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- /* Left Sidebar - Function =================================================================================================
- * You can manage the left sidebar menu options
- *
- */
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- /* Right Sidebar - Function ================================================================================================
- * You can manage the right sidebar menu options
- *
- */
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- activate: function () {
- var _this = this;
- var $sidebar = $('#rightsidebar');
- var $overlay = $('.overlay');
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- return $('.right-sidebar').hasClass('open');
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- /* Searchbar - Function ================================================================================================
- * You can manage the search bar
- *
- */
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- activate: function () {
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- /* Navbar - Function =======================================================================================================
- * You can manage the navbar
- *
- */
- $.AdminBSB.navbar = {
- activate: function () {
- var $body = $('body');
- var $overlay = $('.overlay');
- //Open left sidebar panel
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- /* Input - Function ========================================================================================================
- * You can manage the inputs(also textareas) with name of class 'form-control'
- *
- */
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- /* Form - Select - Function ================================================================================================
- * You can manage the 'select' of form elements
- *
- */
- $.AdminBSB.select = {
- activate: function () {
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- /* DropdownMenu - Function =================================================================================================
- * You can manage the dropdown menu
- *
- */
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- activate: function () {
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- if (typeof callback == 'function') {
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- });
- }
- }
- //==========================================================================================================================
- /* Browser - Function ======================================================================================================
- * You can manage browser
- *
- */
- var edge = 'Microsoft Edge';
- var ie10 = 'Internet Explorer 10';
- var ie11 = 'Internet Explorer 11';
- var opera = 'Opera';
- var firefox = 'Mozilla Firefox';
- var chrome = 'Google Chrome';
- var safari = 'Safari';
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- activate: function () {
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- return chrome;
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- return firefox;
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- return safari;
- }
- return undefined;
- },
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- return 'ie11';
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- return 'opera';
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- return 'chrome';
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- return 'firefox';
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- return 'safari';
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- }
- }
- //==========================================================================================================================
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- $.AdminBSB.browser.activate();
- $.AdminBSB.leftSideBar.activate();
- $.AdminBSB.rightSideBar.activate();
- $.AdminBSB.navbar.activate();
- $.AdminBSB.dropdownMenu.activate();
- $.AdminBSB.input.activate();
- $.AdminBSB.select.activate();
- $.AdminBSB.search.activate();
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