@@ -143,19 +143,19 @@ module.exports = class extends Base {
// 统计商品总价
const orderGoodsData = [];
- for (const goodsItem of checkedGoodsList) {
+ for (const checkedGoods of checkedGoodsList) {
order_id: orderId,
- goods_id: goodsItem.goods_id,
- goods_sn: goodsItem.goods_sn,
- product_id: goodsItem.product_id,
- goods_name: goodsItem.goods_name,
- list_pic_url: goodsItem.list_pic_url,
- market_price: goodsItem.market_price,
- retail_price: goodsItem.retail_price,
- number: goodsItem.number,
- goods_specifition_name_value: goodsItem.goods_specifition_name_value,
- goods_specifition_ids: goodsItem.goods_specifition_ids
+ goods_id: checkedGoods.goods_id,
+ goods_sn: checkedGoods.goods_sn,
+ product_id: checkedGoods.product_id,
+ goods_name: checkedGoods.goods_name,
+ list_pic_url: checkedGoods.list_pic_url,
+ market_price: checkedGoods.market_price,
+ retail_price: checkedGoods.retail_price,
+ number: checkedGoods.number,
+ goods_specifition_name_value: checkedGoods.goods_specifition_name_value,
+ goods_specifition_ids: checkedGoods.goods_specifition_ids
@@ -177,4 +177,101 @@ module.exports = class extends Base {
const latestExpressInfo = await this.model('order_express').getLatestOrderExpress(orderId);
return this.success(latestExpressInfo);
+ /**
+ * 立即购买(一件商品)
+ * @returns {Promise.<void>}
+ * post:
+ * brandId: 商户的id
+ * goodsId: 购买的商品的id
+ * goodsCount: 购买数量
+ */
+ async buynowAction() {
+ // 获取收货地址信息和计算运费
+ const brandId = this.post('brandId'); // 商户id
+ let checkedAddress = await this.model('address').where({ brandId: brandId }).find(); // 商户地址
+ if (think.isEmpty(checkedAddress)) {
+ checkedAddress = await this.model('address').where({ id: 1 }).find(); // 默认地址
+ }
+ // 获取要购买的商品
+ const checkedGoodsId = this.post('goodsId');
+ const checkedGoods = await this.model('goods').where({ id: checkedGoodsId }).find(); // 获取商品信息
+ if (think.isEmpty(checkedGoods)) {
+ return this.fail('商品已下架');
+ }
+ // 统计商品总价
+ const goodsTotalPrice = parseInt(this.post('goodsCount')) * Math.ceil(checkedGoods.retail_price / 50) * 50; // 价格取整
+ const currentTime = parseInt(this.getTime() / 1000);
+ // 更新用户余额
+ const user = await this.model('user').where({id: this.getLoginUserId()}).find();
+ if (think.isEmpty(user) || parseInt(user.isAuthen) === 0) return this.fail('用户未注册');
+ if (user.balance < goodsTotalPrice) return this.fail('余额不足');
+ think.logger.debug(user.balance + '-=' + goodsTotalPrice);
+ await this.model('user').where({id: this.getLoginUserId()}).update({
+ balance: user.balance - goodsTotalPrice
+ });
+ // 更新商品数量
+ if (checkedGoods.goods_number < this.post('goodsCount')) this.fail('库存不足');
+ await this.model('goods').where({id: checkedGoodsId}).update({
+ goods_number: checkedGoods.goods_number - this.post('goodsCount')
+ });
+ const orderInfo = {
+ order_sn: this.model('order').generateOrderNumber(),
+ user_id: this.getLoginUserId(),
+ // 收货地址和运费
+ consignee: checkedAddress.name,
+ mobile: checkedAddress.mobile,
+ province: checkedAddress.province_id,
+ city: checkedAddress.city_id,
+ district: checkedAddress.district_id,
+ address: checkedAddress.address,
+ freight_price: 0.00,
+ // 留言
+ postscript: '',
+ // 使用的优惠券
+ coupon_id: 0,
+ coupon_price: 0,
+ add_time: currentTime,
+ goods_price: goodsTotalPrice,
+ order_price: goodsTotalPrice,
+ actual_price: goodsTotalPrice
+ };
+ // 开启事务,插入订单信息和订单商品
+ const orderId = await this.model('order').add(orderInfo);
+ orderInfo.id = orderId;
+ if (!orderId) {
+ return this.fail('订单提交失败');
+ }
+ // 统计商品总价
+ const orderGoodsData = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.post('goodsCount'); i++) {
+ orderGoodsData.push({
+ order_id: orderId,
+ goods_id: checkedGoods.goods_id,
+ goods_sn: checkedGoods.goods_sn,
+ product_id: checkedGoods.product_id,
+ goods_name: checkedGoods.goods_name,
+ list_pic_url: checkedGoods.list_pic_url,
+ market_price: checkedGoods.market_price,
+ retail_price: checkedGoods.retail_price,
+ number: checkedGoods.number,
+ goods_specifition_name_value: checkedGoods.goods_specifition_name_value,
+ goods_specifition_ids: checkedGoods.goods_specifition_ids
+ });
+ }
+ await this.model('order_goods').addMany(orderGoodsData);
+ return this.success({ orderInfo: orderInfo });
+ }