@@ -5,232 +5,236 @@ const FAST = 16;
const PASSIVE = 32;
const PASSIVE = 32;
+/** *
* DataObject DO
* DataObject DO
* @param cname
* @param cname
* @param serverJsonObj
* @param serverJsonObj
* @constructor
* @constructor
-var DataObject = function(cname, serverJsonObj){
- this.ctlName = cname;
- this.jsonObj = serverJsonObj;
- this.getVal = function (key) {
- return jsonObj[key];
- };
- this.serVal = function (key, val) {
- jsonObj[key] = val;
- };
+const DataObject = function (cname, serverJsonObj) {
+ this.ctlName = cname;
+ this.jsonObj = serverJsonObj;
+ this.getVal = function (key) {
+ return this.sonObj[key];
+ };
+ this.serVal = function (key, val) {
+ this.jsonObj[key] = val;
+ };
+/** *
* DataObjectList
* DataObjectList
* @param name
* @param name
* @constructor
* @constructor
-var DataObjectList = function(name){
- this.ctlName = name;
- this.list = null;
- this.isSorted = false;
- this.preSort = [];
- /***
+const DataObjectList = function (name) {
+ this.ctlName = name;
+ this.list = null;
+ this.isSorted = false;
+ this.preSort = [];
+ this.comparisonBasis = null;
+ /** *
* sorting
* sorting
* @param comparator (a,b) =====> a - b
* @param comparator (a,b) =====> a - b
- this.sortBy = function(comparator){
- this.preSort = new Array();
- for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) this.preSort.push(list[i]);
- quickSort(this.preSort, 0, this.preSort.length - 1, function(l, r){});
- };
- this.clearData = function () {
- this.isSorted = false;
- this.preSort = null;
- this.list = null;
+ this.sortBy = function (comparator) {
+ this.comparisonBasis = comparator;
+ this.preSort = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
+ this.preSort.push(this.list[i]);
+ this.quickSort(this.preSort, 0, this.preSort.length - 1, this.comparisonBasis);
+ };
+ this.clearData = function () {
+ this.isSorted = false;
+ this.preSort = null;
+ this.list = null;
+ };
+ this.len = function () {
+ if (this.list == null) return 0;
+ return this.list.length;
+ };
+ this.mergeJsonData = function (data, extdata) {
+ this.list = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) this.addObject(data[i]);
+ if (this.comparisonBasis != null) this.sortBy(this.comparisonBasis);
+ };
+ this.addObject = function (jsonObj) {
+ this.list.push(new DataObject(this.ctlName, jsonObj));
+ };
+ this.assignJsonData = function (data) {
+ this.clearData();
+ this.mergeJsonData(data);
+ };
+ this.getRaw = function (index) {
+ if (this.list == null) return null;
+ return this.list[index];
+ };
+ this.getSorted = function (index) {
+ if (this.list == null) return null;
+ if (!this.isSorted) return this.getRaw(index);
+ return this.preSort[index];
+ };
+ this.quickSort = function (a, left, right, comp) {
+ var inputVar = a;
+ if (left > right) { // 一定要有这个判断,因为有递归left和i-1,若没有这个判断条件,该函数会进入无限死错位递归
+ return;
+ }
+ let i = left;
+ let j = right;
+ const pivot = inputVar[left]; // 基准总是取序列开头的元素
+ while (i !== j) {
+ while ((comp(inputVar[j], pivot) > 0) && i < j) { j--; }
+ while ((comp(inputVar[j], pivot) <= 0) && i < j) { i++; }
+ if (i < j) { // 如果i==j跳出外层while
+ const t = inputVar[i];
+ inputVar[i] = inputVar[j];
+ inputVar[j] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ inputVar[left] = inputVar[i];// 交换基准数和k位置上的数
+ inputVar[i] = pivot;
- this.len = function() {
- if(this.list == null) return 0;
- return this.list.length;
- };
- this.mergeJsonData = function (data, extdata) {
- this.list = new Array();
- for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) this.addObject(data[i]);
- };
- this.addObject = function (jsonObj) {
- this.list.push(new DataObject(this.ctlName, jsonObj));
- };
- this.assignJsonData = function (data) {
- this.clearData();
- this.mergeJsonData(data);
- };
- this.getRaw = function (index) {
- if(this.list == null) return null;
