template With Material Design](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gurayyarar/AdminBSBMaterialDesign/master/images/screenshot.png) Installation ---------------- You can choose one from multiple ways for installation. **GitHub** - Fork the repository ([here is the guide](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/)). - Clone to your machine ``` git clone https://github.com/gurayyarar/AdminBSBMaterialDesign.git ``` **npm** ``` npm install adminbsb-materialdesign ``` **bower** ``` bower install adminbsb-materialdesign ``` Documentation ---------- Visit the **[documentation](https://gurayyarar.github.io/AdminBSBMaterialDesign/documentation/)** Browser Support ---------- - IE 10 + - Microsoft Edge (Latest) - Mozilla Firefox (Latest) - Google Chrome (Latest) - Opera (Latest) - Safari (Latest) Change Logs ---------- You can display all release notes with **[this link](https://gurayyarar.github.io/AdminBSBMaterialDesign/pages/changelogs.html)** FAQ === **Can I use this template for personal or commercial websites/web projects?** Sure, you can use both of personal and commercial websites/web projects. **Is the attribution link required?** No, not required. (Though very much appreciated) License ---------- **AdminBSB - Material Design** is an open source project that is licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). Donations ---------- Donations are **greatly appreciated!** **[BUY ME A COFFEE](http://bit.ly/2yEjtx5)**