#include // // Created by Frapo on 2018/2/9. // #include "include/libhdfs++/hdfs.h" #include #include using namespace ::hdfs; using ::asio::ip::tcp; void print_buf(void * buf, size_t read_count); static IoService * ioService = NULL; int initialize(){ ioService = new IoServiceImpl(); auto func = std::bind(& IoService::Run, ioService); std::thread first(func); first.detach(); } InputStream * open_hdfs_file(const char *file_path,const char *server, short unsigned int port){ if(ioService == NULL){ initialize(); } FileSystem * fsptr; Status stat = FileSystem::New(ioService, server, port, &fsptr); if (!stat.ok()) { printf("[Exception] Main::read_a_file Unable to establish connection to server %s:%d", server, port); printf(stat.ToString().c_str()); throw std::bad_exception(); } InputStream * isptr; // 读取一次 stat = fsptr->Open(file_path, &isptr); if (!stat.ok()) { printf("[Exception] Main::read_a_file Unable to open file %s", file_path); printf(stat.ToString().c_str()); throw std::bad_exception(); } return isptr; } /// Open a file to InputStream *. /// \param file_path /// \param server /// \param port /// \return int read_a_file(InputStream * isptr, void * buf, size_t file_size, int offset_in_trunk){ //size_t file_size = 100; //int offset_in_trunk = 10; /* * * rand.nextBytes(contents); * OutputStream os = cluster.getFileSystem().create(new Path("/foo")) * os.write(contents); * * */ size_t read_count = 0; isptr->PositionRead(buf, file_size, 0, &read_count); print_buf(buf,read_count); printf("read : %lu", read_count); free(buf); buf = malloc(file_size - offset_in_trunk); read_count = 0; isptr->PositionRead(buf, file_size - offset_in_trunk, offset_in_trunk, &read_count); print_buf(buf,read_count); printf("read : %lu", read_count); free(buf); return 0; } void print_buf(void * buf, size_t read_count){ for(unsigned int indi = 0; indi < read_count ; indi++){ putchar( *((char *) (buf) +indi)); } free(buf); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { static_cast(argc); static_cast(argv); std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl; //int PORT = 9000; std::string host = ""; std::string fn = "/a.txt"; // getting size of file. int file_size = 1000; void *buf = malloc(file_size); InputStream *isptr; try { isptr = open_hdfs_file("/a.txt", "", 9000); }catch(std::bad_exception ef){ printf("\n\ncannot open hdfs file, exception what() : %s ",ef.what()); isptr = 0; } if(isptr == NULL){ return -101; } read_a_file(isptr, buf, 100, 50); } /** * * hdfsFS fs = hdfsConnect("default", 0); const char* writePath = "/tmp/testfile.txt"; hdfsFile writeFile = hdfsOpenFile(fs, writePath, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0, 0, 0); if(!writeFile) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for writing!\n", writePath); exit(-1); } char* buffer = "Hello, World!"; tSize num_written_bytes = hdfsWrite(fs, writeFile, (void*)buffer, strlen(buffer)+1); if (hdfsFlush(fs, writeFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to 'flush' %s\n", writePath); exit(-1); } hdfsCloseFile(fs, writeFile);* / * */