- return this.list[index];
- };
- this.getSorted = function (index) {
- if(this.list == null) return null;
- if(!this.isSorted) return this.getRaw(index);
- return this.preSort[index];
- };
- this.quickSort = function (a,left,right,comp){
- if(left>right){ //一定要有这个判断,因为有递归left和i-1,若没有这个判断条件,该函数会进入无限死错位递归
- return;
- }
- var i=left,
- j=right,
- pivot=a[left]; //基准总是取序列开头的元素
- while(i!=j){
- while((comp(a[j],pivot) > 0)&&i<j){j--}
- while((comp(a[j],pivot) <= 0)&&i<j){i++}
- if(i<j){ //如果i==j跳出外层while
- var t=a[i];
- a[i]=a[j];
- a[j]=t;
- }
- }
- a[left]=a[i];//交换基准数和k位置上的数
- a[i]=pivot;
- quicksort(a,left,i-1,comp);
- quicksort(a,i+1,right,comp);
- };
+ this.quicksort(inputVar, left, i - 1, comp);
+ this.quicksort(inputVar, i + 1, right, comp);
+ };
+/** *
* DOService
* DOService
* @param controlName
* @param controlName
* @constructor
* @constructor
-var DataObjectService = function(controlName, syncType, extparm){
- this.ctlName = controlName;
- // 2=default 4=on-demand, 8=auto, 16:fast, 32=passive
- this.syncType = syncType;
- this.extParm = extparm;
- this.isDefault = ((syncType & DEFAULT) !== 0);
- this.isOnDemand = ((syncType & ONDEMAND) !== 0);
- this.isAuto = ((syncType & AUTO) !== 0);
- this.isFast = ((syncType & FAST) !== 0);
- this.isPassive = ((syncType & PASSIVE) !== 0);
- this.failedCount= 0;
- this.list = new DataObjectList(controlName);
- this.autoUpdateTimer = 0;
- this.autoInterval = 1000;
- this.callerThis = this;
- this.setUpInterval = function() {
- //URL + exparm
- if(this.autoUpdateTimer != 0) clearInterval(this.autoUpdateTimer);
- this.autoUpdateTimer = setInterval(this.selfUpdateTick, this.autoInterval, this);
- setTimeout(this.selfUpdateTick, 1000, this);
+const DataObjectService = function (controlName, syncType, extparm) {
+ this.ctlName = controlName;
+ // 2=default 4=on-demand, 8=auto, 16:fast, 32=passive
+ this.syncType = syncType;
+ this.extParm = extparm;
+ this.isDefault = ((syncType & DEFAULT) !== 0);
+ this.isOnDemand = ((syncType & ONDEMAND) !== 0);
+ this.isAuto = ((syncType & AUTO) !== 0);
+ this.isFast = ((syncType & FAST) !== 0);
+ this.isPassive = ((syncType & PASSIVE) !== 0);
+ this.failedCount = 0;
+ this.list = new DataObjectList(controlName);
+ this.autoUpdateTimer = 0;
+ this.autoInterval = 1000;
+ this.callerThis = this;
+ this.setUpInterval = function () {
+ // URL + exparm
+ if (this.autoUpdateTimer !== 0) clearInterval(this.autoUpdateTimer);
+ this.autoUpdateTimer = setInterval(this.selfUpdateTick, this.autoInterval, this);
+ setTimeout(this.selfUpdateTick, 1000, this);
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ this.appUrl = `${controlName}/list${extparm}`;
+ if (!this.isFast || this.isOnDemand) {
+ this.autoInterval = 300;
- this.init = function(){
- this.appUrl = controlName + "/list" + extparm;
- if(!this.isFast || this.isOnDemand){
- this.autoInterval = 300;
- }
- if(this.isFast) {
- this.appUrl = controlName + "/get" + extparm;
- }
+ if (this.isFast) {
+ this.appUrl = `${controlName}/get${extparm}`;
+ }
- if(this.isAuto){
- // timer
- this.setUpInterval();
- }
- };
+ if (this.isAuto) {
+ // timer
+ this.setUpInterval();
+ }
+ };
- this.stopTimers = function () {
- clearInterval(this.autoUpdateTimer);
- this.autoUpdateTimer = 0;
- };
+ this.stopTimers = function () {
+ clearInterval(this.autoUpdateTimer);
+ this.autoUpdateTimer = 0;
+ };
- /***
+ /** *
* Automatica Update Tick, where obj is a replacement for "this" where "this" might be incorrect
* Automatica Update Tick, where obj is a replacement for "this" where "this" might be incorrect
* @param obj : DataObjectService
* @param obj : DataObjectService
- this.selfUpdateTick = function(obj){
- get_data(obj.appUrl, obj.onDataReceived, obj);
- };
- this.onDemandUpdate = function(obj){
- get_data(obj.appUrl, obj.onDataReceived, obj);
- };
- this.onDataReceived = function(data, sta){
- let obj = this.callerThis;
- if(obj == undefined){console.error("Cannot get callerThis in onDataReceived, please check"); console.error(this)}
- let output = first_parse(this, data);
- if (output.list == undefined || output.list.length == 0) {
- obj.failedCount++;
- if(obj.failedCount > 100){
- obj.failedCount = 0;
- obj.stopTimers();
- console.log("[排行榜返回为空git clone https://github.com/pentaho/mondrian-tck.git次数过多],暂停刷新");
- }
- if(obj.failedCount == 2) {
- send_alert("排行榜多次返回没有数据,请尝试重新加载! [" + obj.appUrl +"]");
- }
- }else{
- obj.list.assignJsonData(output.list);
- }
- };
- this.getList = function () {
- return this.list;
- };
- this.passiveUpdate = function(data){
- this.failedCount = 0;
- this.list.assignJsonData(data);
- };
- this.init();
+ this.selfUpdateTick = function (obj) {
+ get_data(obj.appUrl, obj.onDataReceived, obj);
+ };
+ this.onDemandUpdate = function (obj) {
+ get_data(obj.appUrl, obj.onDataReceived, obj);
+ };
+ this.onDataReceived = function (data, sta) {
+ const obj = this.callerThis;
+ if (obj === undefined) { console.error('Cannot get callerThis in onDataReceived, please check'); console.error(this); }
+ const output = first_parse(this, data);
+ if (output.list === undefined || output.list.length === 0) {
+ obj.failedCount++;
+ if (obj.failedCount > 100) {
+ obj.failedCount = 0;
+ obj.stopTimers();
+ console.log('[排行榜返回为空git clone https://github.com/pentaho/mondrian-tck.git次数过多],暂停刷新');
+ }
+ if (obj.failedCount === 2) {
+ send_alert(`排行榜多次返回没有数据,请尝试重新加载! [${obj.appUrl}]`);
+ }
+ } else {
+ obj.list.assignJsonData(output.list);
+ }
+ };
+ this.getList = function () {
+ return this.list;
+ };
+ this.passiveUpdate = function (data) {
+ this.failedCount = 0;
+ this.list.assignJsonData(data);
+ };
+ this.init();
-var SinglePage = function () {
- this.modules = [];
+const SinglePage = function () {
+ this.modules = [];
-var Module = function(chartContainerSelector, dataCtlName){
- this.selector = chartContainerSelector;
- this.dataCtl = dataCtlName;
- this.activeData = null;
- this.lastActive = 0;
- this.tickInterval = 1000;
- /***
+const Module = function (chartContainerSelector, dataCtlName) {
+ this.selector = chartContainerSelector;
+ this.dataCtl = dataCtlName;
+ this.activeData = null;
+ this.lastActive = 0;
+ this.tickInterval = 1000;
+ /** *
* bindData to UI
* bindData to UI
* @param data DataObjectList
* @param data DataObjectList
- this.setData = function (data) {
- if(data.ctlName == this.dataCtl){
- console.log(`-------- Module ${this.selector} got data ----------- `);
- this.activeData = data;
- this.drawData(this.activeData);
- }else{
- console.log(`-------- Module ${this.selector} cannot use data of ${data.ctlName} ----------- `);
- }
- };
- this.init = function () {
- // do init
- this.setupInterval();
- };
- this.tick = function () {
- // do tick
- };
- this.setupInterval = function () {
- // do tick
- if(this.tickInterval != 0) clearInterval(this.tickInterval);
- this.tickInterval = setInterval(this.tick, this.tickInterval);
- };
- this.drawData = function () {
- // do drawData
- };
+ this.setData = function (data) {
+ if (data.ctlName === this.dataCtl) {
+ console.log(`-------- Module ${this.selector} got data ----------- `);
+ this.activeData = data;
+ this.drawData(this.activeData);
+ } else {
+ console.log(`-------- Module ${this.selector} cannot use data of ${data.ctlName} ----------- `);
+ }
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ // do init
+ this.setupInterval();
+ };
+ this.tick = function () {
+ // do tick
+ };
+ this.setupInterval = function () {
+ // do tick
+ if (this.tickInterval !== 0) clearInterval(this.tickInterval);
+ this.tickInterval = setInterval(this.tick, this.tickInterval);
+ };
+ this.drawData = function () {
+ // do drawData
+ };